Posted this on Lusternia's forums after making it; decided to stop playing there pretty fast though. Credit to Sohl for the original version, I adapted and slimmed it down a lot. It'll automatically install itself as soon as you restart mudlet, if you
don't want to you can just do
kt reset to force it.
- kt reset [players|denizens] will reset the tracker, if you
provide a players/denizens argument then it'll only reset tracking for
that group, instead of the entire thing.
- kt show [players|denizens]
the part where mine differs from the original. Using it without an
argument will show everything you've killed. Using it with an argument
(players or denizens) will show you WHERE you killed those things.
Unfortunately for some places that have multiple areas, it will separate by those areas. Too lazy to cross-reference room.details to get around that, sorry!
No search function like the original has, because I'm lazy and didn't really use it. I can probably add it at some point, could be useful I guess for tracking down where you killed something for a scavenger hunt or something. -- Pictures below to see output.
Penwize has cowardly forfeited the challenge to mortal combat issued by Atalkez.
What's not to love about that.
Tecton-Today at 6:17 PM
-OT: Forgot Achaea has a slightly different slain line. Fixed it to capture it properly.