It is a rave because it is a huge shift from the metagame of sit in an area and range with a bigger party and win, which was not very interesting. Melee is so much more fun and interesting, and a lot more classes can participate in it. Some classes are still really good at area range, and this makes that their niche, rather than one of many. Serpents are still really good in line of sight, as are anyone with bows/doppleganger, but this shifts the metagame from "Are you a monk? No? Are you a magi, with three others? No? Do you have a bow or star tarot? No? Well, dor angel absolve davio and go afk." to being able to include strategies from all classes without everything hinging on area control.
Line of sight becomes more important, which means terrain and strategy becomes more important, which opens up a whole new level of strategy for raiding. It is not about finding an unguarded outdoors spot or an indoors spot anymore, it will be about finding somewhere where, if you have enough bows, you can make use of your LOS. If you have a more melee/beckon oriented group, you will want a series of rooms with more turns, and factor in which way you progress as you destroy rooms.. Do you hop around to different locations? Do you stay in one spot and make it harder for them to get to you, and hope you catch the serpent trying to evade in for travel? Do you leave a phased serpent behind and travel to them when their group comes, and backbeckon? It is all so much more interesting now.
That is freaking awesome, and I adore the admin for making that move.
This is another step in the direction of pushing it further towards LoS/melee. No meteors to take down shield from 14 rooms away is a hugely important change for that. This means no meteor volley/travel/snipe volley, you will need to meteor while putting yourself at danger rather than from forever away. Shield stopping arrows is something I think is being overlooked, because it was so easy to take down before. Now you need breathstream or soulspear.
I think this is a really good change, and very exciting.
LoS has been the metagame for the last two months.
Before that, it was "Find most fortified and unrushable position, use unmatched area attacks, laugh at other cities' inability to touch you". I'd say it's a good step towards making the game more interesting and tactical at the expense of "He with the most ranged, wins".
thurisaz flood prevention is definitely a rave, nothing more frustrating than being a runie and fighting a magi/person with flood stick
I thought those flood sticks weren't sold anymore? So that limits it to Magi.
With L2 and L3 health arties, SoA, 18 dex, weaving, mounted, I still have to stay the hell away from unartied runies on land. They refuse to fight on water - which is not surprising.
You couldn't ask for an easier class to play from both PVP and Cyrunie dragon alt hunting perspectives. They need more buffs though. :P
Just to clarify, you can still go onto a naturally watery room to mess with runelore. The issue was that two classes (or a lucky sceptre owner) could shut down an entire skill just by flooding, which was disproportionate.
Since area-wide attacks are being nerfed, here's to hoping area-wide kai choke/crush/radiance get addressed eventually as well [-O<
I agree with most, though changing radiance in that regards would be a bit hard. Would be stupid if the implemented a limit of distance on it. Might as well make a completely new ability.
And you won't understand the cause of your grief...
Sure hope that they get the monk classlead done quickly, because they are now just a teansy-bit overpowered at the moment....
EDIT: And let's not even begin to talk about veiled monks fortified indoors when a particular city has no veil-users active at the moment. I suppose that I don't mind monks ranged abilities not being nerfed if it was somehow incompatible with veil.
@Fitz for giving up quite a bit of his time to watch me work.
(D.M.A.): Cooper says, "Kyrra is either the most innocent person in the world, or the girl who uses the most innuendo seemingly unintentionally but really on purpose."
i'm a rebel
i'm a rebel
i'm a rebel
Sceptre of Aqueous mastery. (still pretty sure I got the very first one...)
When Canada rules the world,
things will be... nii~ice.
One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important
[ SnB PvP Guide | Link ]
And you won't understand the cause of your grief...
...But you'll always follow the voices beneath.
@eld and @jacen for helping me find solid ground to stand on and someone to lean on. Being able to rely on house unity in his hard time is awesome.
Damn it.
One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important
& @Nizaris for cracking that whip.