Artefact Packages/Novice Cost Of Entry



  • edited September 2018
    Cooper said:
    Pyori said:
    I feel like anyone who's saying "just go and earn it like everyone else" seems to be forgetting they did that when it was 100x easier to do that.
    This is 100% wrong. It has never been easier than right now.

    Credit prices are very high right now on the credit market, yeah, but bashing generates more gold than it used to by quite a bit. Back in the day, getting 30k per hour was good, 40k was great, 50k was freaking awesome, and 60k was for the people who lied about it like Exelethril did. Now an unartied dragon can get 50k an hour, and the top artied people can push 130k under the right circumstances, and 100k easily.
    Gold cap never used to exist, either. Couple with credits being half the price they are now... Yeah, it was easier.
    Also if you were an alchemist/forestal and had access to herbs/minerals, you could supplement that income with even more when herbs cost more than they do now.
    Promotions I'm not gonna get into. If you're gonna ask Seragorn, you should also ask him how much capital he started with, and how much he's also lost. (yes, he's positive overall, but that's not the point) I would never, ever, encourage a new player to gamble to that extent when they still need other things.
    Again, you're welcome to try it for yourself.
  • Harvesting/transmuting took much, much longer in the past, and cost more to start. You actually make more gold per time spent by a significant margin, and the investment is cheaper as well 

    Gold cap is 100% isn't relevant to people under level 80/not tritrans.

    You're moving the goalpost here pretty hard. We're talking about people who aren't tri trans here.

  • edited September 2018
    Cooper said:
    Harvesting/transmuting took much, much longer in the past, and cost more to start. You actually make more gold per time spent by a significant margin, and the investment is cheaper as well 
    You could literally start getting minerals as soon as you got your third alchemy skill, and there were plenty of people you could sell just primes to without even needing to make the minerals. Harvesting also didn't take longer than it does now, it just took more lessons to get going. I used to harvest, there were much less harvesters back then since it was tied to forestal classes. So places weren't harvested out nearly as often.

    Gold cap is 100% isn't relevant to people under level 80/not tritrans.
    That is exactly my point... They're not going to be hitting the gold cap, thus their progress is going to be even slower...

    You're moving the goalpost here pretty hard. We're talking about people who aren't tri trans here.
    See above comment. My argument has been regarding new people this entire time.
    Nylian said:

    Even still, I have only had two go past level 20, many once they realized the micro-transactions were actually macro-transactions bailed immediately.
    I've had three with this exact same response. All of them stuck around until like level 70-75 or something, but their reason for stopping was basically the same.

  • I feel like we just need to keep everything as it is currently, and then when new player retention becomes non-existent we can just congratulate Ismay and Cooper on a job well done.
  • "It's easier than ever" doesn't hold much water when the powercreep now involves items that newbies are barred from because they weren't playing at the right time.

    Not to mention that it used to be much easier to not be tri-trans and keep up than it is now. Sure you might be able to get more cash now, but the investment amount is so much more.
  • It is like you don't even read what I write, Mathilda. Please don't insult me on the forums when you have me ignored.

  • Cooper said:
    Edit: I copied stuff from the website and it made everything go blue, can't figure out how to fix it.

    You guys are really forgetting about some things that are available to newbies.

    Level 80 =

    200 bound credits from leveling up
    400 lessons from leveling up
    ~150 lessons from starting out

    Additionally -

    -> All characters under the in-game age of 40 are eligible to purchase 50
       bound credits in a special sale for the special price of 5000 gold per
       credit! Use GAMBLINGSALE BUY <# of credits> to take advantage and see
    Is the lesson game from leveling equivalent for older characters? I went to level 56 before going dormant and I have no idea if these bound credits/lessons were upped more recently than I started.

    On that note, this isn't directly related to 'new characters' but someone said this and I'd like to echo the sentiment: opening up the "one time deal" credit/lesson package every 2 to 5 years for repurchase isn't a horrendous idea... Maybe make it slightly more expensive when you come around to repurchase it that length of time later... I mean, people "probably" (famous last words) won't just wait for that length of time to buy it if they are really devoted - they'll be buying other things, and it would be a nice bonus.
  • Jems said:
    Cooper said:
    Edit: I copied stuff from the website and it made everything go blue, can't figure out how to fix it.

