Your Unique Weapons, Armour or Other Trinkets

I think it is about time we revive this concept in another thread, so that those of us who love seeing unique items and descriptions have more to read.

Customizations, Living Gods and the pliable always shifting nature of the Achaean world is such an amazing thing, and our characters are always experiencing different things and sometimes those events, or stories or whatever result in our characters either getting their hands on some unique token, or customizing some of their weapons and items to fit in.

Thats what I want to see, your favourite custom or unique items and weapons and why you love them, and if you are willing to share any story behind how your character got their hands on them.

Now it wouldn't be fair if I didn't share first.

Appearance: a withered staff of skeletal wood

Examined: Hewn from the skeletal remains of a long-dead tree, this staff reaches nearly five feet in length. A viscous, blood-red substance seeps from the porous surface of the wood, filling the air with a sharp, metallic scent. The withered staff ascends from a splintered base, contorting in surmised agony all along its length. The staff terminates with a mass of ashen tendrils that twist together into the likeness of a human skull, an ominous crimson glow pulsing from within the hollow sockets.

Wield Reaction: The eerie creak of tortured wood fills the air as the tendrils atop a withered staff of skeletal wood momentarily writhe and churn.

Unwield Reaction: Dead silence accompanies the ominous stillness of a withered staff of skeletal wood as it departs from its master's grasp.

Story: For those unaware there is a twisted, gnarled oak at the Avenue of Trapped Souls in Mhaldor, where Mhaldorians swear their oath. The tree seeps blood, and its branches are almost alive, reaching and contorting to try and snatch and muder living things. Perhaps from a stray lightning strike, or an overambitious attempt to slay something, one of the trees branches snapped and Taryius ripped it off the tree, and with some careful work and artificing skill fashioned it into a staff to use.

Appearance:  a black steel daemonic skull pendant

Examined: About the size of a closed fist, and cleanly severed from the spine of a lesser daemon, this wickedly horned imp skull hangs loosely upon a chain of tarnished silver. Dipped into molten steel until seamlessly coated in a thin layer, the metallic surfaces of this daemonic skull have been carefully charred and blackened. A blazing shard of primordial flame flickers from deep within the skull, casting an ominous red-hued light outwards from the eye sockets and tooth-filled maw.

Wear Reaction: As you don the daemonic pendant, the wicked flames within flare outwards from hollow sockets. Shifting to a vivid emerald hue, the flames threaten to break free from their confines, eventually calming and dimming back to their natural fiery-red hue.

Remove Reaction: An enraged scream echoes through your skull as you remove the daemonic pendant, the flames within lashing angrily as they momentarily descend into blood-red hues.

Touch Reaction: A shrieking cackle echoes through your mind as you grasp the daemonic skull in your hand. Your flesh sizzles and burns upon contact, coursing pain accompanying the acrid scent of burnt skin.

Story: Early on in Taryius' career as Subjugator, the Insidium conducted a ritual to open a portal to the Inferno and Taryius led the Dread Legates into the Inferno to murder a bunch of rogue daemons. Lots of murdering happened, and the Legates killed a bunch of daemons including these Baalzadeen-esque creatures who Taryius decided would make an excellent token of their accomplishments, so he cut the head off one of them and took it back with him. Afterwards he cleaned the skull, dipped it into steel to preserve it, and with great practice in elementalism and ritualism managed to place a burning shard of fire within, to illuminate the skull. Unforseen side effect, the daemonic presence within the skull didn't quite vanish on death, and has managed to grasp a modicum of control of the fire burning within, which Taryius just puts up with.


  • Does my Adikoi chain count as unique? Damn few of them left, if any besides mine.
    The soul of Ashmond says, "Always with the sniping."

    (Clan): Ictinus says, "Stop it Jiraishin, you're making me like you."
  • I had a crystal encrusted bear cub

    Lore-wise it was due to me feeding him that radioactive substance from the earth plane 
  • edited February 2019
    Appearance: a mithril warhammer named Solflare

    Examined: Made of shining mithril, this warhammer has a haft that reaches nearly three feet in length with sunbursts etched into the metal that shimmer softly with a faint golden light. A brilliant diamond, cut into the shape of a lion, is held at the bottom of the haft with three claws, the creature captured mid-roar. An eight sided ruby at the centre of the head blazes and glows with an internal flame, radiating a sense of life and creation from within the small sun in the middle. Jutting from one side of the gemstone, a cutting blade tips the side of the hammerhead, while the other remains flat and broad, perfect for crushing. Running along the top, a collection of small but deadly spikes add another twist to the deadly weapon.

