Mudlet having troubles with a script on startup

Hey all,

I've been having an issue that I don't quite understand. On startup of my profile, svof gets loaded after login. But it appears that AK41's @ml_oprompt doesn't work automatically.

When I check the script that has the definition for that prompt, mudlet shows the bug-icon on that script. However, when I click ON the script, the bug-icon disappears and the prompt-tag works perfectly again.

See for a snippet of the output in mudlet, and the attached snippets for more information. Note: when I click the script, there is a warning for about 0.1 second, which is impossible for me to read. After that the warning vanishes and everything is a-okay.

Anyone got any suggestions on how to tackle the issue permanently?


Best Answer


  • Ah! I actually did use the raise event, but forgot to make a function around the svo.adddefinition() call. Fixed it up and it now works.

    Thanks for spotting the obvious that I kept missing. <3
  • Event handlers were just one of those things I didn't understand when I wrote the prompt for ak. You could probably just rename the script to the function name, since I should have all of the events in it already. 
  • Austere said:
    Event handlers were just one of those things I didn't understand when I wrote the prompt for ak. You could probably just rename the script to the function name, since I should have all of the events in it already. 
    Actually, there was no function around the svo.adddefinition call. That's what I added (plus renaming the script to the new function's name). That was what fixed it.

    But since the rest of AK seems to be pretty boss, I forgive you :).

    (I did change a few bits around to make it more sentinel aware and suit my needs, but otherwise: really nice job!)
  • Speaking of script issues.  I made an elixlist tracker that loads a miniconsole.  Works fine except sometimes I have to hit the alias to populate it twice before it works.  And my Items in Room doesn't load when I start Mudlet.  I have to go into the folder and Deactivate/activate it to get it working right.  Any ideas why?

  • KlendathuKlendathu Eye of the Storm
    Caelan said:
    Speaking of script issues.  I made an elixlist tracker that loads a miniconsole.  Works fine except sometimes I have to hit the alias to populate it twice before it works.  And my Items in Room doesn't load when I start Mudlet.  I have to go into the folder and Deactivate/activate it to get it working right.  Any ideas why?
    Do you get an error message? Does it require a variable that doesn't exist initially (at script start up) yet is loaded later? Likely reason is scripts loading in the wrong order.

    Tharos, the Announcer of Delos shouts, "It's near the end of the egghunt and I still haven't figured out how to pronounce Clean-dat-hoo."
  • Yeah, I have it dead last, but realized I log on blind so it has to wait until I touch mindseye.  Duh, I guess

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