What does each affliction do?



  • edited January 2018
    Anyone have a handy list of all the new affs introduced by the Elemental Lords class? Particularly something that matches what you find in the affliction gmcp list or the in-game affliction list

    Here's what I've found so far from studying the affliction list (and I'm pretty sure I'm missing stuff...):

    --Air Lords--

    Affliction:         Tension
    Diagnose:           surrounded by heightened tension.
    Afflicted msg:      none
    Cured msg:          You suddenly find the air much easier to breathe.
    Cure(s):            Smoke Elm / Smoke Cinnabar
    WhisperingMadness:  No
    Tzantza:            No
    Accentato:          No
    CadmusCurse:        No

    ~~questionable air lord aff below~~
    Affliction:         Pressure
    Diagnose:           the pressure surrounding you is $=(type$).
    Afflicted msg:      none
    Cured msg:          The oppressive pressure weighing down on you lifts.
    Cure(s):            Eat Pear / Eat Calcite
    WhisperingMadness:  No
    Tzantza:            No
    Accentato:          No
    CadmusCurse:        No

    --Earth Lords--
    Affliction:         Calcifiedskull
    Diagnose:           suffering from a calcifying skull.
    Afflicted msg:      none
    Cured msg:          Your skull's calcification abruptly ceases, leaving only a dull ache behind.
    Cure(s):            Apply Restoration To Head
    WhisperingMadness:  No
    Tzantza:            No
    Accentato:          No
    CadmusCurse:        No

    Affliction:         Calcifiedtorso
    Diagnose:           suffering from a calcifying ribcage.
    Afflicted msg:      none
    Cured msg:          Your ribs' calcification abruptly ceases, leaving only a dull ache behind.
    Cure(s):            Apply Restoration To Body
    WhisperingMadness:  No
    Tzantza:            No
    Accentato:          No
    CadmusCurse:        No

    --Fire Lords--
    Affliction:         Kkractlebrand
    Diagnose:           marked by the wrath of Kkractle.
    Afflicted msg:      The mark upon your brow bursts into flame, a singular point of agony that
    threatens to consume you.
    Cured msg:          The burning brand upon your brow fades, leaving only tender flesh as a warning.
    Cure(s):            Unknown
    WhisperingMadness:  No
    Tzantza:            No
    Accentato:          No
    CadmusCurse:        No

    --Water Lords--
    Affliction:         Coldfate
    Diagnose:           cursed with a cold fate.
    Afflicted msg:      none
    Cured msg:          The overwhelming sense of cold that suffuses you abruptly lifts.
    Cure(s):            Time
    WhisperingMadness:  No
    Tzantza:            No
    Accentato:          No
    CadmusCurse:        No

    Affliction:         Latched
    Diagnose:           Moments from death.
    Afflicted msg:      You feel suddenly weak, your limbs trembling and bile rising.
    Cured msg:          Warmth floods back into your limbs, and you feel suddenly vital.
    Cure(s):            Unknown
    WhisperingMadness:  No
    Tzantza:            No
    Accentato:          No
    CadmusCurse:        No

    --Other Questionable Affs-- (unsure if they are caused by Elementals, another class, or denizens)

    That is not an ordinary star, my son. That star is the tear of a warrior. A lost soul who has finished his battles somewhere on this planet. A pitiful soul who could not find his way to the lofty realm where the great spirit awaits us all.
  • edited January 2018
    Lucianus said:

    --Other Questionable Affs-- (unsure if they are caused by Elementals, another class, or denizens)

    --Magi; used to build towards destroy.

    --Depthswalker; lowers intelligence based on what affs you had when it was used (from a list)

    --Jester; gives impatience if not cured.

    --Isn't this lullaby destabilise? (if so, Magi; stops metawake redeffing)

    Laceratedthroat/Slashedthroat (fairly sure using lacerate on someone who still has the first, gets hit by the second [and becomes a resto cure])
    --Sylvan (similar to stuttering? I think. Might have other effects too)

    --Occultist; increases tree recovery.

    --Alchemist; gives bleeding everytime you use balance, scaling with how long the balance usage is.

    --Occultist; increases focus recovery.

    Not entirely sure on the others, I think 2 or 3 of them at least are defunct affs.
  • KryptonKrypton shi-Khurena
    edited January 2018
    Lapsingconsciousness is the "You drank too much" affliction.

    Scrambledbrains is Tekura Slam and prevents breaking locks.

    Palpatarfeed by Occultist slows the reapplication of speed.
  • Thanks guys.

    I'm also curious about the Pressure one from the list. If that is the Air Lord affliction. How does that work? Using pear or calcite to cure it means that it is really difficult to build up air pressure stacks right?
    That is not an ordinary star, my son. That star is the tear of a warrior. A lost soul who has finished his battles somewhere on this planet. A pitiful soul who could not find his way to the lofty realm where the great spirit awaits us all.
  • KryptonKrypton shi-Khurena
    edited January 2018
    No, because if you have any one of manaleech/disloyalty/deadening, Air Lord gives you 2 pressure stacks at once. If you have two or more of those affs, Air Lord gives 3 pressure stacks at once.

    Prioritising pressure over the pipe affs will get you killed because you will reach the requisite 6 pressure stacks for Air Lord's insta in two balances.
  • I haven't fought an Air lord yet, but how exactly does that work? Is pear/calcite not on herb balance?
  • No, it’s on smoke balance.

    Penwize has cowardly forfeited the challenge to mortal combat issued by Atalkez.
  • Atalkez said:
    No, it’s on smoke balance.
    Smoke? We're consuming smoke balance when eating pears/calcite now?
    That is not an ordinary star, my son. That star is the tear of a warrior. A lost soul who has finished his battles somewhere on this planet. A pitiful soul who could not find his way to the lofty realm where the great spirit awaits us all.
  • Yeah. You can’t do both cures at the same time. This is by design, because they’re different balances, and the class doesn’t have asthma - if it worked ‘normally’ they would never get anywhere. So the intent is that you have to choose which to cure (optimal are the pipe affs), with intelligent shield/running/defensive measures.

    Penwize has cowardly forfeited the challenge to mortal combat issued by Atalkez.
  • Or damage race them.
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