    Reaction to dusk: Solflare dims as twilight approaches, its radiance waning as the sun sinks below the distant horizon.

    When @Milabar renounced Mithraea and his devotion, he gave away a few of his prized possessions. I was gifted this Warhammer IG, and I gave him my lyre in return. 

  • Jiraishin said:
    Does my Adikoi chain count as unique? Damn few of them left, if any besides mine.
    Hell yeah it does.

  • So that is the design I am going for (once I finish it)

    Appearance: the crimson rapier, Rose Red


    Dropped: Running the risk of being damaged, Rose Red lies here.


    Examined: The blade of this rapier tapers into a sharp point, showing it’s design for precision jabs. This causes the rest of the blade to taper outwards slightly, adding some thickness to the blade as it flows down to the debole and forte of the blade. The lower part of the forte has been forged to appear almost thorn like, with small angular points gradually getting larger as the blade continues into the ricasso.

    As I said, it's not done. Right now I'm just getting it all put together with my idea and then I'm going to go back and simplify it to remove so much of the technical names of the different parts of the rapier. So far, that is all I have and I'm hoping to have it done soon-ish!
  • APPEARANCE: a hooked length of chain 

    EXAMINED: Exquisitely wrought links, roughly two inches in length, are interconnected to form this long chain. Tiny barbs protrude from the meticulously polished rings, gleaming in their eagerness to taste flesh and blood. Upon either end of the shackle resides a sinister hook, the curved, razor-sharp edge bearing deep crimson stains, the only blemish upon the otherwise cool, polished steel.
    WEAR CHAIN: The chain nestles itself tightly against your skin, slithering around your
    forearm. Droplets of blood splatter onto the floor as the barbs on its links bite sharply into your bare flesh. Finally, the shackle stops its movement, the hooks on either end poised to pierce flesh at any moment.
    PULL CHAIN: The readied end of a hooked length of chain rends into your skin, flaying off a strip of flesh that it holds taut, revealing the glistening muscles normally hidden beneath.
    You remove a hooked length of chain.
    A hooked length of chain tears at your skin as the shackle unravels, before finally falling slack in your arms, slick with blood.
    REMOVE CHAIN (when it is pulled back)
    As you try to carefully remove the chain bound around your arm, the hook peeling away your flesh roughly yanks back, ripping off the flayed skin before allowing itself to unwind. Crimson film clings to each link in accompaniment to the flesh clutched tight by the device.
    TOUCH CHAIN (worn, pulled or unpulled)
    You place the tip of your index finger on a length of chain pulling back flayed flesh discreetly, allowing a small bit of blood to flow over one of the hooks.
    You place the tip of your index finger on a hooked length of chain discreetly, allowing a small bit of blood to flow over one of the hooks.
    Back when Apollyon was alive, the touch react was followed by a voice telling you "Obey My Will and spread My teachings to all people, that they might be turned to Suffering."

    The soul of Ashmond says, "Always with the sniping."

    (Clan): Ictinus says, "Stop it Jiraishin, you're making me like you."
  • Galyleo said:

    Always wondered where Gavriil went to. Turns out he got made into a rapier.
  • edited February 2019

    Appearance: a set of Muurn-guard fullplate

    Dropped: A salt- encrusted set of fullplate lies here, providing an aegis for absolutely nothing.

    Examined: This suit of armour is crafted from slotted pieces of thick steel leafed with gold that shines as a flawless patina. Thick, bulky rivets hold the plates together, affixing the central, salt-encrusted breastplate to two small rounded pauldrons. A design depicting a large cresting wave is engraved on the front of the breastplate, with tiny sapphire gemstones glittering as they catch the light. Upon the side of one of the lower plates is a silver badge, depicting a black rat with an eye patch casting his singular gaze vigilantly over his surroundings. The suit itself is quite thinly crafted and refined, though appears to have taken a beating due to the presence of large dents in more than one of the plates. The interior of the armour is padded with thick, fur-lined leather that keeps it well-insulated. A small strap just above the waist holds a small hip flask, kept well in reach of the wearer in the case of dire sobriety or the need to quench ones thirst.

    Fun fact: It is actually pretty bad.

