Ring of Vitality Level 1 Health Regen: 300 credits
Ring of Draconic Vigour Level 2 Health Regen: 850 credits
Ring of Meditation Level 1 Mana Regen: 300 credits
Ring of Lucretian Clarity Level 2 Mana Regen: 850 credits
Rings: (to increase how much a health or mana elixir heals you)
Mayan ring: 500 credits (increases health by 10%)
Ceylonese ring: 1000 credits (increases health by 20%)
Logosian Ring: 2000 credits (increases health by 30%)
Ring of Noxtra: 500 credits (increases mana by 10%)
Ring of Somnustra: 1000 credits (increases mana by 20%)
Ring of Lunastra: 2000 credits (increases mana by 30%)
Collar of Ceylon 10% increased damage 400 credits
Collar of Diablerie 15% increased damage 800 credits
Collar of Agatheis 20% increased damage 1600 credits
Fire pendant 2% increased chance 200 credits
Blood pendant 4% increased chance 600 credits
Stygian pendant 6% increased chance 1200 credits
Epicurean Sash: 500 credits (+1 intelligence)
Sash of Wisdom: 1250 credits (+2 intelligence)
Sash of Caymus: 2500 credits (+3 intelligence)
Hunter's Belt: 400 credits (+1 constitution)
Girdle of the Titans: 1000 credits (+2 constitution)
Girdle of Aegis: 2000 credits (+3 constitution)
One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important