HELP MEMENTOES and get fairy wings while levelling. Fairy wings go well with jesters. Also people selling mementoes at low prices these days, or is my thinking wrong? Buy 65 mementoes for 130 credits and save 670 for something cool.
Thanks for the advise (to everyone really)! I am a dragon in fact, so while I am still "levelling" it is less important now
So far, I see a divided yes-wings/no-wings camp leaning towards yes-wings and no real suggestions for upgrading lvl 1 defensive artefacts or recommendation for pebble/vibrating stick.
Thanks for the advise (to everyone really)! I am a dragon in fact, so while I am still "levelling" it is less important now
So far, I see a divided yes-wings/no-wings camp leaning towards yes-wings and no real suggestions for upgrading lvl 1 defensive artefacts or recommendation for pebble/vibrating stick.