Fresh Thread Due to Webpage
This system is made with people who can NOT code at all in mind.
Everything is point and click.
No need to open the settings and change
numbers, variables, scripts, triggers, etc...
It allows you to
change everything on the fly without restarts or taking more than a few
moments to choose where you want things.
- This will work on Mac, Pc, Linux
- This will work for all classes.
- This will work on any healing system (Svo, Svof, Wsys, Trex, Etc Etc)
- This will not effect anything in your system (Let me know if it does)
- This requires GMCP to be turned ON
- Includes Diablo style animated health/mana orbs
- Currently 4 savable layouts you can switch between on the fly
I always suggest you create a NEW Profile for the first time to be sure it works right for you before committing to any new GUI.
- Turn on GMCP and restart
- Select Package Manager --> Install
- You must Install: ZulahGUI2.mpackage
- Install any additional packages you want (You don't have to install them all)
Note: If you were using my previous version of this. I suggest redownloading: Map, HPbar, MPbar as those three have been updated to fix several bugs that were found.
zGUI 4.0 - A Free GUI for Mudlet 4.10+
zGUI 4.0 - A Free GUI for Mudlet 4.10+
and make it perl regex in the drop-down menu to the right. I already told Zulah about it and he said he'd fix it in the next iteration
We love what's been done with this and hope a lot of users get a lot of enjoyment from it.
Thank you, @Zulah !
...sound familiar? >.>
First one shows basic turn on GMCP, install via package manager:
Second one shows basic use of the core system: (I also display a common bug found in mudlet3.0 where the bottom border jumps up randomly, all you have to do to fix it is double click the top of the window.)
The last video is a bit more in depth feature use. Showing how artwork can be used to create a theme for the GUI:
After loading the GUI you'll notice you don't have to type anything or open settings. You just click the little half gear on the top left of the screen to get started.
zGUI 4.0 - A Free GUI for Mudlet 4.10+
I'm going to assume the problem might lie in the fact that I have a large flatscreen TV instead of a computer monitor as my display.
-I do have GMCP enabled.
-I have installed all possible packages, and imported them.
-I have tried the double-click fix for 3.0 and it would very briefly flash what I believe are the other GUI packages and then revert back to the GUI that's shown screenshot below.
The chat box and the left and right boarder buttons are the only things that I can tell are working for me. When I click any of the other buttons, I can't tell if they are doing anything.
Also looks like you need to restart after installing packages.
@Jinara msg me here in forums and we'll walk through getting it working for you if it means setting new font sizes in the code for your screen it shouldn't be an issue.
Will do if I update anything.
zGUI 4.0 - A Free GUI for Mudlet 4.10+
zGUI 4.0 - A Free GUI for Mudlet 4.10+
Just a note to anyone working with the art, I don't think you can get art behind the main window, so you're going to have to do some cutting and fit around it. Art will go behind all of the containers though apparently.
Would it be possible to add in a room tracker window, as well as the two green lights you had for eq and balance, and maybe even a general info tracker bar for level, gold, credits, etc?
zGUI 4.0 - A Free GUI for Mudlet 4.10+
zGUI 4.0 - A Free GUI for Mudlet 4.10+
zGUI 4.0 - A Free GUI for Mudlet 4.10+