Makarios and I consider ourselves to be pretty brave as Co-Producers go (unless you're a spider then you can jog on.) So! Being Friday the 13th, a fittingly traditional night of horror and torture, we're opening up this thread for all your questions!
This thread will be open all weekend, so ask away, and for the next couple of hours you'll be able to find us in person NE of NoNT! So feel free to stop on by, ask questions, or chat to us!
What is the current status of new divine, specifically Nature ones! I know it's been brought up in the past, but I was wondering if there were any updates on this. Thanks!
Not until they can find a new Lord Phaestus. Our Order has dibs! Joking, if I recall correctly, it's up to the person being moved up to Divine status, but I don't remember hear if any are yet at that point.
Definitely not a failure, its been pretty popular for the most part. Lots of grandmagi pieces entered the pool as well.
2.) Will you finish the remaining classleads under CLASSLEAD LIST SUBMITTED that have not been rejected or approved yet?
3.) Any plans to change hunting mechanics again? I find that gold cap is a hinderance to group hunts because the higher level and stronger person will usually take more of a hit to their gold cap than their companions, and this sucks for dragons who are more able to hit gold cap on a regular basis. So far I find there is little reason for dragons to hunt with non-dragons because of gold cap, having to choose risking them in higher level areas or going to lower level areas we shouldn't be in, and the only mechanic left to encourage it is battlerage. Forays only encourage group hunting of similar level companions, but hunting is a great bonding activity for citymates of all levels.
4.) Are there any plans right now to improve shopkeeping, like more options for pricing bins or handling enemies?
5.) How often do you look through submitted ideas?
1. Improving the shops system is on our longterm goals list.
2. Yes.
3. Most likely not anytime soon.
4. See 1!
5. Often.
Not something we've discussed, but quite possibly!
(Eta: "Solution 2 [exits at defendable] is the intended behaviour." sounds like this was always the plan from inception.)
Zulah, The Legendary Gambler says to Nicola, "Oooo?"
"Oooooooooh!" you say to Nicola, eyes wide with wonder.
"Oooooooooh!" Thalak says, eyes wide with wonder.
Nicola says, "Super Oooooo."
Zulah, The Legendary Gambler says, "That tease."
You say in a firm, but gentle voice, "Super ooo even!"
Shirszae looks surprised and says to Nicola with a faded Kamleikanese accent, "...Tease."
You say in a firm, but gentle voice, "Better than chocolate?"
Zulah, The Legendary Gambler says to Nicola, "You were just weaiting to drop that."
Melodie says to Nicola with a flowing, cultured accent, "How do you qualify "big", exactly?"
Nicola says, "And bigger than Meropis."
Makarios, the Meticulous says, "Bigger than the last three times its been said."
- To love another person is to see the face of G/d
- Let me get my hat and my knife
- It's your apple, take a bite
- Don't dream it ... be it
No real regrets with these. The crucible was the only problematic one I feel we introduced, but I think we've got that in a much more reasonable spot now. We do have some plans on how to improve this system going forward, though.
Do stuff and be positive. If your negative and not doing things, its hard to get excited for people who are a step further removed than you.
Any love for housìng or housing servants anytime soon?
Stories by Jurixe and Stories by Jurixe 2
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We're keeping an eye on how it pans out for them, fairly confident it will not be an Achaea addition, however. Imperian is working under a different set of constraints to us in many ways so their requirements are different.
More housing changes is definitely on the cards - probably not this year, but it is something we can always add more of.
Any plans for adventurer cities on Meropis?
Will it ever be possible for clans to own subdivision housing and/or to make furniture dropping permissions/facilities like stables shareable? Currently the cost for many of these is prohibitive for a single person but worthwhile if sharing.
Why does housing have to be destroyed upon a person's retirement, especially out of subdivision? Could any exceptions be made for housing that has had a significant RP impact?
What part of your daily Achaea routine do you most enjoy?
Stories by Jurixe and Stories by Jurixe 2
Interested in joining a Discord about Achaean RP? Want to comment on RP topics or have RP questions? Check the Achaean RP Resource out here:
Also how does the admin feel about how the mementos program rolled out in actuality?
Edit: also, how is Aurora doing?
1: No plans for Meropis cities.
2: Possibly!
3: We can't do exceptions here. Its because of how retirement is handled behind the scenes for us.
4: I enjoy touching base with our team, because its usually what keeps each day different. At least someone will have some new idea/concept/must have.
Delosian eagles will happen, we are resolved.
Pretty happy with resolutions generally speaking - they were always intended as a small side thing just for fun and I think they mostly fill that role.
1. Is there a reason for such a high drop rate of azatlan knives? They've got limited functionality and the drop rate on those are abnormally high compared to the rest. It's not that I want higher drop rates on the others, I just wish I'd stop seeing azatlan knife pieces.
2. Will you introduce a redemption value for seafaring and wonders pieces?
3a. Do the seafaring talismans drop from the random caches for this month's promotion? 3b. Will seafaring talismans make a return in the near/far future?
4. The talisman market seems to be dysfunctional due to two reasons. First, the pricing is entirely based on the seller, which does not allow for interaction between the buying and selling parties, which results in the same pieces being offered for exorbitant prices. Secondly, this often leads to an over-estimation of the selling price, which in turn further discourages talisman sets being completed (which ultimately lessens the value of the promotion packages in the eyes of the player/customer). I know likely a lot of work and very unlikely, but having a bidding system for the talisman market would fix some of the issues. I feel like many people would attempt to make/create more talisman sets if they could find more reasonable prices.
Do you have a list of all possible treasure that can be found?
How does a dives chance to find treasure function nowadays, there's only ever one bell and do zones get farmed out and/or is there a risk/reward setting to the zones you choose to dive?
Can we get another state of Achaea classes/races breakdown again?
What's been your favourite addition to Achaea this year?
Who is the punniest?