I recently decided to switch from Svof to Wundersys. The most recent version I've found is located here:
https://github.com/tynil/WunderSys -- not updated since October 2015. I like working with this system and I'd like to work on getting the reported bugs fixed with it. However, I imagine that with the pace of changes that are released to the game that a number of things are outdated and/or still an issue but not reported to that repository.
Before I go ahead and backtrack through game changes to start that effort: has anyone been quietly working on something similar? At minimum, if anyone has been keeping track of changes needed that information would be really helpful.
Please let me know!
Wundersys is definitely out of date at this point, I've not heard of anyone taking the time to fix it so far. We do have a clan, but it's rarely used (I think I even quit it), which would be good for fixing the system if you wanted to really do it.
Penwize has cowardly forfeited the challenge to mortal combat issued by Atalkez.
Protip: in your profile folder, /<class> Svo/svo <------ that file is like 99% of the svo system, all plain lua code.
Re: Svof, I'm not too interested in working on that platform right now. I've been keeping a close eye on its development, though, and would happily jump in if that ever changes. It would be awesome to rip out a bunch of the non-curing system functionality and make it available to all, regardless of which system they've chosen. That's my big issue with it now: the consequence of building a commercial product.
@Anze Was just talking about this the other day. Would love to switch back to Wundersys if it was up to date
This is all being done through announce posts for now, my best source of information. If anyone knows of anything else please feel free to add an issue or otherwise let me know! My momentum for getting these pushed through is largely based on how quickly I can find people to demonstrate the associated affliction lines.
Penwize has cowardly forfeited the challenge to mortal combat issued by Atalkez.
GMCP shouldn't recognise afflictions under blackout unless you can see the affliction line. That's kind of the point of blackout. Recklessness is handled properly, unless you expect "properly" to include telling you about hidden recklessness (or any other hidden affliction), in which case your expectations need adjusting, not GMCP. Lust isn't even an affliction, no idea why you'd expect it to be communicated over GMCP.
GMCP doesn't work with stackable afflictions. You get the Add message when you first gain the affliction, and you get Remove when you cure all stacks, but there's nothing to indicate changes to stacks.
Results of disembowel testing | Knight limb counter | GMCP AB files
Serverside -rarely- catches recklessness at all, especially from bashing attacks. And yes, if I get hit with loki at 50hp and jump to 4k, I'd expect any reasonable system to say "hey something's wrong here".
Mentioned lust cause why not, idk. Relevant for curing systems. Would be nice to have a serverside option for it, but probably not gonna happen.
And I think I heard stacking affs works properly with magi burning, but I'm not certain on that one.
I've also run into some non-loki bashing attacks that it refuses to recognize, even without blackout/whatever to stop it, but those may have been bugfixed at some point.
I mention them specifically because someone was asking if anything needed to be taken into consideration when using gmcp aff/def tracking with a curing system.
It seems to bug out for a while, then you manually change it using the curing status, sticks to what you change it for a while, then just resorts to eating moss before sipping etc.
It hasn't happened for a while now, but deffo something a bit buggy there.
I experience this error multiple times upon logging in:
while "curing status" gets spammed roughly 5 times with the echo "Finished checking curing status". It's a bit of an inconvenience to be spammed with this every time I log in. https://ada-young.appspot.com/pastebin/c0293054
The function in the error:
function wsys.vitalsUpdate()
gmcp.Char.Vitals.eq and gmcp.Char.Vitals.bal both send through "1" (or "0" if no bal/eq) and I see nothing incorrect in the functions that are being called (in bold).
I'm just looking through the error myself now and will post if I find a solution.
Solved it for now by moving this code block:
enableTrigger("Curing Status Check")
send("curing status", false)
out of the wsys.abilitycheckanlyze function and into the wsys.abilitycheck function. The former is being called by an event handler many times after log-in and thus ends up spamming the curing status check, whereas the latter is only called once upon log-in. It achieves the same function but without the spam.
- Limb Counter - Fracture Relapsing -
"Honestly, I just love that it counts limbs." - Mizik Corten
Hopefully they make sense. I check github so comment there.
Wundersys Folder > Prompt Folder > Prompt Checks
Remove Line 21 and Line 29 (or comment it out) wsys.boxDisplay(v[1] .. " BROKE!", "white:orange")
I'm working on it in my spare time at the moment.
Using GMCP isn't hard and it doesn't take long to code anything to use it once you know what the messages contain, that's kind of the beauty of it.
Results of disembowel testing | Knight limb counter | GMCP AB files