    EDIT: A bonus I forgot about, crafted by someone of devious intellect and alien motive beyond my understanding or comprehension as a gift. 

    Appearance: a Captain Squeakers Logosmas snowglobe

    A snowglobe lies here, a miniature rat trapped inside.

    This snowglobe is made from fine Vashnarian glass, carefully polished until it can be seen through. Within the top of the globe, a small twig of mistletoe is attached. Underneath it, a black rat sits on his haunches, peering around himself critically. He is wearing a festive hat made from red velvet with white fur. In each of his paws, he holds a tiny mug that seems to be steaming with hot liquid. The base of the snowglobe has a small plaque affixed, bearing the inscription: "The Captain."

    What I ASSUME/HOPE is its only reaction, in this case to being shaken: You shake the snowglobe vigorously, stirring up countless tiny flecks of white within. The liquid in the mugs sloshes around dangerously, but miraculously does not spill. Through some trick of the light, the rat seems to be winking at you and puckers up his lips. 

    The snowflakes come to a rest, covering Captain Squeakers with snow, some of it clinging to his whiskers before falling around his feet. A broad grin flashes on the rat's face before returning to its previous state.

  • Pyori said:
    Galyleo said:

    Always wondered where Gavriil went to. Turns out he got made into a rapier.
    Yes, I grounded him up into dust, added some metal, threw in some red and gold paint for color and flair, and made @Gavriil into my rapier!
  • @Taryius ok, now I've posted the chain, followup question... Does this thread include items without reactions that you designed yourself, or only god-level awesome items that include reacts?
    The soul of Ashmond says, "Always with the sniping."

    (Clan): Ictinus says, "Stop it Jiraishin, you're making me like you."
  • omg it's not that serious
  • Dupre said:
    omg it's not that serious
    -squints at chronic troll-
    The soul of Ashmond says, "Always with the sniping."

    (Clan): Ictinus says, "Stop it Jiraishin, you're making me like you."
  • As promised!

    Appearance: the crimson rapier Rose Red


    Dropped: Running the risk of being damaged, a crimson rapier lies here.


    Examined: The blade of this rapier tapers into a sharp point, showing the design for precision jabs. This weapon flares out, adding some thickness to it as it flows down to the debole and forte of the rapier. The lower part of the forte has been forged to appear thorn like, small angular points gradually getting larger as the weapon continues into the ricasso. The quillions expand outwards from the main body of this weapon, having a diamond-like shape along the entire length of them only to end in three small leaves on either side. Two on each side run parallel to the weapon itself, while the other leaves run horizontal to it. The handle has been carefully crafted from rosewood before being wrapped with two strips of leather, that have been dyed a dark red, in a ‘X’ like pattern to allow the rosewood to peak through. Sitting atop a four-pronged metal stand that has been connected to the rosewood handle, the pommel of this weapon is  intricately shaped into a blooming rose. Forming a protective guard around the hand of the wielder, polished gold has been elegantly shaped and formed in the image reminiscent of the thorns and leaves of a rose bush.

    Here is the rest of the rapier that I designed. I just submitted it and I'm really happy with how it turned out! I had a few people look over it to help me get grammer and stuff right!
  • Good looking stuff overall
  • Jiraishin said:
    @Taryius ok, now I've posted the chain, followup question... Does this thread include items without reactions that you designed yourself, or only god-level awesome items that include reacts?
    Doesn't matter if its god-made, has reactions, or not! If its unique to your character, and you feel its awesome, cool or memorable post it on up!
  • JiraishinJiraishin skulking
    edited February 2019
    Taryius said:
    Jiraishin said:
    @Taryius ok, now I've posted the chain, followup question... Does this thread include items without reactions that you designed yourself, or only god-level awesome items that include reacts?
    Doesn't matter if its god-made, has reactions, or not! If its unique to your character, and you feel its awesome, cool or memorable post it on up!
    Then boy do I have stuff to show. I have a ton of cool stuff, most of which (but not all) I designed myself (my coat was designed by Mezghar, and my armband was apparently Jurixe's first ever design), and I never get to show it off because I am perpetually hidden IG. In no particular order:

    Appearance: a superbly sharp, ivory-handled dirk

    Save for its crossguards, the hilt of this dirk is carven ivory, grooved with patterns of cobalt glyphs for decoration and grip. Its blade is itself a work of art: six inches of flawless blue steel, sharp as a razor along both edges and tapering to an exquisite point. A round, dull red stone is set at the base of the hilt between bloodsteel crossguards, and a matching stone adorns the dirk's pommel. The glyphs scratched into the dirk's handle are nearly invisible from wear, their colour almost entirely gone.

