Would it be possible to add a config option to show you what you tried to do in your failed commands? I can't even count how many times I've had a leftover script mess up and send bad commands seemingly randomly, and it takes a very long time to figure out what exactly is going wrong.
My idea is just to have a config to add what command you sent to command feedback, like this:
Could you be a bit clearer? - You sent: aerigojoae
Interesting... - You sent: aerigojak
Most perplexing. - You sent: orkefajio
You cannot see that being here. - You sent: smite Jhui
It would be off by default and just help be there for debugging purposes.
Awww Yeeeeesssss
Could we get a proper message when using the REPLY command to someone who is no longer on the same plane (or offline)?
"You cannot reply to that person."