Elemental Lord Combat



  • Just go Water so you can use "You can't stem this tide!"
  • Elisella said:
    Just go Water so you can use "You can't stem this tide!"
    Yeah I'd be able to use it by the end of next year, when I finally managed to complete the last quest to become a water lord. Seems good.
  • Alyxeri said:
    Elisella said:
    Just go Water so you can use "You can't stem this tide!"
    Yeah I'd be able to use it by the end of next year, when I finally managed to complete the last quest to become a water lord. Seems good.
    fortunately, wisdom is the offspring of suffering and time.
  • edited December 2017
    I've been curious about skyhammer, simply for the stressed "-cataclysmic-" when describing damage. Didn't really know what to expect, but holy flaming goats I wasn't really expecting it to be that hard hitting with dragonarmour, runes and all resists up. It's sexy.


    (I don't have my timestamps in that, but from the message to the zap you have exactly 4 seconds)
  • KryptonKrypton shi-Khurena
    That's because you don't have levitation up. Part of the damage is crashing into the ground - levitation ameliorates that part.
  • edited December 2017
    -edit- nvm, just tested it.
  • Something else I noticed about the original log: Atalkez descends from above.

    Why weren't you in the skies with him!?
  • AhmetAhmet Wherever I wanna be
    Armali said:
    Something else I noticed about the original log: Atalkez descends from above.

    Why weren't you in the skies with him!?
    Because you can hit flyers from ground but not vice versa.
    Huh. Neat.
  • edited December 2017
    Kiet said:
    My fav quote is actually 'delight in your gilded dungeon' but Izaro has like the best lines/voicework in that game.

    Should use it for alchemist aurify imo
    A wise emperor recognizes that life and empire are the same.

    Those who stand should never outnumber those who kneel.

    Wisdom is the offspring of Suffering and Time.

    *has Chaos Orb Keychain from open Beta supporter pack. Been playing since Feb 2013*
  • You get a 10% balance buff when fighting from skies.
  • Nazihk said:
    Antonius said:
    Solnir said:
    How does rebounding/parry/shield come into play with elemental lords? Do they just ignore them, or is it significant?
    I don't recall seeing an ability that sounded like a parry bypass, but I didn't spend much time at all looking through the Earth abilities so I could have easily missed it or just forgotten about it.
    They have a DWB-esque momentum mechanic and they can spend it on a zero-balance prone, so they can prone+hit in one shot.
    Huh, which ability is this?
  • Syntax:

    Works on/against:

    To anger a servant of Garash is to anger the earth itself. At your      
    bidding the earth shall violently quake, throwing all that stand within 
    your location to the ground and having a chance to disrupt their        

    If you have shaped your form more than three times, you will lose one   
    level of shaping but this ability will not consume balance. 
  • Here is a messy Fire Lord log versus Air Lord. 

    https://ada-young.appspot.com/pastebin/bWli88dD (Ignite Nova instakill)

    Mind my highlights and spam I'm trying to transition my mudlet stuff to a new computer and it isn't going as successful as I'd hope.

  • Doesn't seem like Fire Lord's nearly as fast to kill as Air is, not sure on the brand mechanics yet though, so it might be able to thrive better in drawn-out fights. She could've killed you much sooner :(

    Nice to see people actually posting logs now, though! Now all we need are water ones.
  • Alyxeri said:
    Doesn't seem like Fire Lord's nearly as fast to kill as Air is, not sure on the brand mechanics yet though, so it might be able to thrive better in drawn-out fights. She could've killed you much sooner :(

    Nice to see people actually posting logs now, though! Now all we need are water ones.
    Yeah, next fight @Krysanth popped me a balance or two away from kill. She also has no Thermology so, that would easily put me far enough behind. I also have no clue the proper curing (and I'm not tracking pressure yet) for Air Lord.

    I've yet to embrace some of the other stuff in the Ignition kit which will definitely help me survive and or hinder them, but Fire Lord feels kinda like my experiences with DwB, minus the leg breaks. Still fun to add onto any other class! Lets me dip my toes into momentum.
  • Air does a major number on svo if used right. I've managed to break quite a few svo users with it. Pretty sure its the pressure on blackout. Most are just missing it, however some people its not even healing pressure stacks after they cure everything else and diagnose. Still haven't tracked down the exact cause.
  • Pretty sure there hasn't been an update to svof for Elemental Lord yet. If people are using the client-side curing of svof then they're not going to cure afflictions it doesn't know about at all.
  • edited December 2017
    Antonius said:
    Pretty sure there hasn't been an update to svof for Elemental Lord yet. If people are using the client-side curing of svof then they're not going to cure afflictions it doesn't know about at all.
    Svo cures all the afflictions including pressure/tension which are new. But there is a point when it hits high pressure that it just stops curing pressure entirely. I'm not using svo myself so I can't test it further.
  • Was there an update that wasn't posted about that I've missed? If not, svof wouldn't be intentionally curing anything. Why would it? It doesn't know the afflictions exist or how they're cured.
  • edited December 2017
    If they're using serverside alongside SVO, they should still be curing it fine. They just won't see it on prompt. Nobody I've sparred on SVO has had trouble curing the affs, it's tracking the affs they can't do since they don't exist to SVO... If they're not using SSC then yeah they're fucked.
  • Some new logs (Obviously no hinder here, just looking at kill routes)

    Dochitha Earth Lord kills me with Calcify

    Air Lord kill on Dochitha the underutilized damage route

  • edited December 2017
    Earth Lord with Torso strat:

    Torso is also much quicker than Head setup that involves avalanch. Need a head setup that doesn't need avalanch. Also need 2 limb setup. Also need quicker execution sequence. Also need to punish everyone that has calcified affs at the top as default.
  • Zulah said:m
    Some new logs (Obviously no hinder here, just looking at kill routes)

    Dochitha Earth Lord kills me with Calcify

    Air Lord kill on Dochitha the underutilized damage route

    Was that second one a real fight? The parry torso from start to finish was actually painful to look at. :(
  • @Alyxeri not a real fight. Dochitha was setting up stuff while I was seeing if I could kill 10k health with Air Lord

    Here is an air lord vs DWB real fight: (Sorry I gag and replace my stuff, but its all still there without the flavour-flav)

  • I'm shit at limb classes, can anyone explain how Earth EL bypasses static torso parry if they tumble on leg break? I assumed prep torso on prone, but people who trigger tumble off first leg break gives me maybe one hit per break to prep torso.
  • edited December 2017
    Quake/powderise at full momentum for parry bypass.

    Though static torso parry is about the worst thing you can do vs Earth since you can just target head instead. I wouldn't even bother parry bypassing against that.
  • Farrah said:
    Quake/powderise at full momentum for parry bypass.

    Though static torso parry is about the worst thing you can do vs Earth since you can just target head instead. I wouldn't even bother parry bypassing against that.
    Is the head hit always a stun or is the stun conditional?

  • Always, but the stun duration scales with momentum.
  • Tried that Farrah, target just ran a lot to avoid letting stuns get out of hand. So was looking for a parry bypass option.
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