One teeny tiny thing for convenience's sake, can INR HERB work to store curing herbs in your rift? I know INR PLANT works, but seeing as most call them herbs, I think it'd make sense for this to work.
Secondary idea as well: include the word 'CURATIVE' or 'CURE' as an overarching keyword for herbs AND minerals.
I wanted to make a Golden Dais thread for this anyways. There really should be a keyword that targets both herbs and minerals, for a variety of reasons (for instance, so you can check II CURATIVE rather than having to do II HERB;II MINERAL).
→My Mudlet Scripts
Your inventory: 10 goldenseal, 10 skullcap, 10 ginseng
Your rift: 2500 goldenseal, 100 skullcap, 100 ginseng
INR ALL PLANT x3 gives "You have no more room in your rift for that kind of thing" x3
Perhaps as a workaround it should move the goldenseal to the bottom of your inventory on the fail message?
Draekkar Ravenwind