Hello. I'm having difficulty getting this to work properly. I'm going to assume the problem might lie in the fact that I have a large flatscreen TV instead of a computer monitor as my display.
-I do have GMCP enabled. -I have installed all possible packages, and imported them. -I have tried the double-click fix for 3.0 and it would very briefly flash what I believe are the other GUI packages and then revert back to the GUI that's shown screenshot below.
The chat box and the left and right boarder buttons are the only things that I can tell are working for me. When I click any of the other buttons, I can't tell if they are doing anything.
Looks like you have a system font size messing things up. The fonts in the settings window you have open there are set to an exact size (8 I believe without checking) For some reason 8 is very large on your screen.
Also looks like you need to restart after installing packages.
@Jinara msg me here in forums and we'll walk through getting it working for you if it means setting new font sizes in the code for your screen it shouldn't be an issue.
Might I suggest a news/change-log on the website so that we are able to more cleanly see what you add and change?
Will do if I update anything.
First of all. Thank you a bunch for this GUI. Helps a lot .
I was wondering if you guys sorted out this issue? I seem to be having a similar one. I can't get the config-box to work. The arrows won't work as they should and the text is all over the Place. Background color will not work either.
I'm loving this UI. The screenshots here show an "infohere" button that isn't on the download options however. Does anybody have a link to that package somewhere? Thanks!
Is anyone else experiencing an issue with the Seamap moving to the mapping window with the latest SVOF update?
I figured out my issue. If you have one of those themed ship buckets that changes the ship rooms used on your ship, you'll need to go in and add the new room names to the proper trigger(s) as it changes them.
@Cieon I've not had that issue myself, but I'll test tonight and see if it's working. In the meantime, try 'Loadgui' and if that doesn't work uninstall and reinstall the package might.
@Dieg I think he said that's one of the things he has ready to upload, just he hasn't been able to yet. We'll have to wait and see.
First of all. Thank you a bunch for this GUI. Helps a lot .
I was wondering if you guys sorted out this issue? I seem to be having a similar one. I can't get the config-box to work. The arrows won't work as they should and the text is all over the Place. Background color will not work either.
Same issue for me as well. I dont see anything and when I click default layout, all the other windows shimmer or a second all over the place and then nothing.
@Zulah Got TReX running pretty dreamy these days. I was wondering if you'd like to do a special gui that swaps when you class change with the system. I was thinking like backgrounds changing with different classes. I have a playlist event for music with the new mudlet so we could even add enviorment based music to the system that swaps of gmcp with the background. If you ever have time.
First of all. Thank you a bunch for this GUI. Helps a lot .
I was wondering if you guys sorted out this issue? I seem to be having a similar one. I can't get the config-box to work. The arrows won't work as they should and the text is all over the Place. Background color will not work either.
Same issue for me as well. I dont see anything and when I click default layout, all the other windows shimmer or a second all over the place and then nothing.
Same problem. I can't get this to work for me at all. In addition to the above, HP and MP bars are in the middle of the mudlet screen. Everything is a jumble and out of place.
Does this GUI work with mudlet 3.7.1? I tried gui on the input line and the server just complains it can't find that command. GMCP is on and am running on osx.
This system is made with people who can NOT code at all in mind.
Everything is point and click.
No need to open the settings and change
numbers, variables, scripts, triggers, etc...
It allows you to
change everything on the fly without restarts or taking more than a few
moments to choose where you want things.
This will work on Mac, Pc, Linux
This will work for all classes.
This will work on any healing system (Svo, Svof, Wsys, Trex, Etc Etc)
This will not effect anything in your system (Let me know if it does)
This requires GMCP to be turned ON
Includes Diablo style animated health/mana orbs
Currently 4 savable layouts you can switch between on the fly
I always suggest you create a NEW Profile for the first time to be sure it works right for you before committing to any new GUI.
Turn on GMCP and restart
Select Package Manager --> Install
You must Install: ZulahGUI2.mpackage
Install any additional packages you want (You don't have to install them all)
Note: If you were using my previous version of this. I suggest redownloading: Map, HPbar, MPbar as those three have been updated to fix several bugs that were found.
I seem to be having a problem getting the GUI to work. I had the health and mana bars working, I believe, but nothing else. There was actually some black box taking up part of the normal Mudlet screen, but I'm not sure what it was.
Positions and sizes of all components can be set by the settings menu. Artworks on top, bottom, left and right block the other components so you can't see them.(including settings menu button. I advise not to use them. It works on mudlet 3.7.1 but operating system of my computer is Lubuntu. When I install map and health bar(not mana bar) packages, the settings button disappears(not blocked by something else). Do you have any advices to fix this? Thank you for this beautiful and easy to use GUI.
Updating to Mudlet 3.14.0 just destroyed my settings for this. I'm stuck with a single prompt in the middle of my screen instead of at the bottom, and I have the globes for the hp/mp tracking showing when I never had them enabled or even installed. Hell, installing those does absolutely nothing to remove them.
(D.M.A.): Cooper says, "Kyrra is either the most innocent person in the world, or the girl who uses the most innuendo seemingly unintentionally but really on purpose."
They'll stay until you load up Mudlet again. Uninstalling a script doesn't undo everything the script did, but next time Mudlet loads, whatever the script usually does won't be there.
At least the core package has a number of syntax errors in it, but the cog button should turn up anyways after reconnecting. If not, use the alias "loadgui" to get it to turn up.
At least the core package has a number of syntax errors in it, but the cog button should turn up anyways after reconnecting. If not, use the alias "loadgui" to get it to turn up.
First of all. Thank you a bunch for this GUI. Helps a lot
I was wondering if you guys sorted out this issue? I seem to be having a similar one. I can't get the config-box to work. The arrows won't work as they should and the text is all over the Place. Background color will not work either.
@Cieon I've not had that issue myself, but I'll test tonight and see if it's working. In the meantime, try 'Loadgui' and if that doesn't work uninstall and reinstall the package might.
@Dieg I think he said that's one of the things he has ready to upload, just he hasn't been able to yet. We'll have to wait and see.
Same issue for me as well. I dont see anything and when I click default layout, all the other windows shimmer or a second all over the place and then nothing.
Just one question. The chat addon shows this error pop up
19:48:36.557 <Lua error:[string "return Console For Chat"]:1: '<eof>' expected near 'For'>
Mudlet Discord join up
zGUI 4.0 - A Free GUI for Mudlet 4.10+
libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Libpng_errors seems to describe a fix
Mudlet Discord join up
- Turn on GMCP and restart
- Select Package Manager --> Install
- You must Install: ZulahGUI2.mpackage
But Mudlet doesn;t have any GUI... Maybe it doesn't work in fresh version of Mudlet?Svof
Mudlet Discord join up
I also fixed the syntax errors of the core package here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/gl6ibg8mflzlb84/ZulahGUI2_fixed.mpackage?dl=0
GMCP documentation: https://github.com/keneanung/GMCPAdditions
svof github site: https://github.com/svof/svof and documentation at https://svof.github.io/svof
GMCP documentation: https://github.com/keneanung/GMCPAdditions
svof github site: https://github.com/svof/svof and documentation at https://svof.github.io/svof