I'm a big fan of my local places when I go back home to Austin, and San Antonio has some great food. Outside of Texas my only experience living in any state was South Carolina which was pretty garbage and Washington state, which has great Asian places but everything else was kind of shit. I'll pick Europe over America any day of the week for food.
For the record I was just trying to get Archaeon riled up cause I owed him so trolling, definitely not intending to bring any sort of politics into this!
Agreed on "most" American food being trash, but if you can look beyond the grocery aisles being lined with sugar (my favorite food group) and processed food, we actually make some good stuff here.
I have mostly done simple cooking and baking in the past, but the extra time at home has let me make a lot of new stuff I never would have tried before. It's been fun. I'll try and get some pics loaded later!
I'm a big fan of my local places when I go back home to Austin, and San Antonio has some great food. Outside of Texas my only experience living in any state was South Carolina which was pretty garbage and Washington state, which has great Asian places but everything else was kind of shit. I'll pick Europe over America any day of the week for food.
I had never had fried gator or gumbo until I went to bourbon street, that and beignettes were amazing. Can't recommend Cafe du monde high enough.
My bad cooper. Its hard to be english and not be political. Unlike the U.S over here even the daily newspaper you read tells people which way you lean politically. Still, the fear of american food is palpable. Anything and everything that goes in to your foodstuffs is subject to intense scrutiny by certain elements of the media. I find it endlessly amusing having survived 25 years worth of living in america before coming back home to england.
Fired up a chicken burger/patty for dinner with homemade shoestring onions and bacon. I have to say that was pretty damn good altogether. Then I realized I had phyllo cups so I made little caramel-apple pies for the kids as dessert.
Time for homemade.... something. Kebab meat sandwich? I dunno but it's a med inspired kebab sandwich. one onion two garlic cloves. Finely mince garlic and one half of onion. Julienne other half. onion and most of the garlic into 20/80 lamb mince. Season with turmeric, cumin, ground coriander, onion powder, garlic powder, salt, pepper to taste. Other bit of garlic into a bowl.grate and chop a cucumber into it this gloom. Strain juices if wanted. Put that into the garlic bowl. Mix with yoghurt, dill, olive oil, and lemon juice to make tzatziki. chop up the rest of the cucumber, feta, and tomatoes for salad. pay your kitchen staff. Also you cannot make med food without drinking wine. Pour a glass. Drink it.meat onfinished layout. Added couscous.
Ah bro you've messed up now. Next time me or @Evastiana cooks up something sick, I'm gonna post it here. Most recently I took some applewood rub and grilled porkchops after giving them a healthy dose. Freaking delicious.
Some bread improvements. Started adding olives and seeds, etc:
Edit: Scored one as a cat as a joke for my sister. But, it actually had the best rise out of any loaf so far by giving it so many opportunities to expand... I just happened to burn it though!
Though bunnings snag are life. I miss them so hard.
Agreed on "most" American food being trash, but if you can look beyond the grocery aisles being lined with sugar (my favorite food group) and processed food, we actually make some good stuff here.
I have mostly done simple cooking and baking in the past, but the extra time at home has let me make a lot of new stuff I never would have tried before. It's been fun. I'll try and get some pics loaded later!
They were amazing
Mix with yoghurt, dill, olive oil, and lemon juice to make tzatziki.
We are new to smoking, so we've just been throwing in everything to see what happens. Smokers are forgiving and so far it's all come out yummy
I made some cookies.
Edit: Scored one as a cat as a joke for my sister. But, it actually had the best rise out of any loaf so far by giving it so many opportunities to expand... I just happened to burn it though!
I did a thing, and remembered to take a photo this time.
Red Velvet, with choc/hazelnut frosting, topped with marshmallows and espresso quadratini.
Are discussions on canned pork products allowed here? Rules are a little unclear