Or would I be much better off with all the more complicated and fully featured stuff like Svof? Because right now I don't have access to a computer and play mainly on Blowtorch client on my phone.
The serverside curing system seems to have most of the things I need - I just need to make some aliases to change priorities and settings and things like that. What does Svof have that serverside curing does not? Can I make up for it with my Blowtorch triggers/highlights/gags?
Also ... configuring curing settings is not affected by aeon ... right?
Not to discourage you or anything. Plenty of people get by, but you're going to want Mudlet, or maybe Nexus. If you're on Mudlet, there's a number of helpful script packages to get you going (svof, wsys, ak, various others), and you can start setting up some reflexes of your own to suit your needs.
To add to that, Svof has a number of helpful highlights, makes it easy to configure your defences for both keepup and defup, and swap between sets, as well as lots of utilities such as its people tracker, namedatabase, limb counters, etc.
And yes, you can configure curing settings in aeon/ret without it cancelling your action or having to wait.
Have you tried connecting via the Nexus client? It runs in your browser, so should be usable on a phone.
Don't underestimate my skill with mobile mudding
I'll have to admit though that Achaea has plenty of features that is making phone gameplay easier. Command queueing, serverside curing ... I'm liking it a lot.
I always found playing from Nexus on my browser really weird. It doesn't really feel smooth and runs kinda slow. Maybe I'll give it a try again, but I've always felt more comfortable in Blowtorch.