Cronyism is not the problem. The worst-case scenario there is a couple of people end up higher rank than they should be. Who cares. Stop worrying so much about how big your neighbour's car is and whether they really earned it. -snip-
I think it's cute that you think I care about the size of someone's accomplishments compared to my own.
What I'm worried about is what I've seen happen a few times within Achaea and other MUDs. There are rare situations when people get in power and abuse it. These individuals can make life hard on novices trying to advance that they flat out don't like. On top of making it hell for players to enjoy a house, this has caused the stagnation and death of a few houses over each of the IRE games. This is more of a fear in houses than in cities, from what I've seen.
So while I'm ultimately interested to see how it pans out, I feel the need to point out the avenues for some pretty nasty situations that less fair individuals could manipulate.
TBH I liked the imperfection of the old system. If you wanted someone promoted to a certain rank, HMs would get everyone to throw their favours at the person, and that was fun. It was a bit of a pain at higher ranks, eg. 10 -> 11, because favours might have no noticeable impact. The flipside of this was that it was never necessary to hold back favours, especially if you were a relatively low rank (compared to the HM), so you could freely acknowledge people's actions by throwing a favour their way. You didn't have to worry that they might end up at a rank with privs that they perhaps didn't deserve, because low-rank favours carried little weight. And if they did eventually gain a rank, well, good for them!
I suspect people may be extremely reluctant to promote or favour freely with this new system. People won't promote outside of a formal advancement framework. People won't favour because, oh dear, that costs the House credits - we sell those in credit sales, I'm not really authorised to go giving them out! There's no reason for that to be the case, but I suspect people will tend towards caution and conservatism. They usually do.
It's a nice idea though. Might just take a bit of nudging from HMs to get people to use favours. Houses can create their own internal systems to replicate the old favour system, with people giving informal commendations in the log that are recorded in a project, and the HM eventually recognising that, "This person has several commendations, I think it's time to promote them a rank."
I do think this is a pretty functional system for Houses none the less.
But honestly, I don't like the way this could affect city progression for younger members. So I wouldn't mind seeing city's maintain the old system of city favours, and Houses use the new system. It makes more sense in a House, but city is a little different.
I like the compromise Cyrene is taking - it seems like it will function much like the old system (it took a certain number of cityfavours to gain the next rank anyway). This is why I Cyrene.
House-wise I hope this will encourage Houses to revisit post-HR5 advancement and perhaps do a little adjusting - and maybe it will encourage people to -want- to progress beyond HR5 more. And I'm all for making it possible to favour people under HR5 to recognize their work, that restriction has always bugged the heck out of me (why couldn't they just not count if you were under HR5!). But disliking the -requiring- cityfavours to award a credit.
The whole point of this change was freedom for orgs to shape their own experience. Orgs can now move folks up and down the ranks at will. Different ranks can now take on intrinsic meanings. HR3 is member, HR5 is "full" member, HR7 is "senior" full member, HR10 becomes "secretary", etc. Eventually, privileges will be full customizable. Houses, and to a lesser extent cities, will be able to completely customize their advancement programs into whatever form, shape, or pace they desire, free from the entanglements of archaic systems.
If you didn't like the old system, congratulations, today is the dawn of a new era. The mechanics now work for you, instead of you trying to accomplish what you want within the confines of the old system, and you can orchestrate any path through the ranks you want. If you did like the old system, nothing has to change. Yes, technically favours won't automatically promote, but if you liked that form of progression you can absolutely institute a program that accomplishes the same thing, like Verrucht just laid out; X favours = promotion. Flexibility is the byword of the new changes, or so I hope.
So far the only thing I didn't know/don't like is that HF/CFs must give out house credits, if that's true. I can tell you that -I- plan to give out house credits via HFs, but if your House doesn't want to do that, you shouldn't be forced to. You should be able to just use them as head-pats and 'atta-boys if that's what your org chooses. I think that'd be pretty lame and boring, might as well just "writelog house Bod did a good thing", but if you wanted that to be your system, then by all means it should be within your power to do so.
-- Grounded in but one perspective, what we perceive is an exaggeration of the truth.
Reading comprehension for the win, folks. The announce says that they MAY specify an amount of credits from 0-50 bound credits. Nobody is under any obligation to provide a monetary award with a favour.
