A nauseating lurch fills your being and you find yourself elsewhere. A stone chamber stretches before you, empty but for the smouldering figure that stands outlined before a bright window. Drawn to the radiance of the aperture, you begin to walk across the room. Your footsteps make no sound upon the slate beneath you and though you feel movement, you make no progress towards your goal.
The figure at the window turns an impatient, golden eye upon you. Suddenly, you are there, beside the Righteous Fire, the air shimmering around the unforgiving incandescence of the Justice that Is.
Unable to look upon His radiance for more than a moment, your eyes are drawn inexorably towards the window before you but you see nothing, your mortal vision failing you. Without warning a burning hand grips the back of your neck and immediately the vision gains form and you know without knowing that you look upon the entirety of Creation.
No mortal words are capable of describing what lies before you. Impressions of light intertwined with sinuous currents of energy, ever expanding, ever reaching. You turn your head briefly to the Righteous Fire, seeking understanding, but see His unblinking gaze is fixed far beyond yours, at the edges of the vision.
With a strange sense of foreboding, you follow His lead only to clench your eyes shut in horror at what lays before you. Corruption, coursing through the edges of Creation like writhing eels. Mindlessly consuming what it touches in an uncontrolled, unthinking frenzy.
Finally, the Lord speaks, His voice the soft crackle of a hearth with an undercurrent of the roaring fury of a conflagration. "Farrah. To you and your fellows have I given the task of holding the interior whilst I purge the outer."
At His words, you open your eyes, looking once more over the beauty of the centre of Creation but you now see traces of the same corruption. Tainted droplets of unmaking scattered across the pattern of lights. There in an ashen temple. There in the doomed face of a corrupted. There in a twisted tree bearing misshapen fruit.
"Your work is not done. Be better." Before you can think to respond, the burning hand on your neck ignites your form, consuming you utterly while filling you with Righteous fury and flame, the ash that is you cast out into an eddy of Creation.
From one moment to the next, you find yourself whole and uninjured, standing at the entrance to a cave. Lord Deucalion's touch and words linger in your mind and soul and you step forward, ready to take up the fight once more.
It's like some super-rare super-precious metal that Prospero found in his travels. Idk much more than that. His shrines are made of it though, if you want to go take a look.
Man I like the new Prospero, at least at first glance. If I weren't completely attached at the hip with Phaestus' order I'd do just fine there, I think.
So...Ugrach didnt come back after all and Throne of Death collapsed.
Should be interesting to see what happens now
I thought it odd they would go through all the work of writing all those death sequences for each God only to use them for a couple days before replacing them with a standard death through Ugrach
So...Ugrach didnt come back after all and Throne of Death collapsed.
Should be interesting to see what happens now
I thought it odd they would go through all the work of writing all those death sequences for each God only to use them for a couple days before replacing them with a standard death through Ugrach
To be fair, I thought the same thing of the whole ember system and the whole demigod essence systems, but those vanished after the events too.
So since it seems clear Ugrach isnt making an appearance, bets/assumptions on what is coming next? Or perhaps even the 'why' this has happened?
Frankly im still a bit confused why Ugrach went through all the trouble to 'save' Slith (wouldnt even call it saving..the man is a husk at this point) just to end up betraying.
He didn't betray anything. He was supposed to be hired WEF 1st Sarapin 717AF but HR screwed up. They didn't realise that if they left the position vacant for too long, it would self-destruct.
So...Ugrach didnt come back after all and Throne of Death collapsed.
Should be interesting to see what happens now
I thought it odd they would go through all the work of writing all those death sequences for each God only to use them for a couple days before replacing them with a standard death through Ugrach
To be fair, I thought the same thing of the whole ember system and the whole demigod essence systems, but those vanished after the events too.
I wouldn't be surprised if they still exist in the code and just require activation, though, so if the Garden ever wants to use them again they can just flip a couple of switches and code in a new "gate" to access it. For example, wasn't there a bug for a few days after Bal'met's finale that made it possible to use a reincarnation gem and reincarnate into a Demigod (with 0 essence)?
