Shimmering orb handling for mapper

I know this hasn't been added just yet (perhaps in the future?), but this is a quick and dirty way for the Mudlet mapper to handle the shimmering orb city improvement. Bear in mind that this is only really needed if you have wings that you want to use from within a city with an orb active.

--in a trigger
Pattern (exact match): A shimmering orb covers the city, preventing you from rising to the skies.

if gmcp.Room.Info.area == "Ashtan" then --Change this to be your city
 if #mmp.speedWalkPath > 0 then
  local destination = mmp.speedWalkPath[#mmp.speedWalkPath]
  expandAlias("mconfig duanathar false")
  expandAlias("mconfig duanatharan false")
  mmp.echo(string.format("Remapping path to %d (%s)", destination, getRoomName(destination)))

--in a script
mmp.remapPathOrb = function()
 if #mmp.speedWalkPath > 0 then
  local destination = mmp.speedWalkPath[#mmp.speedWalkPath]
  expandAlias("mconfig duanathar true")
  expandAlias("mconfig duanatharan true")
  mmp.echo(string.format("Remapping path to %d (%s)", destination, getRoomName(destination)))
mmp.createOrbTrigger = function()
 if orbTrigger then killTrigger(orbTrigger) orbTrigger = nil end
 orbTrigger = tempTrigger("Before the gate of Ashtan", [[mmp.remapPathOrb()]]) 
 --Change the "Before the gate of Ashtan" part to be the first room outside of your city
Note the comments. There's a couple of things you need to alter depending on your city.


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