    ^This was based on the design I submitted for Mhaldor's year 600 items. I wanted a knife that recalled the scalpels in Lord Apollyon's Temple. I didn't win the contest, but I liked the blade enough that I modified it into a dirk for myself.

    Appearance: a battered iron buckler

    Battered and dented, its once-fine etchings faded to mere scratches in the metal, this round shield has evidently survived many battles. Despite these signs of wear, no rust mars the shield's black iron, bespeaking both care and continuous use. The images etched upon the buckler are discernible, if only  faintly: an open eye above two crossed arrows on the central boss, a howling coyote near the shield's bottom right edge, and a stylised pyre at the top left.

    Appearance: an adder armband with a small silver arrow  

    Fathomless obsidian has been carefully teased into the shape of a coiled death adder, the armband wrought intentionally thin to lie flat against the arm and still allow for free movement. Serpentine features have been etched with precision into the obsidian, the body of the adder covered with a lifelike texture of scales that gleam as the light glances off the armband. Darkly menacing with its bared fangs and glowing topaz eyes, the flared head of the adder curves once around the bicep to meet the end of its tail, the head arcing up towards the shoulder while the tail hangs downwards. Thrust through the tip of the serpent's tail is a small silver arrow, brightly gleaming against the midnight hue of the obsidian and bearing a short inscription engraved upon the shaft, almost too small to read.
    Engraved on it are the words:
    No arrow nor fang may match well-placed words in their poison

    ^Jurixe made this well before she got her jeweller's license-- she said it was her first ever design. Apparently she had the jeweller destroy the design after making it to ensure it would be unique. There is a really long story behind it.

    Appearance: an austere coat of muted greys

    The stark lines of this long coat are woven entirely from smooth silk dyed in hues of muted grey. It is high-collared and long-sleeved, rather formal in its simplicity, with a row of small ivory buttons dotting the front so that the garment can be fastened shut at the wearer's whim. It fits closely about the torso, while below the waist the cloth is left to flow unhindered to the ankles, glimpses of the soft cotton lining occasionally visible beneath the exterior. The only nod to ornamentation, a singular eye sits resplendent upon the back of the coat, a slitted reptilian pupil done all in hues of lustrous gold gazing unerringly from amidst the radiating rays of a lucent rising dawn.

    ^Mezghar made this for Jiraishin as a Logosmas present. I made a few modifications (he doesn't have a tailor's license, so I submitted it), but the design is basically his. It's far more formal than  what Jir previously wore, and I kind of love it.
    Appearance: a Luminai officer's cape

    Woven from fine, slate grey wool, this short cape hangs in sleek folds from one shoulder, pinned there by a gold brooch in the shape of an open eye. Flanking the eye are two smaller pins: one of silver, in the shape of a bow-and-arrow at full draw; the other of brass, indicating the wearer's rank. Further securing the cape, a discreet pair of grey cords extend across the chest, looping under the opposite arm.

    Appearance: a poised black dragon pendant

    Carved in impossible detail from a single black spinel, this miniature wyrm's scales gleam with a sombre lustre. Socketed ruby eyes glare imperiously from its draconic visage, casting a burning glow upon the surrounding black gemstone, and sinuous, pointed horns sweep elegantly back from the elongated skull. Depicted in the midst of an aerial combat manoeuvre, the dragon's wings fan out beneath its body as it strikes upward, claws extended towards an unseen enemy; the dragon's slender neck curves inward, mirroring the position of its tail, and its open jaws display rows of meticulously rendered, needle-sharp  teeth. A thin bronze chain, seemingly caught and tangled in both sets of talons, serves to secure the pendant about the wearer's neck. 

    Appearance: an etched steel shackle

    Carefully dulled, the steel which forms this heavy shackle glimmers with muted threat. Etched figures from legend and myth enact their deeds across the fetter's outer surface, at odds with its austerity of design. Scene follows scene: Lucaine Pyramides is shown as a youth fighting to escape his Kashari masters, and as an unarmed man pinned by swords to a tree; a grimly smiling mhun, khopesh at his feet, faces the rajamalan Ambassador K'shin; Lord Dunamis duels the Marvinogian; the forces of Light battle ancient enemies in a scene 
    from Al Qalat's tapestries. Glyphs copied from Adroushan's walls line the top of the shackle.

