Unbound to bound credit market

Per request in the sewers, because apparently how I felt about it wasn't terrible and short-sighted or something, I propose a secondary credit market strictly for selling unbound to bound credits.

It would work exactly like the current credit market, except that I put my 1000 unbound credits up at 7000 each and when purchased, they are automatically and irreversibly bound to the person that bought them. No taksie-backsies post-sale. The benefit to the buyers is obviously that they can potentially get cheaper credits from those of us who would rather sell to people who need them rather than those who just buy and flip them up at exorbitant prices. I can't speak for everyone, but I would gladly take the hit in price if it means that more players can find the same joy that I did when I was new to the game and earning enough to buy a credit or two here and there.

Additionally, if people actually use the damn thing, it means less gold per credit, which means more credits needed for gold purchases- you can probably see where I'm going with this thought.

I'm not really the best person for writing out ideas, so others can chime in for or against or however.
I am retired and log into the forums maybe once every 2 months. It was a good 20 years, live your best lives, friends.


  • This is something that the game has needed for years. Everyone is painfully aware of the credit market bloat. Players tried to fix it. We failed, due to the greed of the few. The administration have tried to fix it. They failed due to the greed of the few. A system where the financially dominant are powerless to flip for a profit helps the game immensely. Simply just by having this created you are providing encouragement to those who are able to make a difference and want to do so and give them an avenue they didn't have access to before.

    Please consider it.
  • KlendathuKlendathu Eye of the Storm
    I would definitely use it, even though I could be considered a high-earner in game, as I buy credits from the credit market to buy artefacts. I usually buy bound credits from house / city credit sales as I have no interest in selling credits on to make a profit.

    Tharos, the Announcer of Delos shouts, "It's near the end of the egghunt and I still haven't figured out how to pronounce Clean-dat-hoo."
  • This would be a massive help, as a new player trying to get together the gold in game to get credits for lessons and eventually artefacts who can't fund it OOC

  • edited September 2018
    Klendathu said:
    I would definitely use it, even though I could be considered a high-earner in game, as I buy credits from the credit market to buy artefacts. I usually buy bound credits from house / city credit sales as I have no interest in selling credits on to make a profit.
    Honestly, people like you are why the credit market is in bad shape.

    I don't mean this as an attack or as a point against you in any way, mind you. It's simply an unavoidable outcome of the way the game's economy is designed. Players like you generate vastly more gold than the lowbies who actually need the credit market, so players like you are going to be the ones who benefit the most from any changes to the credit market. This is because there's basically fuck-all nothing that gold is good for once you own a ship and a house, so you just end up pooling it to spend on CFS.

    I mean, let's be honest here. You put 500 credits up for 5k each, they're not gonna go in little dribs and drabs to the suffering lowbies. They're gonna go to some highroller who does "get 2500000 gold from pack>>credits buy 500 at 5000" 2 seconds after they go up, and then that person will save them for an artifact or an auction or a new class.

    The only way to "fix" CFS for lowbies is to completely redesign the game economy so that gold has more value. However, that's a major major project and it's basically impossible to do because there's no way to do that without having to hit player-owned gold stockpiles and doing that would be hugely unpopular. 
  • Or have a "younger than 50" bound only market?
    Deucalion says, "Torinn is quite nice."
  • KlendathuKlendathu Eye of the Storm
    Nazihk said:
    Klendathu said:
    I would definitely use it, even though I could be considered a high-earner in game, as I buy credits from the credit market to buy artefacts. I usually buy bound credits from house / city credit sales as I have no interest in selling credits on to make a profit.
    Honestly, people like you are why the credit market is in bad shape. 
    I have an upper limit on what I will spend on credits, and the market is usually way above that.

    If I could directly buy lessons or artefacts with gold, I would.

    Tharos, the Announcer of Delos shouts, "It's near the end of the egghunt and I still haven't figured out how to pronounce Clean-dat-hoo."
  • This idea has merit. There are issues that need to be looked at and thought upon, but I have faith in the Administration to be able to do that, should they agree that this is something that should be put in game.
  • Could we add a credit limit on market?  So no one can just buyout and hoard it if someone puts up for example like 5000 credits for 5k.

    Maybe X number per achaean year. Like the way creditsale in houses/cities is being done.

  • The idea has no merit. The overwhelming majority of people will not choose to sell unbound credits for a lower price just because they will be bound on purchase.

