Character Theme Songs

KresslackKresslack Florida, United States
Post the song that describes the feel of your character here! That is, it could be a song describing your character's current mood, his or her general outlook/feel, or describing a moment or event in her or his life. - Originated by Jinsun

My character being a Runewarden with a seafaring and tribal background, a lot of Swedish and Norwegian folk music set a pretty good tone overall, such as this:

What is a song that fits with your character mood, persona, or something they've experienced recently?



  • edited June 2019
    I'm sorry, I dunno how to embed a video.

    Edit: Vhaith is a very happy, positive person, who loves her home, loves the Forests and absolutely adores anything fairy/butterfly related. She'd live in Annwyn if it wasn't so dangerous.

    We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.

  • JiraishinJiraishin skulking
    Solitary, by VNV Nation. Very Jir.
    The soul of Ashmond says, "Always with the sniping."

    (Clan): Ictinus says, "Stop it Jiraishin, you're making me like you."
  • Simple Gifts is a pretty near approximation of Cailin's worldview. It evokes a sense of compassion, simplicity, optimism, and doing the right thing - all pretty basic components of her personality.

  • ArchaeonArchaeon Ur mums house lol
  • AthelasAthelas Cape Town South Africa
    edited June 2019
  • A lot has happened lately. Never thought my character would end up with this song resonating so much compared to what I would have picked when I first started playing.

    "Alas. Alas for Hamlin. The Mayor sent east, west, north, and south. To offer the Piper by word of mouth. Wherever it was men's lot to find him, silver and gold to his heart's content. If only he'd return the way he went."
  • Stheno said:

    Hadestown is my favourite musical, based on the Greek myth of Orpheus and Eurydice. Stheno's lights and darks are partly inspired by the contrast of Eurydice and Persephone. Both were women who fell into the Underworld, and both were pawns in Hades' larger conflict with the gods and mortals. Persephone embraced her role and spent half the year above ground in the sun, while Eurydice stayed a lonely ghost.

    Bonus! This second song always reminds me of @Sartan's hold on Mhaldor.

    !! Awesome! I’m going to see the musical on Saturday and I am so, so excited. (Greg Brown’s voice on the album gives me shivers)

  • Ayani spends a vast majority of her days off on random parts of the world. While she might be Cyrenian, the place she is most at home with is a little spot I have landmarked as "Turtle Island" off in the boondocks where she might find some quiet. She has sat there with her husband and fished away the night watching the chaotic dancing of fireflies.  Now, she returns there patiently waiting for his eventual return to her side. 

  • SkyeSkye The Duchess Bellatere
    edited June 2019
    Pretty sure most of The Bravery - The Sun, and the Moon album has applied to Skye at some point... >_>

  • So I know I've harped on about the D2 OST a lot, but it really has become my sort of go-to background music for Achaea. Regarding Synthus specifically though, I feel like "Into the Light" captures him pretty well. The majority of the time, he moves in slow, methodical measures as he begins to work on a plan, the thoughts in his mind like a low rumble of a storm. As soon as the gears in his head shift though, the momentum just keeps building until he's in a headlong rush toward that thunderclap.
  • not literally, but a e s t h e t i c a l l y:

  • Stheno said:

    Hadestown is my favourite musical, based on the Greek myth of Orpheus and Eurydice. Stheno's lights and darks are partly inspired by the contrast of Eurydice and Persephone. Both were women who fell into the Underworld, and both were pawns in Hades' larger conflict with the gods and mortals. Persephone embraced her role and spent half the year above ground in the sun, while Eurydice stayed a lonely ghost.

    Bonus! This second song always reminds me of @Sartan's hold on Mhaldor.

    Wow... I had never heard of this musical before, nor had I read the story of Orpheus and Eurydice. Just listened to the whole thing, and I think now my depression has depression 🤪 but it is AMAZING and beautiful, even if it is gutwrenching. Ugh.
  • edited June 2019

    The quintessential song about being good at everything except your job. 

    Would say this is a good song for anything, for anyone :open_mouth:
    The Divine voice of Twilight echoes in your head, "See that it is. I espy a tithe of potential in your mortal soul, Astarod Blackstone. Let us hope that it flourishes and does not falter as so many do."

    Aegis, God of War says, "You are dismissed from My demense, Astarod. Go forth and fight well. Bleed fiercely, and climb the purpose you have sought to chase for."
  • Oh, feesh feesh feesh is my favourite deesh,
    It makes my fluffy tail go sweesh sweesh sweesh!

    (second verse, same as the first!)

    Oh, feesh feesh feesh...

  • Oh that reminds me! Also:

  • Been this for years. Still lovely, still fitting.

    Bydar, a garish-looking trader says, "I'm not a man, I'm an experience."
  • I can never post in threads like these because too many of Keorin's influences are anime and it shows. :'(
  • This is the english version of an anime I enjoy a lot by my favorite band... some of you will recognize it as the first opening of SNK... I love everything about the song and many of the lyrics have meaning to me in the context of Aleth and Hashan... also I defend and raid to this song. Definitely one of Aleth's anthems right now.
  • edited June 2019
    Perhaps not literally, but thematically. I also have loved this song since the very first time I heard it. It's a masterpiece.
    [spoiler]Also the best instrumental ever, which I had coincidentally been listening to at a lot of defining moments for Pyori.

  • Bo has a new theme song. A few know what's going on. I have decided that Bo is trying to hide it for now. This is because I have IRL stuff going on and can't give Bo's new actual-RP-for-once the attention it deserves. For now, til I can actually pay this proper attention:

    Miin-aan baash kimini-sij-i-gan bitooyin sij-i-gan-i bukwayszhiigan = blueberry π
  • Out kiting seamonsters with bad seas and over 30 knot winds
  • This could have multiple meanings if you know San.  :p

  • Keorin said:
    I can never post in threads like these because too many of Keorin's influences are anime and it shows. :'(
    I see you’re also a man of culture
  • edited June 2019

    One of my favourite songs of all time. It is about manic depression, and although Stefa isn't bipolar (if such a disorder exists in Achaea) she certainly deals with a lot of emotional highs and lows, a lot of which stemming from the stress of trying to maintain a sunny disposition amid a violent, conflict-ridden world. The Tsol'teth invasion really knocked the wind out of her and I think the mood of this song fits perfectly with her new state of perpetual melancholy and just feeling lost and uncertain.

    EDIT to add: I had never heard of Hadestown before seeing this thread but I love musicals and it is now at the top of my list so thank you @Stheno!

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