Heya folks,
I used to play a long time ago and I am going to be returning to Achaea to showcase another MUD on my Twitch.tv channel and to save some of my adventures on Youtube.
I have a bunch of artefacts and I was wondering what would be best to pick for a class?
I used to be a PvP Mind Monk before I got that nerfed and I was Magi for a while because of the easy bashing.
I'm currently a Blademaster but if you had my artefacts and you could toss a couple more to PvP and PvE what would you recommend for an old school player? Last time I played was like 5-6 years ago!
All +3 stats
Robes of Magi
Both lvl3 sip ring
Both lvl2 regen rings
Aldar Diadem
Logo Bracelets
Collar of Agathesis (magic dmg)
Lvl 3 Crit Pend
Willpower regen ring
If you've advanced in skill you have a ton of options available. Otherwise probably want to stick to monk.
Long time no see, man
I'm being told I could go Monk but I don't have the knuckles or armbands anymore.
I have the stuff for Magi but everyone keeps saying it is yuck now. So I'm sitting here and I don't know which way to go.
got gud
I'm looking for something strong with bashing and that I can work on PvP'ing in the future. Do people 1v1 as much anymore or is it mostly group combat now?
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