Just wanted to see if anybody was as interested in starting a "raid group" as I am.
What I mean by this is focusing our characters on raiding together. This wouldn't be OOC/IC abuse, as we would keep it all in character obviously.
I'm also not looking to mess with the current chemistry of cities so to speak. What I mean is we wouldn't just be joining a city, and rolling up like we own the place.
Looking to RP the whole thing out. So it doesn't feel forced or burden a city. It would have to seem natural.
Nor am I expecting this group to become the next "a-team" or qashar, mainly just for fun!
Send me a private message if this sounds interesting.
(Not sure if this sort of thing is frowned upon either.)
Penwize has cowardly forfeited the challenge to mortal combat issued by Atalkez.
Interesting but I think you'd have to place a goal on when you can claim the raid as a victory.
Gotta go for the home team vote and say Targossas. I like to raid. You like to raid? We'll get along fabulously.
Penwize has cowardly forfeited the challenge to mortal combat issued by Atalkez.
Are you wanting a small band of raiders so you don't get lost in the masses or overshadowed my by the big guns. A misfit gang, so to speak?
Leading our own raids and what not. We wouldn't get access to city tanks which is okay. Just skirmishes, defiling, etcetera.
Rogue raiding sounds fun though. I might get on that