Ok so obviously, I'm the newb blademaster... And well this is what I did.
When Drennan (the necromancer) attacked me in the arena I was first very scared and didn't know what to do. So I hesitated but then I shield (shield tattoo) myself, then I tried to attack him but I dispersed the shield, then I actually did attack him with drawslash and I did that several times until of course he clench fists me, and then makes my hands disabled and my legs disabled and I couldn't touch shield again, then he used some sort of fear mechanism and made me go away and again I didn't know what to do so I tried using my mending salve for curing my hands and legs not in the shield and then he finished me off with his main attack which was a clenched fist. I just drawslashed and shielded myself only once.
Now that was for the first try. Second try I also failed. Third try however, I learned that I could atleast defend myself to where he'd give up, to where I use first touch shield, then mending salve because he did some sort of disabling of the hands and legs thing, and finally alleviate to cure myself of fear/paranoia as he's trying to disorient me from my fighting stance which works. I cannot attack him, I can only defend myself successfully everytime he tries to kill me.
Can you erudite individuals give me insight and wisdom so I can perhaps kill him successfully many times before he learns of another way to kill me?
My Striking is at Alleviate and my TwoArts is at Thyr, so that should give you guys some information on my combat problems...
Erm. Will post a real reply when not on my phone.