Best Brawler Bonanza? BEGIN



  • Jovolo said:
    Appreciate your input Cooper. I agree with the Carmain, Tirac & Tynil assessment although of those three I would rank them in exactly that order over my time of playing.

    Tynil was a brilliant fighter and flew under the radar more than he might have if he had participated in a more combat-active city. Labelling him as someone who only fought Cyrenian midbies is highly unfair because he would still beat the best of the best at the time. Were they arena duels? Yes. That doesn't mean that both parties weren't going all out. 

    Would you not list Manu, Rameus or Rennyn in the pre-2005 list @Cooper?
    None of those 3 were even a character when the majority of my list were too people. Rameus was never really good IMO. Manu and Rennyn were great (ironically Manu is on your original list under a different character).

  • edited February 2020
    Cooper said:
    Jovolo said:
    Appreciate your input Cooper. I agree with the Carmain, Tirac & Tynil assessment although of those three I would rank them in exactly that order over my time of playing.

    Tynil was a brilliant fighter and flew under the radar more than he might have if he had participated in a more combat-active city. Labelling him as someone who only fought Cyrenian midbies is highly unfair because he would still beat the best of the best at the time. Were they arena duels? Yes. That doesn't mean that both parties weren't going all out. 

    Would you not list Manu, Rameus or Rennyn in the pre-2005 list @Cooper?
    None of those 3 were even a character when the majority of my list were too people. Rameus was never really good IMO. Manu and Rennyn were great (ironically Manu is on your original list under a different character).
    Yeah I know haha, I was asking you about Manu because he's the older between his two well-known characters and I never actually got to play alongside him. A lot of the people you listed were early 2000's I think? Whereas Manu et al probably were more 2003/2004 onwards. 

    re: Rameus, I think I was actually thinking of somebody else. Rameus was the troll occultist who would empress into totems right? That's definitely not who I was thinking of. 

    It may have been Ranzou
  • Ranzou was an absolute beast for sure, yeah. Rameus was just a griefer IMO.

  • Man, anyone ever get the Rameus/Prophesy (I think) truelock into subdivision house shakedown treatment? Double perma puppet, global unstoppable summon, puppet shake until your inventory is zero. 
  • edited February 2020
    Dyz and Rameus would have Tamuril insta grove gate to me whenever I was bashing and trigger enter gate and attack me with their apo/occie ents all at once.

    I died a lot.
  • I had a love/hate thing with Dyzanru.  Rameus just liked to talk shit (and Cypra) so it made it more fun to kill them with no arties - or in equally cheap ways as what they used.   Ranzou on the other hand was pretty badass and I couldn't even be mad when he killed me. 

  • Sure, I'll play. In my opinion, Jhui and Santar have been more consistent in their performance throughout the years than anyone else could claim to be. I know you asked for 10 names but that's all you're getting, no one else makes my list.
  • KuzKuz
    edited February 2020
    Alchemist: Iakimen
    Apostate: Crixos
    Bard: Dunn, Darby
    Blademaster: Nylian, Atalkez
    DW: Farrah, Atalkez
    Druid: Miriew
    Infernal: Proficy, Tirac
    Jester: Bonko
    Monk: Farrah, Bleak, Seragorn
    Magi: Tesha
    Occie: Tanris, Jhui
    Paladin: ?
    Priest: Ovid
    Psion: Archaeon
    Runewarden: Proficy 
    Sentinel: Rom, Rangor
    Serpent: Santar, Penwize, Jarrel
    Shaman: ?
    Sylvan: Kuz  ;)

    This list is based off of personal experiences, dormant and active players. I'm missing lots of names!
  • Listing Darby and Bleak as top combatants makes everything you ever do in Achaea null and void, sorry. Time to start a new character.

