How many authors does Achaea have?!?!

So sometime in early January, I was talking with an Achaean, whom I recently became their friend on Skype, when the topic that they were a published author came up. "Cool" I thought, although I hadn't heard of the book they had wrote. A few days later another Achaean friend on Skype, after reconnecting with them, mentioned something about them working on a few more chapters. Apparently, they're also a published author. Two author friends, neato

Then the other day I was with a friend online, just talking and making jokes. The conversation started to lagged because I was talking to one of the before mentioned authors on Skype. I apologized and explained I was distracted on Skype. They mentioned talking on Skype too. A sneaky suspicion grew for some reason and I asked if they were a published author, taking a shot in the dark. Few questions later, turns out they've self-published two books.

How many Achaeans are secretly authors?!?!

I've always figured that players of Muds might be more inclined to writing and such, but I never figured that not only would I become friends with them, but that I would find them within a short span of each other. We all come from different walks of life but if I find out someone I know is secretly an author I love, I'm going to cry. (You better not be L.E. Modesitt Jr., @Skarash)

On a side note: After finding the first two, I've decided to try to write more stories and hopefully some of them might get published. Most going to be doing sci-fi/fantasy short stories for now, but if anyone wants to become friends and talk with me on Skype for reading/editing my stories, let me know!

P.S. No names are mentioned because I respect the trust in sharing the information about themselves to me, and that if they want to do so with other Achaeans then it's their choice, not mine. So don't go asking!

You know, that one thing at that one place, with that one person.

Yea, that one!


  • I too am a published author, as an article I wrote got posted in boy's life scout magazine for some Halloween special.

    I very much enjoy writing, and I'm slowly working on putting a little story together that who knows, maybe someday I'll attempt to publish. The hardest part is recognizing that a rough draft is essentially garbage on a piece of paper. Reading my own drafts discourages me. 
    Replies the scorpion: "It's my nature..."
  • Not a published author, but was the managing editor of the nation's only journal dedicated to mental health law. I wasn't versed really enough to generate the content, but I made sure publication happened! Plus, my name was on the cover so that was really cool! I wrote one article that won a CALI award but never really found a journal topical enough to take it. It also wasn't something ground breaking just something  I'm passionate about. 

    I do real want to publish someday but I'm still pretty young for my field and haven't found a topic that grabs me enough to take my spare time doing it. I do really want to write a fictional spin on my time bartending nights on Beale Street while I was building my criminal practice during the day. I didn't have any huge cases at the time, but I had one or two that were so weird I could spin them into a bigger fictional story that I think could be compelling. That and I met so many good people and real characters. I'm kinda afraid to start though because I feel like I'm in Grisham's shadow with the setting.
  • Cooper said:
    I'm a published author too. Some book contacted me when I was young about a poem I wrote and published it!!

    The book only cost my mom like $30 too, what a deal.

    Oh wow! published my poem too! But I had to buy 2 different books because my poems were so awesome I got into 2 books.
  • Just realized I'm listed as one of the authors of this book. In reality, Dr. Bartle was the primary author, and Damion and I contributed bits here and there and edited it. 
  • SkyeSkye The Duchess Bellatere
    I used to freelance writing reading comprehension passages for assessment books. I don't think that counts as published authoring though >_> 

  • Just poems in magazines. Does that count?
  • edited February 2016
    Placed third in a national essay competition a few years ago, and got an honorable mention in a short story fiction contest, as well, last year!

    ETA: (That was a really cool experience, the judges actually responded to my submission with feedback that was surprisingly helpful)
  • Before all of this, the most I've ever written outside of academia was the occasional poem and bardic entries for Achaea. This all actually started because I was discussing my last bardic entry with the 1st writer and we were talking shop about what we wrote and it lead from there.

    Hurai said:
    Just poems in magazines. Does that count?

    As long as the magazine wasn't "Hooters and Shooters", it probably does!

    Jinsun said:
    I'm kinda afraid to start though because I feel like I'm in Grisham's shadow with the setting.