    You guys are really forgetting about some things that are available to newbies.

    Level 80 =

    200 bound credits from leveling up
    400 lessons from leveling up
    ~150 lessons from starting out

    Additionally -

    -> All characters under the in-game age of 40 are eligible to purchase 50
       bound credits in a special sale for the special price of 5000 gold per
       credit! Use GAMBLINGSALE BUY <# of credits> to take advantage and see
    Is the lesson game from leveling equivalent for older characters? I went to level 56 before going dormant and I have no idea if these bound credits/lessons were upped more recently than I started.

    On that note, this isn't directly related to 'new characters' but someone said this and I'd like to echo the sentiment: opening up the "one time deal" credit/lesson package every 2 to 5 years for repurchase isn't a horrendous idea... Maybe make it slightly more expensive when you come around to repurchase it that length of time later... I mean, people "probably" (famous last words) won't just wait for that length of time to buy it if they are really devoted - they'll be buying other things, and it would be a nice bonus.
    The last time I remember them adjusting the amount of bound credits you got from levelling (several years ago), they also applied it retroactively to all characters; e.g. anybody who had already reached level 80 received what you'd receive for reaching level 80 after the change minus what you received for reaching level 80 before the change. I don't know if there have been more changes since, but I don't believe so.

    The amount of bound credits is the only thing that has changed, though; the starting lessons and lessons per level has been the same since I started playing about sixteen years ago.
  • One of the issues I have with the "Just grind it like I did" statements is that there isn't anywhere near enough content in the game to actually support loads of people grinding all at the same time; just look at how empty literally everywhere is during Great Hunts, and most of those areas don't even give much gold. If we got a huge influx of new people, and they actually all tried to grind their way to tri-Trans and a few artefacts in a reasonable timeframe, none of them would make any real progress.
  • If your able to make gold any other way than taking a trade craft, questing, or RATTING..... then your in a much better position to make gold now than back in my day!!!

    Credit prices are so high now because its SOO easy to make gold now, just...  once again.... people are jus sitting in there city not taking on or putting in work in those avenues.

    Last I checked there is no gold cap on fishing and selling them, even after you make your gold cap in bashing. And that take absolutely 0 arties or class perks
  • Cooper said:

    I still think that by level 80 with a $20 no brainer lessons purchase you should be able to be tri trans + focus, but the whole "it is worse now than it has ever been" bullshit needs to stop.
    Level 76

      Total Time Played: 3 days, 5 hours and 7 minutes
    | Time This Week   : 22 hours and 50 minutes

    been bashing 90% of that, haven't touched any house requirements, i have only been bashing, in total i have made 152k from level 15-76 I'm 70 lessons off trans weaponmastery. with 2000 lessons on top of that i will trans runelore with 400 lessons in chivalry.

    After level 80 bashing might get that kind of gold, but i think it's been a while since you have played at these levels

  • Baijen said:
    Cooper said:

    I still think that by level 80 with a $20 no brainer lessons purchase you should be able to be tri trans + focus, but the whole "it is worse now than it has ever been" bullshit needs to stop.
    Level 76

      Total Time Played: 3 days, 5 hours and 7 minutes
    | Time This Week   : 22 hours and 50 minutes

    been bashing 90% of that, haven't touched any house requirements, i have only been bashing, in total i have made 152k from level 15-76 I'm 70 lessons off trans weaponmastery. with 2000 lessons on top of that i will trans runelore with 400 lessons in chivalry.

    After level 80 bashing might get that kind of gold, but i think it's been a while since you have played at these levels

    I didn't say you could do that now, I said I think you should be able to do that, as in changes should be made by the admin.

  • Time it took for me to Tri-trans as magi with a 0€ budget:
    Total Time Played: 116 days, 3 hours and 56 minutes
  • All I saw from that is you almost made level 80 in 4 days!!!!