  • I disagree entirely, and judging by the likes and awesome vote, there's more evidence to suggest that it would be used than not. 
  • Nope. People are liking the idea of cheaper credits, not because they are going to be willing to put cheap credits up, personally costing them gold for the benefit of others.

  • edited October 2018
    That's as much of an assumption as my argument is, yet I have actually spoken to several people in favor of the idea. 

  • SkyeSkye The Duchess Bellatere
    Just outright switching CFS for this *may* bring down the prices a bit. I'm just speculating here, but prices might change if people were only buying credits on the basis that they expressly intend to use for themselves. At the very least you eliminate the resellers.

    I mean, you couldn't use them for anything else unless you just want to habitually hoard for that 'one day' to buy X artefact. If they're bound, you can't hold on to them as secure inter-character transactions anymore either, if you want unbound for trading, you have to buy from the website first. 

  • edited October 2018
    Or maybe just implement a worthwhile gold sink that actually remains a gold sink for more than like 2 weeks. So people actually have a reason to want gold...
  • edited October 2018
    Skye said:
    Just outright switching CFS for this *may* bring down the prices a bit. I'm just speculating here, but prices might change if people were only buying credits on the basis that they expressly intend to use for themselves. At the very least you eliminate the resellers.

    I mean, you couldn't use them for anything else unless you just want to habitually hoard for that 'one day' to buy X artefact. If they're bound, you can't hold on to them as secure inter-character transactions anymore either, if you want unbound for trading, you have to buy from the website first. 
    Yes. I don't see the problem with having both markets running side by side. Unbound and Bound.

    @Pyori gold sinks are hard to implement so I understand why there aren't more, but yes. I would love gold value to rise.
    Pyori said:
    Or maybe just implement a worthwhile gold sink that actually remains a gold sink for more than like 2 weeks. So people actually have a reason to want gold...

  • Pyori said:
    Or maybe just implement a worthwhile gold sink that actually remains a gold sink for more than like 2 weeks. So people actually have a reason to want gold...
    Because nobody has been trying to think of one.
  • KlendathuKlendathu Eye of the Storm
    Pretty sure most of the people mining iron are using a gold sink #MakeMiningGreatAgain

    Tharos, the Announcer of Delos shouts, "It's near the end of the egghunt and I still haven't figured out how to pronounce Clean-dat-hoo."
  • Best gold sink idea....

    Forging modifiers..... add abilities to forging that increase weapon stats to next level for a limited time...

    Say, sooo many comms to modify your weapon or armour to next arte level for an achaeans day. Uses gold comms and appeases everyone who wants better weapons you think you need.
  • CFS has been changed to only give bound credits twice before and it didn't eliminate the upward pressure on prices. Why would an optional bound credit market be more effective than a forced bound credit market?
  • Lessons for gold would help a lot, I’ve no doubt. Yes we’ve had a big here and there that drastically pumped gold into the economy, but ever since multiclass the credits have steadily increased despite anything people say/want/try about keeping them lower. We’ve tried several ways to reduce the gaming to CFS, which is all well and good, but until we address the actual cause of the upward pressure then it doesn’t matter. Lessons are something everyone needs, no matter your level, and eventually start to cost more than arties. Lots of people will trans a new class slow before buying arties for a class. Fooling yourself if you think this isn’t a large culprit for the upward movement.

    Penwize has cowardly forfeited the challenge to mortal combat issued by Atalkez.
  • JonathinJonathin Retired in a hole.
    edited October 2018
    You guys are treating an optional secondary market like it's going to steal your puppy.

    The whole idea is not to forcibly reduce the price of cfs proper. It's just to give people a way to sell credits to a broader market and not have them picked up by people that are just going to flip them. Who gives a shit whether an 'overwhelming majority' of people are going to use it? P sure there are plenty of QoL changes that barely anybody uses (coughRPWHOcough)

    oh and thanks for reminding me to turn off email notifications.
    I am retired and log into the forums maybe once every 2 months. It was a good 20 years, live your best lives, friends.
  • This sounds like a really nice way to get paid to convert credits from unbound to bound. Buy the cheap ones from this new bound credit market when available, sell an equal number of unbound ones on the regular CFS for a higher amount, then either keep the gold profit or use it to buy more credits (either bound or unbound, depending on your preference).
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