- (Eleusis): Ellodin says, "The Fissure of Echoes is Sarathai's happy place." - With sharp, crackling tones, Kyrra tells you, "The ladies must love you immensely." - (Eleusian Ranger Techs): Savira says, "Most of the hard stuff seem to have this built in code like: If adventurer_hitting_me = "Sarathai" then send("terminate and selfdestruct")." - Makarios says, "Serve well and perish." - Xaden says, "Xaden confirmed scrub 2017."
Gripped by the cold embrace of death, you succumb to the darkness...
world falls into darkness, evoking the unmistakable redolence of decay;
each breath draws the foul blight toward your soul, threatening to
wither and desolate.
Shivering with trepidation, you blindly
tread the darkness with prudence. Your senses heighten with each slow,
deliberate step until the stygian gloam becomes but a gloomy haze,
revealing your immediate surroundings: a labyrinth unwinds before you,
unfathomable in size.
You steadily navigate the murk, turning
countless corners and walking endless corridors until your will wanes.
Grim reality and capricious shade entwine as you stagger onward, the
world blurring into a nightmare of the unknown.
reigns as you round yet another bend and your heart begins to race, each
frantic beat rousing a cold sweat that drenches your frail body.
Breaking into a run, you tear through the shadows in hopes of reprieve
but for naught; the gloom recedes to the ghastly, red glow of two
piercing eyes that bore into your own from the distance.
A low,
scornful chuckle precedes the affirmation of their source, as a
wraith-like figure steps forth: Ugrach, Lord of the Undead.
"Did you really think you could escape death, Halos?"
a single motion the dreadful Lord materialises before you, his cruel
gaze coupled with a wicked grin. "If the Endbringer could not, then what
hope have you?"
Ugrach takes you by the arm, his grip
unforgiving. The world blurs, dark and light swirling into obscure
visions that shift with unnerving animation. Each attempt to focus
brings the imagery closer to corporeality, until realisation strikes:
the pivotal moments of your life flash before you, from conception to
your last, trembling breath.
"Funny, isn't it? How fleeting life is..." He muses. "Do you think you have truly lived, Halos? Or have you merely existed?"
wrenches upon your arm without waiting for a response, and the vision
cease; the world stills, and you find yourself before a throne of
grisly, yellowed bone. Immediately, Ugrach abandons your side and takes
his rightful place as the Curator of Death.
Overwhelmed by an incongruous compulsion, you fall on bended knee. He motions with a single claw and smirks as you slump upon all fours, in thrall of his dominion; the gravity of your deeds in life weigh heavily upon your soul, each passing moment a cruel strain upon your frail, mortal body.
stare at the cold, dank stone, faced only with your muddied reflection
as the grating laugh of the Lord of Undead thunders in your ears. "Just
as pathetic as the rest..."
Roused by his words, you slowly raise
your head to meet the Curator's gaze. The crowing ceases, replaced by
an eerie silence as pique supersedes his prior derision.
"If you are not done with life," Ugrach sneers, "then I am done with you."
pain crushes your soul, and you collapse; darkness reigns as you swim
in and out of consciousness for untold time, until you finally return to
the waking world. Only a dim beacon of light grants promise, and you cautiously raise yourself from the floor and clumsily lurch ahead, toward reprieve and the promise of life.
he was super respectful earlier. He's a bit of a dick now though isn't he
A frenzied cleric screams, "Like more than one halo!"
Wow what a bastard. So much any humility gained to save his son!
And I love too Be still, my indelible friend That love soon might end You are unbreaking And be known in its aching Though quaking Shown in this shaking Though crazy Lately of my wasteland, baby That's just wasteland, baby
It's a bit jarring and out of character compared with how he's been portrayed so far during this death arc yeah. It is what I'd expect from Ugrach ... if we didn't know he is taking up curate duty to save his
son. And if we hadn't watched him grovel to the gods to accept his gesture as an act of mercy/(self-interest?). And if mortal adventurers
hadn't banded together to collect his throne fragments, puzzle them all together, and give their lives to activate it.
But who knows! Maybe he's being portrayed as an amnesiac. Or a very skilled trickster.
ETA: I'm going to miss the Deuc death sequence! So badass
A frenzied cleric screams, "Like more than one halo!"
So is the death arc over, then? Or is there more yet to come in terms of developments with the Lord of the Undead sitting on the Throne of Death?
