Unintended Consequences of Renown



  • Agree, we should all get 50 unbound credits per day upon login.  10 bound per minute being logged in.

    Ignore my frustration with the inevitable sliding scale of 'fair'.

  • Farrah said:
    For me, the only interesting thing about questing is trying new ones so having to repeat the same high renown ones over and over eliminates the appeal. I'd rather just foray at that point.
    For now though it could be interested to see which quests give renown for you? It's not all that do. Heck some of the ones I do just give 7

  • Farrah said:
    I'm convinced you live on a different planet than me because when I am there we are usually fighting 2-3 times our numbers.
    @Zulah You gotta post more logs.

    Disappearing from Achaea for now. See you, space cowboy.

    smileyface#8048 if you wanna chat.

  • So all I need to do is say "all Eleusis does is team, grrr" and post a log (https://ada-young.com/pastebin/CS2WIk1f) and suddenly it's true? Okay.
  • Arness isn't Eleusian.

    Disappearing from Achaea for now. See you, space cowboy.

    smileyface#8048 if you wanna chat.

  • A conversation about the consequences about renown and how to create alternative opportunities to foraying for rewarding play turns into "Hashani are all teamers, grr", "no we're not, grr". 

    man, we deserve crappy renown ;-;
    The Divine voice of Twilight echoes in your head, "See that it is. I espy a tithe of potential in your mortal soul, Astarod Blackstone. Let us hope that it flourishes and does not falter as so many do."

    Aegis, God of War says, "You are dismissed from My demense, Astarod. Go forth and fight well. Bleed fiercely, and climb the purpose you have sought to chase for."
  • ArchaeonArchaeon Ur mums house lol
    Mission accomplished
  • snowflakes
  • I can agree that there are, and always were, going to be growing pains with this implementation. However, how anyone argues against the idea itself is beyond me.

    I imagine I am not alone in only staying because I can earn them IG instead of spending money I don't have. It's a MAX of 20cr a day at current implementation. If it were what others' have asininely suggested, I'd see value in the counter-argument. It is not, and I do not.

    RE: disincentivized hunting
    Thank God. It's crazy good. If you like hunting, now your hunting zones are cleared less frequently. If you don't, now you can earn credits without having to do something you never liked.

    I mean, with crit(1) and reserves(1), anything above the level of Azdun Catacombs is too much, and even there I have to play a bit cautiously; Underlords are a LOT of hit and run. Takes, eh, maybe 10~13 balances to kill one denizen. At 3s per gut, that's 30~39s to get 350-500gp. At 13.5k per credit, which is low, recall,  that's near 15 minutes to earn one credit, assuming perfect order and no need to flee.  90ish hours of something I don't enjoy doing to buy reserves(1), a FIVE PERCENT increase in health/mana. 

    OR; foray once per day, spend half an hour if we've got some newbies who want to learn and RP the rest of my day away. A little over a month of minimal effort and boom. Five whole percent increase in health/mana. If I want to put in a little effort, which I often do not, I can cap renown a few times and bring that down to 2.5 weeks as the quickest possible means. If I throw in hunting on the side, 2 weeks-ish. 

    Why 10bcr a day is overtuned is something I'd like to ask for clarification on. Why does hunting gold have to be the metric this is compared to? More specifically, why does it need to be compared? The gold is icing on the (cake|gravy)* to delicious experience to a large portion of the people who hunt. Or maybe they want essence, and the gold becomes the icing on that cake/gravy.

    I would also second changes to PK adventure implementation, perhaps with some system in place to disallow trading to cap.

    *I know a guy.

  • edited January 2021
    I will give my outlook on the situation as it currently stands.

    - First and foremost, the time, effort, and actual attention required to snag a foray should reward appropriately as it currently does. There are some easier forays than others, and I and many others will forever mourn the loss of the Dragon Quest foray. However, nobody should nerf something that works well, or else it'll lead to less activity. 