    And this one didn't use to be unique, was some sort of gift to Kastalia's followers, but is probably the last one of its kind left in-game: at least, Ourania told Jiraishin ICly that it was the last, and made it non-decay for him several RL years ago.

    Appearance: a misted crystal pebble

    Hewn from raw crystal, the surface of this diminutive pebble is polished to a glittering shine. Foreign glyphs of fluvial descent decorate the smooth surface, engraved in painstakingly intricate detail and inlaid with a layer of shimmering silver dust. Dancing in perpetual, fluid motion, an undulating wisp of vapour swirls within the translucent stone.

    I have a few more items that belonged to one defunct House or another and aren't in Tiamat's Book of Forgotten Wares, and so may not exist anywhere else anymore.

    The soul of Ashmond says, "Always with the sniping."

    (Clan): Ictinus says, "Stop it Jiraishin, you're making me like you."
  • Does @Austere know you made a coat out of him?
  • Pyori said:
    Does @Austere know you made a coat out of him?
    It's what he gets for being an enemy of Good. 
    The soul of Ashmond says, "Always with the sniping."

    (Clan): Ictinus says, "Stop it Jiraishin, you're making me like you."
  • Jiraishin said:
    Pyori said:
    Does @Austere know you made a coat out of him?
    It's what he gets for being an enemy of Good. 
    Everyone knows he's Bad.
  • I am an impatient person, and it is killing me to get my design approved. I know it takes time and stuff but... I WANT MY CRIMSON TOOTHPICK ALREADY  :'(
  • KresslackKresslack Florida, United States
    Something I designed a long time ago, a conversion of my artefact bow:

    a Blackrock crossbow

    Constructed of dense petrified wood, the stock of this hefty crossbow has been ornately carved into the likeness of a charging, snarling wolf. A groove has been cut into the top, awaiting a projectile to be loaded and dispatched from the mouth of the wolf. A lath of fine silver is set crossways across the stock, seemingly bridled to the snout of the wolf while the ends of the lath are chiseled to resemble the heads of serpents which grasp the ends of oiled string. A gilded, silver guard-plate protects the trigger mechanism from accidentally discharging the weapon, while a small clasp affixed to the center of the string allows the weapon to be reloaded quickly and with ease. A blade protrudes from the front of the weapon, coated lightly in an indistinguishable red substance.

  • JiraishinJiraishin skulking
    edited March 2019
    So, this one is brand new and has an actual story behind it.

    Some IC years ago, Jir, @Farrah, and a few other Targs went to a public speech by a Nihilist at the Brass Lantern, mainly out of boredom. Out of nowhere, @Neraeos manifests. Jiraishin notices that Neraeos is wearing "a necklace of fingers taken from oathbreakers".

    Jiraishin decides to quietly mess with Farrah, as is his wont, by sending her a tell asking in all apparent seriousness if he can have a necklace like that. Much to my surprise, I get a tell from Neraeos himself:

    The Divine voice of Neraeos echoes in your head, "If you try hard enough, you make one yourself."

    So, after a short tells conversation with Neraeos about how best to preserve severed fingers, and a longer one with my House about how I am NOT allowed to use our House Estate's equipment for this, a newly motivated Jiraishin starts making an effort to be the executioner of people who break oaths to Targossas, as well as to snag corpses of oathbreakers-turned-enemy-soldiers when we raid (at least long enough to emote dragging a knife across their hands). 

    At last, the time comes when fingers have been collected from the dead hands of 4+ species of oathbreakers. Rather than a necklace, I went for something Jir would actually wear around. And today, it was approved. Behold:

    a keyring of oathbreakers' fingers

    Pale green jade has been carved into the form of a slender serpent with its tail in its mouth, tiny rubies for eyes. Dangling from the keyring, which is barely as large around as a child's wrist, is an assortment of mummified fingers from adults of several races. A smaller steel hoop attached to the keyring allows it to be clasped to a belt loop or other such convenient place.
    The soul of Ashmond says, "Always with the sniping."

    (Clan): Ictinus says, "Stop it Jiraishin, you're making me like you."
  • I think you have a typo there, should be 'a keyring of oath-breakers' fingers.

    Seriously awesome though!
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