(Also, I'd rather keep the Divine-specific death sequences for people in an Order, but that's just me.)
- (Eleusis): Ellodin says, "The Fissure of Echoes is Sarathai's happy place." - With sharp, crackling tones, Kyrra tells you, "The ladies must love you immensely." - (Eleusian Ranger Techs): Savira says, "Most of the hard stuff seem to have this built in code like: If adventurer_hitting_me = "Sarathai" then send("terminate and selfdestruct")." - Makarios says, "Serve well and perish." - Xaden says, "Xaden confirmed scrub 2017."
I thought it was pretty in line with Ugrach's character. He was respectful to the Gods but why would he be respectful of the mortals whom he had to judge?
Regardless of whether there was a throne or not, he made a deal with the Gods to take over as curator, so I don't think he would care very much if the Gods made the mortals assemble the throne for him.
Also, the writing is pretty good for the new death sequence, at least.
I loved Lady Aurora's. Would love to have that when I finally get into the Aarashi. But, in terms of the story it wouldn't make sense. The gods don't need to be there to protect us in the soul realms, Ugrach is doing his job.
How great would it be though if he made you fight one of his Deathknights as a challenge to return to the land of the living.
He is a coward who has to bring two friends as backup to jump people hunting.
Deucalion's. Love it.
A nauseating lurch fills your being and you find yourself elsewhere. A stone chamber stretches before you, empty but for the smouldering figure that stands outlined before a bright window. Drawn to the radiance of the aperture, you begin to walk across the room. Your footsteps make no sound upon the slate beneath you and though you feel movement, you make no progress towards your goal.
The figure at the window turns an impatient, golden eye upon you. Suddenly, you are there, beside the Righteous Fire, the air shimmering around the unforgiving incandescence of the Justice that Is.
Unable to look upon His radiance for more than a moment, your eyes are drawn inexorably towards the window before you but you see nothing, your mortal vision failing you. Without warning a burning hand grips the back of your neck and immediately the vision gains form and you know without knowing that you look upon the entirety of Creation.
No mortal words are capable of describing what lies before you. Impressions of light intertwined with sinuous currents of energy, ever expanding, ever reaching. You turn your head briefly to the Righteous Fire, seeking understanding, but see His unblinking gaze is fixed far beyond yours, at the edges of the vision.
With a strange sense of foreboding, you follow His lead only to clench your eyes shut in horror at what lays before you. Corruption, coursing through the edges of Creation like writhing eels. Mindlessly consuming what it touches in an uncontrolled, unthinking frenzy.
Finally, the Lord speaks, His voice the soft crackle of a hearth with an undercurrent of the roaring fury of a conflagration. "Farrah. To you and your fellows have I given the task of holding the interior whilst I purge the outer."
At His words, you open your eyes, looking once more over the beauty of the centre of Creation but you now see traces of the same corruption. Tainted droplets of unmaking scattered across the pattern of lights. There in an ashen temple. There in the doomed face of a corrupted. There in a twisted tree bearing misshapen fruit.
"Your work is not done. Be better." Before you can think to respond, the burning hand on your neck ignites your form, consuming you utterly while filling you with Righteous fury and flame, the ash that is you cast out into an eddy of Creation.
From one moment to the next, you find yourself whole and uninjured, standing at the entrance to a cave. Lord Deucalion's touch and words linger in your mind and soul and you step forward, ready to take up the fight once more.
Maybe it is because I heartstopped? The suicide aspect making me face the one God that does not like me much?
In any case, weird to see the God of the only organization that has you enemied to change your shit
The tantalising sound of running water roars in your ears, now deafening in its
got gud
The tantalising sound of running water roars in your ears, now deafening in its
Should be interesting to see what happens now
Frankly im still a bit confused why Ugrach went through all the trouble to 'save' Slith (wouldnt even call it saving..the man is a husk at this point) just to end up betraying.
- With sharp, crackling tones, Kyrra tells you, "The ladies must love you immensely."
- (Eleusian Ranger Techs): Savira says, "Most of the hard stuff seem to have this built in code like: If adventurer_hitting_me = "Sarathai" then send("terminate and selfdestruct")."
- Makarios says, "Serve well and perish."
- Xaden says, "Xaden confirmed scrub 2017."