    There are many great stories out there that I feel like as long as you give it your own spin and voice, it should be fine. Some people are going to compare it to Grisham, but I think that's true of many new stories: you judge it based off of a criteria that previous works that you have read have established. I'm pretty sure that Terry Brooks Shanara series and other early fantasy authors was compared with Tolkien's LOTR, but they were unique, interesting, and enjoyable to read despite any similarities they might have shared. You can always make corrections or show a different personality with the characters and how they interact with the setting and plot. Get writing and worry about the details later on.

    tl;dr Start somewhere, write it as you will, and if you need to edit it later on to make it unique then that's okay!

    Aepas said:
    I very much enjoy writing, and I'm slowly working on putting a little story together that who knows, maybe someday I'll attempt to publish. The hardest part is recognizing that a rough draft is essentially garbage on a piece of paper. Reading my own drafts discourages me. 

    I find it's true that people can be the harshest critic about what they do. Everything could be improved and worked on.  Moby Dick wasn't jotted down on a napkin perfect the first time.
    You know, that one thing at that one place, with that one person.

    Yea, that one!
  • You know, that one thing at that one place, with that one person.

    Yea, that one!
  • Some freelance technical and ad work for some kooky company called Brighter Minds a long time ago. That's about it.
  • Me and a friend are trying our hands at making a comic book. So not published, but hopefully some day!
  • I'm an author of some pretty well-known romance novels...Which is why I pretty much -had- to retire on Achaea! It was keeping me from being inspired to write ((Only because it is so damn addicting)) Maybe I'll come back sometime...after another book or two is published. My ultimate goal is that one of my books gets shown on the big screen, but I'll just have to keep dreaming! 
    Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory.
  • Valysha said:
    I'm an author of some pretty well-known romance novels...Which is why I pretty much -had- to retire on Achaea! It was keeping me from being inspired to write ((Only because it is so damn addicting)) Maybe I'll come back sometime...after another book or two is published. My ultimate goal is that one of my books gets shown on the big screen, but I'll just have to keep dreaming! 
    Shut the hell up and play again, Stephanie Meyer.

  • Trey said:
    Valysha said:
    I'm an author of some pretty well-known romance novels...Which is why I pretty much -had- to retire on Achaea! It was keeping me from being inspired to write ((Only because it is so damn addicting)) Maybe I'll come back sometime...after another book or two is published. My ultimate goal is that one of my books gets shown on the big screen, but I'll just have to keep dreaming! 
    Shut the hell up and play again, Stephanie Meyer.
    Definitely! :anguished: 
  • As someone who does freelance writing on the side I've had numerous articles published online, mainly within the IT Security field. I've also written various whitepapers and a guide to Ethical Hacking which has appeared in print, although was free to obtain.

    Had a few short stories and such sent to publishers, but no luck at the moment.

    (Party): Mezghar says, "Stop."
  • JurixeJurixe Where you least expect it
    I write for various magazines, so I guess I'm 'published' in that sense, but in terms of a, though I'd love to in a very distant someday.
    If you like my stories, you can find them here:
    Stories by Jurixe and Stories by Jurixe 2 

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  • KlendathuKlendathu Eye of the Storm
    edited February 2016
    I had a tune on an Australian dubstep compilation released by Sony, does that count? (disc 1, track 16)

    Tharos, the Announcer of Delos shouts, "It's near the end of the egghunt and I still haven't figured out how to pronounce Clean-dat-hoo."
  • I am not a published author, but there's a story in my head. Fantasy novel. I am trying to get it out and onto paper, have succeeded with small pieces only. Net result: two pages of actual story, one document regarding the laws and customs of one culture regarding a culture-specific type of item, one chart detailing the various races comparatively, and various notes.

    To do: more details about how active magic (most races have a race-defining passive magic) works. These are going to be important so that I can figure out the hard part for me, the fight scenes. Books generally aren't good at fight scenes, and not being into fighting means I'm not very good there either.
    Miin-aan baash kimini-sij-i-gan bitooyin sij-i-gan-i bukwayszhiigan = blueberry π
  • edited July 2019

  • It's the sleepy time of the day for me and I misread the title as how many doors does Achaea have?

    now, I am curious. Please answer.
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