    - That's my next point: Removing Easy/moderate rewarding renown does not mean that these people will turn their attention to other means of credits/hunting/etc. I think that the citizens who do nothing other than ask for renown via forays and harbours should be ousted from all cities and form some kind of boring ass clan for themselves. Changing the rewards on these types of instances will hurt us all equally, but may not have the desired effect- is my point. 

    - There are several renown adjustments that can be made, that I will detail below:
    1. Killing Maim [hunting] should reward 750 renown, not 150. Reasoning: Not only is this a complicated fight and one that requires coordination similar to Yuthka or Jeramun, but it can also be defended by Ashtan's best fighters, which adds another layer of deterrent. Therefore the reward should respect that. The change from 80-150 renown was kind of a joke, considering that's not even a full credit increase, lol. 

    2. Exploration should be deleted or adjusted. The two current options should be changed to be quests that reward the amount of renown that is equivalent to the current listing. Additionally, any initial quest renown should be doubled during exploration, or delete the exploration theme entirely.

    3. Complete a bounty [conflict] should have the bug fixed- if you complete a bounty in a TTD arena duel, it will give you TTD arena duel renown instead of the bounty renown. 

    4. Slay another adventurer outside the arena [conflict] should have additional adventures, like the deep-sea fishing (lbs) adventures. Not with increasing increments, but maybe 1-2 additional kills counting towards renown cap instead of just the one. 

    5. Be party to a tank disarming [conflict] should be elevated to 300 renown (to encourage people to defend). Likewise, Be party to a tank detonation [conflict] should be elevated to 500 renown. Like, just for instance, Complete a bounty [conflict] is more rewarding, and is easier (somewhat). For instance, Participate in a sanctioned raid [conflict] is more rewarding, and is easier (arguably). 

    6. Bribe dockworkers to pursue quarry [conflict] is kind of too low. It costs 30-45k to bribe someone off, and rewards half a credit. I'm sure that most of us won't be doing this for the exact adventure, but that's kind of stingy?

    Thank you for your time. Please give these ideas some consideration. 

    The Divine voice of Twilight echoes in your head, "See that it is. I espy a tithe of potential in your mortal soul, Astarod Blackstone. Let us hope that it flourishes and does not falter as so many do."

    Aegis, God of War says, "You are dismissed from My demense, Astarod. Go forth and fight well. Bleed fiercely, and climb the purpose you have sought to chase for."
  • Forays will need to have a significant random element introduced, the easier ones should have their reward reduced, or bashing gold/rewards need adjusted. The discrepancy is too massive right now.

    When I was playing, I could go from sitting in Mhaldor to completing a foray and being back in Mhaldor in 6 minutes and earn 10 credits. In  minutes of bashing I can make about one credit going full speed in a top area. And by the way, the foray generates more gold than the bashing does as well.

    I realize that not everyone can do the Aran'kesh foray that quick but the scale will be about the same for most people.

    Forays shouldn't be worth around 10x bashing speed.

  • ShirszaeShirszae Santo Domingo
    Why not? 

    And you won't understand the cause of your grief...

    ...But you'll always follow the voices beneath.

  • The gap is large for the time and effort required. Just in case this isn't clear, I'd prefer bashing be brought up a bit rather than forays be brought down.

    Economy balance is important - if there are a couple things that have a disproportionate reward to the challenge and time required it devalues everything else.

    In effect, forays generating 10 credits per completion was an indirect nerf to most other methods of generating credits. That wasn't an intended effect, but now that we've had time to feel the renown system out we have time to address issues the system created.

  • ShirszaeShirszae Santo Domingo
    I honestly don't think bashing should be used as a baseline for renown related things. The goal, frankly, should be to facilitate the collecting those credits while actively playing in the world.

    If anything, like others have suggested, many other renown things should be brought up, both hunting themed and not, to make people not feel like forays are such a neccessary staple to cap and get them participating in other aspects of the game like pvp or questing. 

    Should bashing gold also be brought up? Maybe. But whether it is brought up or not should nkt affect current or future foray rewards. 

    And you won't understand the cause of your grief...

    ...But you'll always follow the voices beneath.

  • Disparity is fine - the gap being this large isn't.

