So, this is a concept I have been rolling around in my head for a while now. I will preface this my acknowledgement that I fully expect this to be an unpopular opinion or idea because of how it would significantly change combat, which heavily relies on mechanic over RP.
Essentially my thought is this: Dragons and mounts should have restrictions when entering indoor locations and possibly even ships.
My reasoning is this: Perspective. With Achaea being a text-based game, it's easy to overlook certain things with such perspective because there are really not visual indicators to provide such perspective.
There have been many a time where I've caught myself looking around the room, noticing five dragons and others on various renditions of mounts and thinking to myself, "If this could be visualized graphically, it would look rather silly and cramped in here."
Dragons aren't small creatures, from snout to tail, including wingspan and weight. Yet over the course of the years people have gotten accustomed to staying in dragon for the mechanical benefits it provides, whether be the ability of flight, gare, veilglance, or more commonly combat advantages. The same thing can be said for being mounted, with people utilizing flying mounts as well as the ability to block exits while mounting, and the passive defensive bonus you get from Riding while being mounted.
Mechanically these make sense and are appealing, which is why they have become the norm. Other than mechanical advantages however, they strike me as strange practices which take away a lot for RP, especially situational RP.
A dragon wouldn't be able to squeeze it's way in through a shop or standard city building door. I look at this very much like the Enlarge Person spell in DnD (i.e. they will either grow to the confines of their environment and be contained by it, or break free of it). Likewise, horses and other mounts would typically be hard pressed to simply walk into buildings, and in the general sense this would be a very odd and unpractical thing to do. The same could be said in regards to ships.
Like I said, I realize this may be an unpopular opinion due to the convenience factor and mechanical advantages such things yield, especially in relation to combat.
I'm still interested in other people's thoughts on this and whether or not they think such restrictions would be practical or desired.
I hate it when things don't completely make sense ICly, but sometimes you have to just make up your own explanation or forget about it/ignore it - like how we all drop food and stuff on the ground all the time instead of setting it on a table or something.
.... Wait, what?
Edit: also very terrifying to think about.
The soul of Ashmond says, "Always with the sniping."
(Clan): Ictinus says, "Stop it Jiraishin, you're making me like you."
Results of disembowel testing | Knight limb counter | GMCP AB files
So it was initially thought about, but it was scrapped because it was unfeasible or something?
I just... What?