On the one hand ranking up by favours gave an air of meritocracy about it. On the other, this will aid structure and internal building in many ways. Perhaps there could be an option to allow favours to give points to ranking up rather than credit rewards? I wonder how often that would be used, though.
Somebody once ragequit Shallam and kicked out the ruling council and some Ministers. I don't think it ended very well for them. We also had to spend weeks favouring people back up to their previous ranks when they were inducted back into the city.
With the new system, undoing the demotion is just a case of promoting them as many times as they were demoted. Annoying, perhaps, but not really a big issue. I'm not sure there needs to be anything to prevent it.
@Atalkez Zuko was referring to house, specifically under hr5, which frequently need to be promoted several times a month. CIty or higher HR are different.
Somebody once ragequit Shallam and kicked out the ruling council and some Ministers. I don't think it ended very well for them. We also had to spend weeks favouring people back up to their previous ranks when they were inducted back into the city.
With the new system, undoing the demotion is just a case of promoting them as many times as they were demoted. Annoying, perhaps, but not really a big issue. I'm not sure there needs to be anything to prevent it.
Yeah, the fact that it's easy to demote people while ragequitting means it's also pretty easy to undo all that damage.
Assuming promotions are logged (if promotions aren't logged, they need to be), it shouldn't take much longer to undo than it did to do.
Playing devil's avocado, what if they include godfavours effects on this instead of just cr. Wondering if it will help for orgs with dormant gods or too open for abuse.
Give the Achaean playerbase the ability to grant favours and everyone will be walking around with nearly permanent favours. Housefavours do not give a combat advantage whereas godfavours do, so restraint will likely be nil.
I am retired and log into the forums maybe once every 2 months. It was a good 20 years, live your best lives, friends.
I'd rather favours stay strictly in the realm of the Gods. Not because I don't trust people with it, but rather because I like the fact that only Gods can give them.
And you won't understand the cause of your grief...
* Leaders of these organisations can now specify a credit amount to be awarded to favour recipients.
This can be anywhere from 0 - 50 bound credits from the city's coffers. HOUSE|CITY FAVOURCREDITS to
see and set this.
For the most part I like the whole change except for this little section about credits. I can just see this being abused. I would rather just have people favour someone and message the house leader that they favoured someone and have the house leader pass out the credits if they choose that it is within the criteria we have set up or whatnot.
One thing I am curious about, with being able to check someones person favour log... how far back will these logs go? And will they be dated?
This is a major change for Houses. Its intent is to help fix the problem of novices being put through their paces then having nothing to do after they become full members. Sure, this could simply extend the bureaucracy into the higher ranks, but it should be looked at as scaffolding for building more flexible and interesting programs for the House.
I highly doubt most houses are going to give every member above x rank the ability to just pass out credits daily. Without the credit bonus, I don't really see any point in using favors anymore. It's a public acknowledgement, sure, but it's no different than just saying thank you on ht or writing to logs.
As for city's, I think this is going to remove the ability to slowly demonstrate your worth. Without a standardized system, which is going to look check listy, it's just going to be back to counting favors, which makes the fact that favors are now a glorified writelog seem pretty silly. I think adding this functionality in addition to the old one would have made more sense.
All in all, as someone that was pretty darn close to the next rank in city and house, I am not going to say I am overly pleased. I understand the push for this, but getting months worth of work reset is kinda a downer. As hard as it is to get city favors in some cities, I'm sure getting a promotion is going to be twice as fun.
@Hellen has a valid point there. (Not just outta HoN love.)
I think I like the new system, though. Gonna see how well it plays out. Oh and @Matias... if you feel like being screwed, you know where to look. *duck*
I highly doubt most houses are going to give every member above x rank the ability to just pass out credits daily. Without the credit bonus, I don't really see any point in using favors anymore. It's a public acknowledgement, sure, but it's no different than just saying thank you on ht or writing to logs.
As for city's, I think this is going to remove the ability to slowly demonstrate your worth. Without a standardized system, which is going to look check listy, it's just going to be back to counting favors, which makes the fact that favors are now a glorified writelog seem pretty silly. I think adding this functionality in addition to the old one would have made more sense.