  • That list is ... Something. For once I gotta agree with Cooper.
    By class:
    Alchemist: Iakimen, Farrah.
    Apostate: Crixos and Medi are about the only ones who fought regularly with it, and did well.
    Bard: Dunn, definitely not Darby. Farrah got some things nerfed with it (rip minuet). Some would say that makes her good.
    Blademaster: Mizik, I guess Atalkez is okay with it, Dunn did well with it as well.
    DW: Penwize, Atalkez I guess.
    Druid: Lyrin.
    Infernal: Proficy is like the only one who uses it post-Weaponmastery. Reyson did well with it. Tirac for pre-Weaponmastery.
    Jester: Seragorn, nobody really played it extensively. Putting Bonko here is really strange when it's a top duelist thing. Seeing as how he never dueled. He also was never actually good with it, to begin with.
    Monk: Jhui, Iakimen, Farrah - in that order.
    Magi: Seragorn, maybe Aegoth. All-time is weird for Magi since old Magi was ... Boring. Magi is also another one that didn't really have too many who 1v1'd with it.
    Occie: Tanris, Josoul, why would you put Jhui on this list. Seragorn did alright with it, but he doesn't like the current version.
    Paladin: Does anyone play Paladin aside from Archaeon? Atalkez/Farrah when they were Targ I guess.
    Priest: Farrah for new Priest, probably. Old Priest... What version? There's been like 30. Probably still Farrah.
    Psion: Penwize is the only one who really figured out the whole class to a scary degree.
    Runewarden: Iakimen, Mizik.
    Sentinel: Rom, Lyrin, probably Zulah when he's done working it out.
    Serpent: Jarrel and Santar definitely. Atalkez has been doing work with it recently. I think Penwize only uses it when he has to. Serpent Dunn was scary, too.
    Shaman: Amranu, much like Jester he's really the only one who played it really extensively.
    Sylvan: Lyrin, not many non-one-trick alts who play it seriously. I think Farrah had it as her old char pre-weatherweaving, or just as it came out.

  • KuzKuz
    edited February 2020
    Cooper said:
    Listing Darby and Bleak as top combatants makes everything you ever do in Achaea null and void, sorry. Time to start a new character.
    Lmao I thought Darby was pretty good, but that was a long time ago. Bleak was a reach, I’ll admit.

    Although Bonko never really dueled, I remember his JITB kills were just never ending. 
  • ArchaeonArchaeon Ur mums house lol
    Yes other ppl play paladin. I'm the only one doing snb for some reason tho
  • Kuz said:
    Alchemist: Iakimen
    Apostate: Crixos
    Bard: Dunn, Darby
    Blademaster: Nylian, Atalkez
    DW: Farrah, Atalkez
    Druid: Miriew
    Infernal: Proficy, Tirac
    Jester: Bonko
    Monk: Farrah, Bleak, Seragorn
    Magi: Tesha
    Occie: Tanris, Jhui
    Paladin: ?
    Priest: Ovid
    Psion: Archaeon
    Runewarden: Proficy 
    Sentinel: Rom, Rangor
    Serpent: Santar, Penwize, Jarrel
    Shaman: ?
    Sylvan: Kuz  ;)

    This list is based off of personal experiences, dormant and active players. I'm missing lots of names!
    You’re missing a name on your serpent list, u bum.

    Penwize has cowardly forfeited the challenge to mortal combat issued by Atalkez.
  • Atalkez said:
    Kuz said:
    Alchemist: Iakimen
    Apostate: Crixos
    Bard: Dunn, Darby
    Blademaster: Nylian, Atalkez
    DW: Farrah, Atalkez
    Druid: Miriew
    Infernal: Proficy, Tirac
    Jester: Bonko
    Monk: Farrah, Bleak, Seragorn
    Magi: Tesha
    Occie: Tanris, Jhui
    Paladin: ?
    Priest: Ovid
    Psion: Archaeon
    Runewarden: Proficy 
    Sentinel: Rom, Rangor
    Serpent: Santar, Penwize, Jarrel
    Shaman: ?
    Sylvan: Kuz  ;)

    This list is based off of personal experiences, dormant and active players. I'm missing lots of names!
    You’re missing a name on your serpent list, u bum.

    Mycen, right? Dajio? Bleak???
  • It's definitely Fez
  • Idk how people are forgetting Paladin Anedhel or Anednehel or whatever his name was. (I get how they're forgetting how it's spelled, though.)

    Jumpy said:
    The membership is already such a good deal that there is no way we can reduce the cost. 

