I don't feel like giving a super big write up, so just look over the README and dive in. I'm releasing it way before I really want to, but I'd rather get it out there than never release it.
I ported most of my Mudlet system to Nexus. It's meant to fully support multiclass and serverside aff/defs. Figured it would be a decent opportunity to help out the community a bit by making it public, so have at it.
I have been fighting on it for a little while now in Runewarden, but I have been the only user/tester so far.
This is a pretty beta version, but feedback and criticism are welcome. I still have a number of things I want to do before I release something that I will actually support, but I will try to help out where I can if you decide you want to use it.
I have included some other small packages (Local Custom Settings, Bombs, Sigils, Tattoos, and Walls)
Read the README:
https://github.com/jhuiAchaea/NexsysDownload the zip:
https://github.com/jhuiAchaea/Nexsys/archive/master.zipextract and import in Reflex Packages and type load.
Jk I'll try it anyways
That way even when he kills me it feels fun. 'Wheeeeeeeee'.
The 'Play log button won't work if you don't download it. If you click on a dropdown on the far right of this link you can download it and play it in your browser at actual speed (all Nexus logs work this way).
It looks like there is just a little bit of overlap between your system and Bip-core, which tracks (but does not act upon) afflictions.
Have you tested to see if the two systems can work at the same time? It doesn't seem immediately apparent that there would be any conflicts.
Can anyone test this? I'm curious to see the results.
Props for being able to stick through such an awful coding language
This looks like a really good start for anyone to run with. Awesome work @Jhui
for the resistance rings. That is server side spamming it. I included my settings in the helper package. If you want to remove resistances from keepup you can just set the prio to 0 in the table there and it'll take it off server side keepup for you when you load
Second, I am having such trouble altering the defTable. I cannot seem to permanently override the custom settings for the defense table, meaning I have coldresist, poisonresist, etc. at 25 but I want them at 0. everytime I overwrite them in the custompackage they just get set back to 25 by the server. If I do it manually using curing priorities defence coldresist reset it works only until I log on the next time where it is back to 25.
How the heck do I change that and prioritize my defences the way I want them? Is there an alias or something I can use to do so, cause I havent found one. Please help!
The .nxs file is in json. You can open the file in a text editor, then do a search to find instances of something you want to alter (such as a table being re/written). Using the information surrounding the result, you should be able to track down the culprit inside the reflex tab much more easily.
Currently available: Abs, Cnote, Keepalive, Lootpet, Mapmod
let loadDefTable = function() {\n let model = get_variable('CustomDefTable');\n client.updateAndSaveModel('CustomDefTable', client.defTable, model);\n};\n\nlet loadDefSettings = function() {\n let model = get_variable('CustomDefSettings');\n if(model) {\n client.updateModel(client.defPrios.keepup, model.keepup);\n
One quick questions when I Do On Repeat "dor" I can't use aliases I programmed in nexus client, it only uses in game "setalias". Anything I can do to change this?