So according to the membership bonus list... I have a 20% experience increase active which I can swap out for a 4% damage to denizens and a 0.6% bonus to critical hits. I am currently level 90 and 80% of the way to 91. Would it be better to keep the experience or go with the increase damage and kill things at a faster rate to finish getting to dragon when I hunt alone? I currently have a l1 pendant, human crit bonus and lucky trait.
Also, I am assuming that next month when my membership renews it will cap out the experience bonus at the 25%, based off the math that would suggest the damage bonus would be capped at 5% and the crit bonus would be capped at 0.75%... or is my math off somewhere?
Personally I'll just wait until I hit 99 and then immediately switch over. I'm not trying to catch up to Penwize in level, I just hunt for gold.
Even just a level 1 is a trait reset every hour... and while I can understand a 2% crit increase, and all crits dealing.. 10% more damage (Has anyone actually checked?).. it kind of comes down to. "Is killing/overkilling things faster enough to counteract having to murder 25% less things (I think PK also gets affected by the extra XP).
The answer is generally "No." It's a MAYBE if you have a Maya Figurine... but even then, 25% extra experience will generally outclass it. Considering that gets crunked up with double EXP events to 250% exp, rather than 225% like you'd think it would be. (Which is then further compounded by more-and-more experience boosts.. and you get an obscene number. I think Tahquil at one point hit 900% extra exp.)
Disappearing from Achaea for now. See you, space cowboy.
smileyface#8048 if you wanna chat.
Good to know the crit cap is at 102. Thanks for the info! More I know the better the choice I can make.
MEMBERSHIP BONUS <bonusname> - to change your chosen membership bonus.
Disappearing from Achaea for now. See you, space cowboy.
smileyface#8048 if you wanna chat.