[APT] A (almost) trigger-less NDB.



  • Wanted to rave to @Alyxeri, but she retired already. This NDB is truly exceptional, as I played with it my jaw dropped and a few "What the f**k"'s came out in amazement. If you are reading this, thank you and hope you are still enjoying Achaea in another form!
  • How hard would it be to combine this database with http://forums.achaea.com/discussion/6199/nicer-looking-qwho#latest ?
  • edited May 2018
    The picture in the original post was done with apt so yeah.

    eta: No I won't show you, I don't have APT anymore, thus I do not support it anymore.
  • Anyone having issues with apt Get Info and player characters with the race Tash'la and or in Elemental Lord form? I've tried looking into it myself but finding the solution seems out of my depth.
    spread positivity
  • I haven't had problems with Tash'la, and Elemental forms are treated like Dragon as far as I can tell. What exactly is happening? Or not happening I guess.
  • I found the solution to my problem and posted it here: https://forums.achaea.com/discussion/6693/mudlet-name-databases#latest
    spread positivity
  • edited April 2019
    someone tell me they have a fix for these dang tsol'teth entries, please

  • edited April 2019
    Shub said:
    someone tell me they have a fix for these dang tsol'teth entries, please

    In the APT Qwho Trigger, change:
    for token in multimatches[1][2]:gmatch("%w+") do table.insert(peopleOnline, token) end
    for token in multimatches[1][2]:gmatch("[%w']+") do table.insert(peopleOnline, token) end

    This allows for the capture of alpha characters and apostrophes, as well as their repeated occurrence in the capture window. But! It doesn't allow for the capture of anything BUT alpha characters and apostrophes!

    Message me IG if you have any other questions! 


    Because this has happened to me, I figured I would add this as well: Have you ever gone to update the QW list and been spammed by "honours so-and-so"? The fix to that is to edit lines 57-59 of the apt_GotInfo script to: 

    if honoursPerson ~= nil then<br>send("honours "..honoursPerson)<br>honoursPerson = nil
    This will set the variable used to honors someone back to nil after it honors to prevent the recursive! Again, feel free to message me IG with any questions!
  • I'm having trouble setting rogues to no city who's information can't be downloaded.  How do I fix this?
  • I've been getting a bunch of errors with this - including a TLS Initialization and the honors not honorsing since Mudlet's update to 4.0.2. Any fixes or idea what's causing it?
  • Mudlet bug - update to 4.0.3, that'll fix it.
  • Is there an updated version of this, or another non-svof name database? Even after tinkering for a bit I couldn't get this to automatically honours people except on the very first qwp, there was no city separation list, and manual honours provides "(APT): Error downloading information." and some people return with "(APT): WARNING: Person's city is hidden; will require a manual honours/setting to update it."
    Mudlet 4.4 if that helps.

    Jumpy said:
    The membership is already such a good deal that there is no way we can reduce the cost. 

  • Thanks! That didn't pop up in any of my searches. :(

    Jumpy said:
    The membership is already such a good deal that there is no way we can reduce the cost. 

  • No idea if things work on 4.0+ I refuse to update.
    The 'warning' shows when they have bannerorgs config'd on, and you have to manually honours them to grab their city.
    Error downloading generally means the person doesn't exist that you tried to honours, or your connection timed out.
  • Iaxus said:
    Is there an updated version of this, or another non-svof name database? Even after tinkering for a bit I couldn't get this to automatically honours people except on the very first qwp, there was no city separation list, and manual honours provides "(APT): Error downloading information." and some people return with "(APT): WARNING: Person's city is hidden; will require a manual honours/setting to update it."
    Mudlet 4.4 if that helps.
    Also, if you are using SVOF and have the honors alias for NDB turned on, most often NDB is loaded before APT so the NDB alias fires first. You would want to turn off the NDB folder entirely to ensure that the apt triggers/aliases are being used correctly to capture information. 
  • Made a quick (and hopefully nicely formatted) "apt help" alias that quickly prints the APT commands and what they do. On the off chance it helps anybody else, it's attached.

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