Quests are fine as is, I think. Somewhat hidden so you get to do some discovery. I really enjoy that part of it and wouldn't change it.
Overall though, compared to most other online type games, PVE in Achaea is terrible. It reminds me of using only auto-attack to level up in something like WOW, EQ, or others, take your pick. Battlerage has added a few skills to it, which is nice, but at the heart of it, all it did was add a bit of coding work to optimize battlerage handling.
I propose one of the following:
Completely overhaul PVE - I expect this to be less of a possibility because of the amount of rewrite required to something core and already in place. Alternatively (and more likely), create new areas with a completely different architecture for PVE.
You could do things like Tank, Puller, Healer, DPS, CC, Debuffer, Buffer as archetypes, a standard that so many online fantasy games have been successful with.
These new areas could be instanced (or not), and your new PVE skills could only be used in these areas (to keep them from messing with combat or current bashing balances).
PVE Raids could be done on castles, dungeons, dragons, or what have you, with real world consequences. For example, the most recent winners of said raid could get a 24hr experience boost, or gold boost, or favored or whatever. Lots of ideas to be had here, the community can come up with more than I can for sure.
The content could scale based on the size of your party, but making the skills of each "subclass" with sufficient potency to impact the overall fight.
These archetypes could be added as a "Subclass" that anyone could purchase, but you couldn't have more than one or two (and only one active at a time). Or each current class could have it's abilities defined for each. (Shaman would be a debuffer, DSL knights DPS, SnB knights tanks, etc).
New artefacts could be introduced that increase/decrease the agro you generate, that hold up a single denizen (like additional CC), that increase healing in only these areas. Artefacts that break you from CC, reduce the damage dealt by said denizens, add an additional subclass, reduce time to change subclasses, and a plethora of other options that all relate to this new PVE content. I bring this up because any large change or implementation such as this should have some sort of ROI for IRE.
There are many considerations here too, overall experience and gold gain must be balanced and on par with the time spent today. I'm not looking for a quicker dragon, but for an enjoyable and challenging PVE experience. Achaean combat has a depth unparalleled by other games, but not everyone wants to be a combatant.
This would be, as far as I know, the first MUD to have something dynamic (for PVE) like this and in my opinion, take great strides towards hooking new mudders. Any new mudder today has most likely played one of the recent day online games at some point or another, and by comparision, the PVE in IRE games is dull.
Here's hoping.
And you won't understand the cause of your grief...
...But you'll always follow the voices beneath.
It's easy to just say "You could do things like Tank, Puller, Healer, DPS, CC, Debuffer, Buffer as archetypes", but sit down and actually try to work out how all of those things would work.
It's hard to see what everyone is doing at once. It's hard to coordinate multiple people since you can't see things in parallel (in an MMO, you can see the position and some of the state of everyone at once - in a MUD you can only get updated information about them serially). The spatial dimension is a lot more course-grained, so positioning can't be as large an element. The list goes on.
And you're never going to design a system that can't be automated. Text is easy to process. The only reasons that graphical MMOs don't see the same degree of automation are that it's way, way harder to parse the screen and that they require their own binaries that can try to detect client automation.
One thing that I think could be done (and I would assume has been discussed) is working on some areas that require group bashing and Battlerage stuff more. We have all sorts of CC, but there's not a lot of reason to use most of it and we don't have much of the MMO-like enemy design that requires use and coordination of specific CC - where particular strategies and types of CC are a requirement and not merely an option/boost to efficiency. While you're probably never going to get the kind of PvE depth of a game like WoW, there could plausibly be future areas that are a little more like "raids" in that respect. You can also sort of sidestep the PvE problem by making mild puzzle-like mechanics for areas and I know people have talked about proposals for more of those area-specific mechanics too - I remember one proposal for an area that was dark and had people coordinating torch-bearing for various purposes.
It would definitely be neat to see more areas that are more of a PvE challenge beyond "these enemies have a lot of health and hit really hard".
But ultimately, PvE like that is just not where the game's strengths lie. If you want a really strong and deep PvE game, MUDs are probably not the place to look. Thankfully, the incredible depth of the PvP and social and RP systems (far deeper than in any graphical MMO) more than make up for any shortcomings, unless you really are coming into it exclusively for the PvE.
TL;DR: Different mediums have different strengths. Mechanically deep cooperative PvE is not one of the strengths of MUDs.
In an effort to help spur the imagination, and nothing more, let's go over them - as well as some ideas to reduce chatter. To your counterpoint, because it's text, it can be uniquely adjusted in a way that graphical MMOs can't.
Somewhat more obvious, takes the beats. Holds agro and has an agro readout that can be checked with a list of the players on that agro list. The tank could call out when he is pushing agro abilities and call for dps.
Mobs are stacked up something crazy, there's no way we can handle all this minotaurs at once! The serpent evades in, snipes one of the minotaurs, and evades out. The minotaur follows. The puller would then play like a DPS class, with less damage, but have the unique ability to see the denizens health which could then be called out.
A little more obvious here, deals tons of damage. Base abilities on the mobs health (being more or less effective) and higher DPS causes higher agro, forcing some interaction with the tank.
The healer makes everyone not dead. The healer has the unique ability to see the health totals of everyone in the party on a constantly updating basis. This could be easily routed to a gui element to keep track of in both nexus or your client of choice. Maybe expose the GMCP for health of the other characters (keep in mind this wouldn't work in normal areas). Then it's just a matter of AOE heals, direct heals, heals over time, room heals, affliction cures. Such afflictions would only show to the healer and the afflicted.
The list goes on. Limit what others can see to keep chatter down. Group combat is a mess of text because you have 5-10 people doing things, and everyone (arguably) needs to see what's going on. Simply not the case here.