    Right now some artied forays generate more gold per minute and more experience than similar time spent bashing. They also reward 10/20 credits. Even without the credits it is better for me to loop forays with anthem partied partner than it is to bash alone.

  • I didn't know you'd get 10-20 credits every time you foray'd, sign me up.
  • Cooper said:
    Disparity is fine - the gap being this large isn't.

    Right now some artied forays generate more gold per minute and more experience than similar time spent bashing. They also reward 10/20 credits. Even without the credits it is better for me to loop forays with anthem partied partner than it is to bash alone.
    You're still going to be hitting the gold cap eventually, looping forays just save you some time in getting there, opens up bashing grounds for others and delay others being able to complete the foray (which is the problem if any in this case).

  • Forays are great, everywhere to hunt always seems hunted out when I have a good deal of free time to hunt. Side note alot of people that Pk already have massive amounts of artefacts they bought (ooc) and I think forays just even the field so the average joe can have a few nice things. 
  • As much as this pains me to say, since this isn't good for me, but I do think it's good for the game as a whole. I'd like to see forays changed to respawn just a couple minutes after they are finished and to give everyone a 6hr personal cooldown on completing forays. This cooldown should also reset at serenade. This would allow everyone who wants to get a foray to get it, but prevent people from looping forays with the same group over and over.
  • edited January 2021
    Endryn said:
    As much as this pains me to say, since this isn't good for me, but I do think it's good for the game as a whole. I'd like to see forays changed to respawn just a couple minutes after they are finished and to give everyone a 6hr personal cooldown on completing forays. This cooldown should also reset at serenade. This would allow everyone who wants to get a foray to get it, but prevent people from looping forays with the same group over and over.
    I agree with this. I actually think the only problem with forays is the wait time. If you have to spend an hour waiting to start a foray, that's an hour you're not free to participate in other aspects of the game. Also, waiting sucks and is bad for customer satisfaction. Many people are limited in their available time to play Achaea. 

    That said, I can't say enough good things about renown, forays, and how the admin continue to improve this game!

    (that is all)
  • I would like to see more forays with more complex puzzles that can be solved with various mechanics... 

    (Brace yourself, my imagination ran wild with this)
    I'm imagining a foray based on the stealthy infiltration of some keep/stronghold of some tomb raiders where a frontal assault will barrage the party with siege weapons (with the option to attempt to break down the doors). The guards will call other guards to assist them if alerted. However, clever interaction with various NPCs outside the stronghold would open up clues to find secret methods to gain access inside. Once one person's inside, they could sneak around and find a way to lower the gate or open up possible underground tunnels, sewer access, scaling the walls, sneaking in on the cart of some farmer delivering supplies, etc. 

    I think it should have a good amount (10?) of different 'access points' with 2 being available per instance (randomly generated). When inside, the infiltrator would have to avoid rooms of the guards. The guards would roam, but they would send a message to the adjacent rooms letting them know they're coming. Once the guards 'spot' the infiltrator, they would sound an alarm and call the other guards to chase. 

    I think class abilities and other mechanics could play a part- prisming into the infiltrator or brazier'ing them out when things go awry, casting portals, hiding/shrouding, pickpocketing keys/significant items from guards. 

    Then once the party makes it into the keep/ruin/stronghold, (maybe taking up disguises to blend in with the raiders? Or just fighting their way through.. maybe with traps that one can SEARCH for and DISARM?) there'd be a few randomized puzzles to get through the puzzle gates to get to an archive key. Taking the key would summon some super villain (that has massive damage reduction (or is invincible) if not in the presence of the relic). So the party would have to rush to unlock the relic and fight the villain. Then there would be a few different relics that each have a buff/added capability that would add another feature to the end fight. Each relic would change the boss fight- (eg. Enemies target relic holder, relic burns all players in room, relic holder is randomly stunned, relic holder is randomly blacked out, relic holder gains 'wellness' buff from spirituality bless ability, relic holder gains a mutation (per transmogrify) for the duration of the instance, etc)

    The super villain could 'displace' everyone in the room, teleporting them to different locations around the keep. Maybe once the super villain appears, the tomb raiders swap teams to support the party? Or maybe they don't? I don't know... 