  • edited February 2020
    Pyori said:
    That list is ... Something. For once I gotta agree with Cooper.
    By class:
    Alchemist: Iakimen, Farrah.
    Apostate: Crixos and Medi are about the only ones who fought regularly with it, and did well.
    Bard: Dunn, definitely not Darby. Farrah got some things nerfed with it (rip minuet). Some would say that makes her good.
    Blademaster: Mizik, I guess Atalkez is okay with it, Dunn did well with it as well.
    DW: Penwize, Atalkez I guess.
    Druid: Lyrin.
    Infernal: Proficy is like the only one who uses it post-Weaponmastery. Reyson did well with it. Tirac for pre-Weaponmastery.
    Jester: Seragorn, nobody really played it extensively. Putting Bonko here is really strange when it's a top duelist thing. Seeing as how he never dueled. He also was never actually good with it, to begin with.
    Monk: Jhui, Iakimen, Farrah - in that order.
    Magi: Seragorn, maybe Aegoth. All-time is weird for Magi since old Magi was ... Boring. Magi is also another one that didn't really have too many who 1v1'd with it.
    Occie: Tanris, Josoul, why would you put Jhui on this list. Seragorn did alright with it, but he doesn't like the current version.
    Paladin: Does anyone play Paladin aside from Archaeon? Atalkez/Farrah when they were Targ I guess.
    Priest: Farrah for new Priest, probably. Old Priest... What version? There's been like 30. Probably still Farrah.
    Psion: Penwize is the only one who really figured out the whole class to a scary degree.
    Runewarden: Iakimen, Mizik.
    Sentinel: Rom, Lyrin, probably Zulah when he's done working it out.
    Serpent: Jarrel and Santar definitely. Atalkez has been doing work with it recently. I think Penwize only uses it when he has to. Serpent Dunn was scary, too.
    Shaman: Amranu, much like Jester he's really the only one who played it really extensively.
    Sylvan: Lyrin, not many non-one-trick alts who play it seriously. I think Farrah had it as her old char pre-weatherweaving, or just as it came out.

    Wow. Harsh. :(

    Minuet was cheese that got nerfed probably before I even got arties. I beat probably every combatant I ever faced as bard after that, and manually at that. I was also probably the only prominent Bard to actually use limb breaks rather than whining about people running too much.

    If you matched my bard against Dunn's versus people who don't just stand and let you kill them I don't think it would've even been a contest.

    It was probably the class I put more time into than any other class ever because of its complexity. Hence my reaction here. I prevenomed for out of nowhere heartsfury/riposte locks, broke head for gseal stacks, broke legs to hold people down, salve locked, did non-salve lock break locks on people who held applies, used acciaccatura to block tree, etc. My bard offense was extremely versatile and I was proud of it. Everything that has come after hasn't used nearly as much of what is there and is always just full auto aff spam. :(
  • She's not wrong about Bard. I've seen some of what it can do from Calira, and Calira doesn't even push it to its max because she's a noncom.
  • Putting Dunn before Farrah in Bard is a disagreeable choice 
  • edited February 2020
    Jovolo said:
    Putting Dunn before Farrah in Bard is a disagreeable choice 
    Almost as if these lists are always gonna be entirely subjective.

    You didn't even put Tanris on your list. He's a Brit too so that's basically treason.

    @Farrah we can't put you for every class. That is specifically reserved for Mizik. Even including ones he hasn't played.
  • ArchaeonArchaeon Ur mums house lol
    Can we please discuss how bad mizik is
  • You did totally wash me as Paladin. Gimme time, I'll get you!
  • ArchaeonArchaeon Ur mums house lol
    Lmao nice avatar weeb
  • No one ever rates elemental lords :anguished: 
    Air: Astarod
    Earth: Atalkez
    Fire: I can't find any to fight so I unno
    Water: Balkin maybe
  • edited February 2020
    Gilliam said:
    No one ever rates elemental lords :anguished: 
    Air: Astarod
    Earth: Atalkez
    Fire: I can't find any to fight so I unno
    Water: Balkin maybe
    Tary as fire, Solnir put work into it but Tary is single-handedly carrying it on his back. It's a cool class flavourwise, group stuff is awesome to my knowledge, but yeah, it roflstomps or is cockblocked.  Not sure on water, but Atalkez deffo best earth, and probably only pen over astarod as air, hate fighting air unless I am in a mega-para whore class and abuse cheese, and even then I'm still pretty bleh.