Another idea to reduce chatter would be to make the fight turn based. Make it like one big PVE balance. Everyone sees what the big bad boss will do, and everyone has 3-5s to respond to it. May there's a lot of chatter, but it would be way easier to identify what's going on and react accordingly. All the actions go through, and it's time for turn 2.
I appreciate the fact that "it's not easy" and that thinking out of the box may be required.
To your point about grouped battlerage abilities, I would be happy to see that as well. Anything to encourage challenging group PVE beyond "it's big and it hits hard" is something for the better, in my opinion.
Lots of options, lots of considerations to be had.
Edit for Kiet's edit:
I specifically stated in the original post that we can't expect them to rewrite the existing PVE content.
Tada. ROI for IRE has been addressed.
How many credits were spent on boats and seafaring lessons after Monster PVE went in?
Let's let the admins decide if it's worth it or not.
We're never going to have or try to equal the PvE of games that are primarily focused on it. It's not why people play Achaea.
Thank you for the response Sarapis.
Wanting to base your business on a model that -isn't- being focused on by other businesses, is..well..good business.
You don't succeed by doing things okay that others do well. You succeed by doing what you do well. Achaea isn't mainly about PvE. Even still, some of the quests are the hardest quests I've ever had to try to do. Have you tried to kill the Grandmaster, or Oberion, or Ugrach?
The recent changes definitely made PvE a lot more fun that it was before, to me.
Penwize has cowardly forfeited the challenge to mortal combat issued by Atalkez.
It's apples to oranges though. They're a hobbyist game and we're a professional company supporting multiple full-time people. Owning Aardwolf would be of little interest to us, because it's a game people just aren't going to pay for generally. It's fundamentally the same experience you can get in a ton of free PvE games. The whole DIKU model is a loser commercially in MUDs because it's even better when translated to a graphical environment, whereas our model just flat out doesn't work in a scalable game.
Tank and DPS on the other hand will be a drastically chosen archetype due to the fact that these characters can still go out and solo-bash. There will be 95% of the population picking these frontline fighter archetypes and the other 5% in support.
Battlerage did go in as a thing where while you can still PvE by yourself, however if you chose to group up to take things on you could use your abilities in tangent with other people to support each other.
Thank you.
When you come with an idea, it's generally not good to be pompous, insulting, and arrogant about it, especially if you don't have a 100% fully fleshed out design where you've done most of the work, imo.
LHG also presents a different kind of PvE. At least, it's supposed to inspire strategising about how to get through things. It's also supposed to be done in a group of 3-5 from level 70ish and up. Not my fault dragons roll over it the normal way. Adjusting for dragon powerhouses would screw the intended audience out of it, but attempts have been made in the form of creative programming (yanks, crystals, starbursts, and a quickly abandoned graboid).
Mindset is probably an issue here. When I first played WoW, I was always nagged to level up faster because "the game begins at max level" when I was taking my time and enjoying the different areas at appropriate levels. I was also getting my teeth kicked in until I got there (PvP server). In Achaea, max level (dragon) is totally optional. You don't get bent over because you look easy, your level has nothing to do with how hard you hit, and there's no PvE to unlock. It's just its own reward.
Now all we need to do is get Sarapis some magic snapping fingers so we can all get what we want.
I would enjoy seeing each class have a more direct buff to other players similar to Safeguard, but it's not really a big deal.
You can already use most of your existing abilities to fight mobs like this though. Here you go
DPS = serpent, they're pretty insane (some other classes get high dps too, but serpents usually the best)
Tanks = Dragon, knights(defend is amazing), Runewarden (so many runes)
healers = Sylvan, Druid, Priest, Paladin, Jester, Occultist (Tarot, hands, vigour)
Support= Serpent, bard, apostate. (yank, harmonics, fury)
And none of these skills involve battle rage as it is, so we won't even go into stuff like amnesia that CC's an enemy for a pretty long time depending on their attack speed
As far as pulling and aggro goes, that's already there. You simply have to know how the mechanics work. If you're really concerned about using pinshot or something to try and pull a mob, instead of wating for a group of 2-3 to shoot you a nasty emote to know they've aggro'd to you, now you're just getting stuck on what words you're reading when it happens.
I know when I hunt with large groups it's a bit of a chore, setting down runes in certain rooms to keep the health of my allies up, and change my defend ability around while safeguarding whoever might be taking the most hits next to me, or "off tanking" while using bulwark to bolster my own defense.
The battlerage has added a huge step in team focused hunting, and perhaps someday we'll see something that builds off of that a little bit more. As of right now it's a great improvement and the game can pretty much be played exactly as you described it if you bother to use all of your skills and manage to form a party up. Highly artied/dragons skew the skill level of how higher end hunting zones work though, so a lot of times you can just follow a 10k dragon around and not really worry about it. It's not perfect, But it's a lot closer to what you described than you think and it's absolutely not as bad as you think.
Having said that I don't know if alot of effort went into synergizing class battlerage abilities, but if it did I can't tell. Half the battlerage abilities just seem like fluff to me really. I've never been on a group hunt anywhere that had to have a leader say ok you need to use this affliction and soandso will use this ability etc. so we can work together to clear this area or we will all get dropped. I feel like the potential is there for that though. I'm not talking about the cliche tank, deeps, healz combo that mmo's use. I mean just making the battlerage abilities work in sync with other classes so that there would be any real noticeable benefit to hunting with a party. I wanted to also say I have never been involved in honours mob hunts post hunting changes so I don't know if this type of planning is already required for the honours bosses already.
I find hunting as an apostate faster, usually. The problem just becomes that I can't tank everything in lesser (Vertani, for instance).
That love soon might end You are unbreaking
And be known in its aching Though quaking
Shown in this shaking Though crazy
Lately of my wasteland, baby That's just wasteland, baby