    Long story short, it'd be cool to have more variation in the Forays with more alternative interactions/solutions. 

  • People are too stuck on comparing Renown/Forays to Bashing. Just because Bashing was the most common (not the only!) way to generate funds and buy credits ICly, does not mean it is an adequate comparison to getting BOUND credits via Renown.

    Think outside the box people.
  • The admin have said before that the average max repeatable income should be the gold cap. I can show you an email from just last year when they explicitly say as much. It is the bar they set so of course people use it.
  • Andraste said:
    At the cost of potentially upsetting a great number of you who have become quite accustomed to daily renown, I fear that it may be having some adverse effects on the game as a whole.
    I have been saying this for some time now about renown. I started playing not long prior to when it changed but long enough to get a feel for how it worked previously and after the changes to renown had been made I noticed similar things myself and I do agree with you that in its current iteration it has many negative impacts.

    Ever since those changes have been made I noticed a great lack of interest in many other activities that are not associated with gaining renown such as city-related tasks and duties. I feel it also has an impact on a novice's capability to find a mentor that can dedicate to them the time that they actually need, rather than someone who spends the majority of their time getting the renown cap. Players to me just come across as more interested in getting renown than doing anything that actually contributes to a city as a whole, there is this huge focus on forays and adventures now and the only thing I can think of that it compares to at this point would be the focus on combat.

    Can't say I have any opinion on the rate of credits it gives since personally I rarely ever bother to get cap or even try to get renown beyond doing a few quests or arena adventures, but I do think the change certainly helped out many newer players in being able to gain credits that they otherwise would have taken much longer to obtain. So there's that.
  • edited January 2021
    The only thought I had about renown when it was first released was that I wish they had gone for a wider variety and a larger pool of activities to earn renown from. If renown is supposed to make it easier for new players to pick up some daily credits* then why is it so much easier for whales to hit the cap so much more quickly? A new player is going to have difficulty hitting that cap at all, unless they manage to find a whale that's gonna drag them around for it lol. A new player shouldn't need to rely on that.

    *And if this isn't the purpose of renown, why not? Maybe it should be repurposed so that hitting the cap is much easier and thus less time consuming?

    Maybe it's changed since then (jan/feb 2020 time) but that was my largest criticism
  • Jovolo said:
    The only thought I had about renown when it was first released was that I wish they had gone for a wider variety and a larger pool of activities to earn renown from. If renown is supposed to make it easier for new players to pick up some daily credits* then why is it so much easier for whales to hit the cap so much more quickly? A new player is going to have difficulty hitting that cap at all, unless they manage to find a whale that's gonna drag them around for it lol. A new player shouldn't need to rely on that.

    *And if this isn't the purpose of renown, why not? Maybe it should be repurposed so that hitting the cap is much easier and thus less time consuming?

    Maybe it's changed since then (jan/feb 2020 time) but that was my largest criticism

    Anyone level 80+ can do a foray, seamonster hunt, gaze saar-elan, fill the font, spar, etc. Even small people regularly cap renown. Yeah, a lot of times they're doing these activities -with- more experienced players, but I don't see the complaint with that. 

    Forays aren't a death sentence for lesserform people anymore. 


  • edited January 2021
    I hear you, if that's the case then that's definitely better than I remembered.

    What I'm hearing from others in the thread is that whales (and perhaps even just moderately artied / level 90+ players) are finding it more beneficial to spam forays as frequently as possible even once they've capped renown.

    A system that's designed to encourage, if not require, high-level and experienced groups of players to interact with low-level and inexperienced groups of players within their organisations with the reward of player interaction & credits to bolster these inexperienced players and facilitate their growth within the game should (imo) ultimately be the end-goal of renown
  • You'll hit goldcap doing foray, just like bashing. The difference is, I can spam a foray WITH a citymate and we both get a good chunk of gold, plus they get experience/renown.

    It's 'optimal' to spam it with a high-powered friend, but a ton of the Cyrene groups features one or two lowbies because the system allows for it.
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