    It took me about 6 or 7 irl years to make 80.....
    Please with the crying! You spoiled generation!
  • Proficy said:
    All I saw from that is you almost made level 80 in 4 days!!!!

    It took me about 6 or 7 irl years to make 80.....
    Please with the crying! You spoiled generation!
    Get off your high horse. You don’t deserve some massive gulf between others because you’ve played for 15 years. Selfish.

    Penwize has cowardly forfeited the challenge to mortal combat issued by Atalkez.
  • Proficy said:
    All I saw from that is you almost made level 80 in 4 days!!!!

    It took me about 6 or 7 irl years to make 80.....
    Please with the crying! You spoiled generation!
    That's exactly What we need, 7 RL years before people can join in.  -facepalm- 

    (Party): Mezghar says, "Stop."
  • KyrraKyrra Australia
    I’m pretty sure all Proficy is saying is that people are achieving things in a much faster time frame that has taken others several years to do.

    Sure some of us have been around for 15 years but that doesn’t mean new players need to do that. The game has changed enough that it’s far easier to accomplish many things that took others (except for a select few) time to do.

    I can roll an alt tomorrow and probably be 80 in a week with my hectic work schedule, which is a massive difference to how long it took me on Kyrra. Battlerage exists now, you can hunt with mentors, there’s no penalty for hunting in dragon, there are things like rare minerals and even promo items that can give bonuses.

    None of that stuff existed for a lot of us in the past, it does now, and people have access to most of just by asking for help.

    For all the griping, there are a lot of people that go out of their way to assist new people and it’s usually out of their own pocket.
    (D.M.A.): Cooper says, "Kyrra is either the most innocent person in the world, or the girl who uses the most innuendo seemingly unintentionally but really on purpose."

  • Somewhat ironic timing:

  • Proficy said:
    All I saw from that is you almost made level 80 in 4 days!!!!

    It took me about 6 or 7 irl years to make 80.....
    Please with the crying! You spoiled generation!
    Maybe with some of that good ol' fashioned hard effort you keep talking about, you might of gotten there sooner?

  • Might have...
  • Kyrra said: 

    None of that stuff existed for a lot of us in the past, it does now, and people have access to most of just by asking for help.

    Which was my point exactly..... you have so much in your favor already and are screaming for more.

     Atalkez said:
    Proficy said:
    All I saw from that is you almost made level 80 in 4 days!!!!

    It took me about 6 or 7 irl years to make 80.....
    Please with the crying! You spoiled generation!
    Get off your high horse. You don’t deserve some massive gulf between others because you’ve played for 15 years. Selfish.
    Well if you didn't suck so bad at life, you might have a horse to sit on.... 

    Always so negative
  • Proficy said:
    Well if you didn't suck so bad at life, you might have a horse to sit on.... 

    Always so negative

  • Pyori said:
    Proficy said:
    Well if you didn't suck so bad at life, you might have a horse to sit on.... 

    Always so negative

    Should be an L.

    Penwize has cowardly forfeited the challenge to mortal combat issued by Atalkez.
  • I don’t agree with profibro, but he is the most unwitting troll here. Time to get mudlet all set back up and kicking so I can get back to smashing skulls with him.
  • @Minifie, you finally got everything ready to come back?? WootWoot!
    Give us -real- shop logs! Not another misinterpretation of features we ask for, turned into something that either doesn't help at all, or doesn't remotely resemble what we wanted to begin with.


    Current position of some of the playerbase, instead of expressing a desire to fix problems:

    Vhaynna: "Honest question - if you don't like Achaea or the current admin, why do you even bother playing?"

  • Yo guys who wants to reminisce about the good ol days???

    (Market): Tearstorm says, "Selling credits for 2.2k each."
  • Dupre said:
    Yo guys who wants to reminisce about the good ol days???

    (Market): Tearstorm says, "Selling credits for 2.2k each."
    Tearstorm seems about appropriate here :(
  • Minifie said:
    I don’t agree with profibro, but he is the most unwitting troll here. Time to get mudlet all set back up and kicking so I can get back to smashing skulls with him.
    *waits for her @Minifie co-hort to return and KICK SOME ASS Syndra-style*
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