The world falls into darkness, evoking the unmistakable redolence of decay; each breath draws the foul blight toward your soul, threatening to wither and desolate.
Shivering with trepidation, you blindly tread the darkness with prudence. Your senses heighten with each slow, deliberate step until the stygian gloam becomes but a gloomy haze, revealing your immediate surroundings: a labyrinth unwinds before you, unfathomable in size.
You steadily navigate the murk, turning countless corners and walking endless corridors until your will wanes. Grim reality and capricious shade entwine as you stagger onward, the world blurring into a nightmare of the unknown.
Desperation reigns as you round yet another bend and your heart begins to race, each frantic beat rousing a cold sweat that drenches your frail body. Breaking into a run, you tear through the shadows in hopes of reprieve but for naught; the gloom recedes to the ghastly, red glow of two piercing eyes that bore into your own from the distance.
A low, scornful chuckle precedes the affirmation of their source, as a wraith-like figure steps forth: Ugrach, Lord of the Undead.
"Did you really think you could escape death, Halos?"
In a single motion the dreadful Lord materialises before you, his cruel gaze coupled with a wicked grin. "If the Endbringer could not, then what hope have you?"
Ugrach takes you by the arm, his grip unforgiving. The world blurs, dark and light swirling into obscure visions that shift with unnerving animation. Each attempt to focus brings the imagery closer to corporeality, until realisation strikes: the pivotal moments of your life flash before you, from conception to your last, trembling breath.
"Funny, isn't it? How fleeting life is..." He muses. "Do you think you have truly lived, Halos? Or have you merely existed?"
Ugrach wrenches upon your arm without waiting for a response, and the vision cease; the world stills, and you find yourself before a throne of grisly, yellowed bone. Immediately, Ugrach abandons your side and takes his rightful place as the Curator of Death.
Overwhelmed by an incongruous compulsion, you fall on bended knee. He motions with a single claw and smirks as you slump upon all fours, in thrall of his dominion; the gravity of your deeds in life weigh heavily upon your soul, each passing moment a cruel strain upon your frail, mortal body.
You stare at the cold, dank stone, faced only with your muddied reflection as the grating laugh of the Lord of Undead thunders in your ears. "Just as pathetic as the rest..."
Roused by his words, you slowly raise your head to meet the Curator's gaze. The crowing ceases, replaced by an eerie silence as pique supersedes his prior derision.
"If you are not done with life," Ugrach sneers, "then I am done with you."
Unbearable pain crushes your soul, and you collapse; darkness reigns as you swim in and out of consciousness for untold time, until you finally return to the waking world. Only a dim beacon of
light grants promise, and you cautiously raise yourself from the floor and clumsily lurch ahead,
toward reprieve and the promise of life.
That love soon might end You are unbreaking
And be known in its aching Though quaking
Shown in this shaking Though crazy
Lately of my wasteland, baby That's just wasteland, baby
It is what I'd expect from Ugrach ... if we didn't know he is taking up curate duty to save his son. And if we hadn't watched him grovel to the gods to accept his gesture as an act of mercy/(self-interest?). And if mortal adventurers hadn't banded together to collect his throne fragments, puzzle them all together, and give their lives to activate it.
But who knows! Maybe he's being portrayed as an amnesiac. Or a very skilled trickster.
ETA: I'm going to miss the Deuc death sequence! So badass
that was me!
(Also, I'd rather keep the Divine-specific death sequences for people in an Order, but that's just me.)
- With sharp, crackling tones, Kyrra tells you, "The ladies must love you immensely."
- (Eleusian Ranger Techs): Savira says, "Most of the hard stuff seem to have this built in code like: If adventurer_hitting_me = "Sarathai" then send("terminate and selfdestruct")."
- Makarios says, "Serve well and perish."
- Xaden says, "Xaden confirmed scrub 2017."
Regardless of whether there was a throne or not, he made a deal with the Gods to take over as curator, so I don't think he would care very much if the Gods made the mortals assemble the throne for him.
Also, the writing is pretty good for the new death sequence, at least.
And you won't understand the cause of your grief...
...But you'll always follow the voices beneath.
How great would it be though if he made you fight one of his Deathknights as a challenge to return to the land of the living.
dank af