All in all, as someone that was pretty darn close to the next rank in city and house, I am not going to say I am overly pleased. I understand the push for this, but getting months worth of work reset is kinda a downer. As hard as it is to get city favors in some cities, I'm sure getting a promotion is going to be twice as fun.
What I'm worried about is what I've seen happen a few times within Achaea and other MUDs. There are rare situations when people get in power and abuse it. These individuals can make life hard on novices trying to advance that they flat out don't like. On top of making it hell for players to enjoy a house, this has caused the stagnation and death of a few houses over each of the IRE games. This is more of a fear in houses than in cities, from what I've seen.
So while I'm ultimately interested to see how it pans out, I feel the need to point out the avenues for some pretty nasty situations that less fair individuals could manipulate.
I suspect people may be extremely reluctant to promote or favour freely with this new system. People won't promote outside of a formal advancement framework. People won't favour because, oh dear, that costs the House credits - we sell those in credit sales, I'm not really authorised to go giving them out! There's no reason for that to be the case, but I suspect people will tend towards caution and conservatism. They usually do.
It's a nice idea though. Might just take a bit of nudging from HMs to get people to use favours. Houses can create their own internal systems to replicate the old favour system, with people giving informal commendations in the log that are recorded in a project, and the HM eventually recognising that, "This person has several commendations, I think it's time to promote them a rank."
But honestly, I don't like the way this could affect city progression for younger members. So I wouldn't mind seeing city's maintain the old system of city favours, and Houses use the new system. It makes more sense in a House, but city is a little different.
House-wise I hope this will encourage Houses to revisit post-HR5 advancement and perhaps do a little adjusting - and maybe it will encourage people to -want- to progress beyond HR5 more. And I'm all for making it possible to favour people under HR5 to recognize their work, that restriction has always bugged the heck out of me (why couldn't they just not count if you were under HR5!). But disliking the -requiring- cityfavours to award a credit.
If you didn't like the old system, congratulations, today is the dawn of a new era. The mechanics now work for you, instead of you trying to accomplish what you want within the confines of the old system, and you can orchestrate any path through the ranks you want. If you did like the old system, nothing has to change. Yes, technically favours won't automatically promote, but if you liked that form of progression you can absolutely institute a program that accomplishes the same thing, like Verrucht just laid out; X favours = promotion. Flexibility is the byword of the new changes, or so I hope.
So far the only thing I didn't know/don't like is that HF/CFs must give out house credits, if that's true. I can tell you that -I- plan to give out house credits via HFs, but if your House doesn't want to do that, you shouldn't be forced to. You should be able to just use them as head-pats and 'atta-boys if that's what your org chooses. I think that'd be pretty lame and boring, might as well just "writelog house Bod did a good thing", but if you wanted that to be your system, then by all means it should be within your power to do so.
If this is a bug it would be nice to have it fixed.
Edit: Tecton says it's being fixed. Yay Tecton.
Can you city demote/promote people even if they are offline like you could do with favours?
Penwize has cowardly forfeited the challenge to mortal combat issued by Atalkez.
Penwize has cowardly forfeited the challenge to mortal combat issued by Atalkez.
With the new system, undoing the demotion is just a case of promoting them as many times as they were demoted. Annoying, perhaps, but not really a big issue. I'm not sure there needs to be anything to prevent it.
Results of disembowel testing | Knight limb counter | GMCP AB files
Assuming promotions are logged (if promotions aren't logged, they need to be), it shouldn't take much longer to undo than it did to do.
And you won't understand the cause of your grief...
...But you'll always follow the voices beneath.
One thing I am curious about, with being able to check someones person favour log... how far back will these logs go? And will they be dated?
As for city's, I think this is going to remove the ability to slowly demonstrate your worth. Without a standardized system, which is going to look check listy, it's just going to be back to counting favors, which makes the fact that favors are now a glorified writelog seem pretty silly. I think adding this functionality in addition to the old one would have made more sense.
All in all, as someone that was pretty darn close to the next rank in city and house, I am not going to say I am overly pleased. I understand the push for this, but getting months worth of work reset is kinda a downer. As hard as it is to get city favors in some cities, I'm sure getting a promotion is going to be twice as fun.
I think I like the new system, though. Gonna see how well it plays out. Oh and @Matias... if you feel like being screwed, you know where to look.