    For me, putting them in top 10 lists or anything is kinda underrated for me, because I have people, now and from history, that I rate based on different measures. Some people can talk the talk, but just can't put it into action (or aren't really that inclined anymore). Some are incredibly ingenuitive  at all times, some are really cool/take their lumps and bounce back super quick. 

    Penwize, Farrah, Proficy are pretty fucking brutal at going for the throat.
    Atalkez, Taryius are pretty methodical, and I enjoy watching their bouts and theorycrafting after/before.
    Mizik and jarrel just seem to be inventive and grasp classes stupidly fast. 
    Crixos, Dunn, Austere for being good fighters while being very easy to approach for help. 
    Pyori, Gilliam, Armali/Calira and Ellodin for being amazing at theory crafting/discussion, but not having fought them properly. 

    For groups, with those I've played, Ellodin, Crixos and Atalkez are top for me in all regards, in those I've fought Farrah in my list.

    Finally, can't go wrong giving props to those unartied/stupid low escrow players who make it work. Arties don't turn a shit fighter into a number 1, but they do make a noticeable difference. So those who can sit in that position are worth a mention.

  • edited February 2020
    Minifie said:
    Penwize, Farrah, Proficy are pretty fucking brutal at going for the throat.
    Proficy is relentless when it comes to fulfilling a bounty. I found that pissing off Tanris in Imperian/Aetolia was never going to be a good thing, either. Doesn't matter where you are when it's a room he can reach in some way, if you're logged in and pissed him off expect to be hunted until you log. Honestly never seen someone so dedicated at putting your name up on deathsight. His custom kill msg in Imperian is all too fitting.
  • Pyori said:
    Minifie said:
    Penwize, Farrah, Proficy are pretty fucking brutal at going for the throat.
    Proficy is relentless when it comes to fulfilling a bounty. I found that pissing off Tanris in Imperian/Aetolia was never going to be a good thing, either. Doesn't matter where you are when it's a room he can reach in some way, if you're logged in and pissed him off expect to be hunted until you log. Honestly never seen someone so dedicated at putting your name up on deathsight. His custom kill msg in Imperian is all too fitting.
    What is the custom kill msg? @Makarios please enlighten us ;-;

    The Divine voice of Twilight echoes in your head, "See that it is. I espy a tithe of potential in your mortal soul, Astarod Blackstone. Let us hope that it flourishes and does not falter as so many do."

    Aegis, God of War says, "You are dismissed from My demense, Astarod. Go forth and fight well. Bleed fiercely, and climb the purpose you have sought to chase for."
  • Astarod said:
    Pyori said:
    Minifie said:
    Penwize, Farrah, Proficy are pretty fucking brutal at going for the throat.
    Proficy is relentless when it comes to fulfilling a bounty. I found that pissing off Tanris in Imperian/Aetolia was never going to be a good thing, either. Doesn't matter where you are when it's a room he can reach in some way, if you're logged in and pissed him off expect to be hunted until you log. Honestly never seen someone so dedicated at putting your name up on deathsight. His custom kill msg in Imperian is all too fitting.
    What is the custom kill msg? @Makarios please enlighten us ;-;

    <person> falls to the relentless onslaught that is <his name/title>.

  • I REALLY wanted to win custom deathsight (since I think it said you can customise your own deathsight?) so I could make it something like, "Poor life choices have paved the way to Minifie's demise at the hands of <killer>." 
  • edited February 2020
    Minifie said:
    Pyori, Gilliam, Armali/Calira and Ellodin for being amazing at theory crafting/discussion, but not having fought them properly. 

    For groups, with those I've played, Ellodin, Crixos and Atalkez are top for me in all regards, in those I've fought Farrah in my list.

    Ellodin upsets me. I asked for help and he told me "Just win." :( Also somehow he made RNG his bitch and it doesn't make any sense. I've never seen anyone else reliably kill people with a chain that literally should not work *all the time.
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