I'm an S&B Runewarden trying to set up a simple setting for Combinations which will allow me to use variables such as which limbs to target and which attacks to use, but with the ability to use them interchangeably.
For example:
's rl sh' would equate to 'combination
@t slice right leg smash high'
but also still be able to change out certain parts to use the same alias for multiple combinations, instead of having to create an alias for every single limb target and attack combination:
's ll sl' for 'combination
@t slice left leg smash low'
's h sm' for 'combination
@t slice head smash med"
Any idea how to do this in Nexus? I've tried a few different things, and set up variables for each potential combination, but unless I explicitly state the variable in the alias, it doesn't work. I need to be able to specify the variable in the command prompt and have it recognized in the alias.
If I'm using HEW for example, I have hla, hra, hll, and hrl to target the arms and legs. My aliases for these are:
It makes use of the ingame targeting and command separation, and I find that such a set up works well for me. The only concern that I see is using things that are already used for something else. 's' for example is for 'south' and is used for your room directions. You'll have to be careful about that when setting up aliases.
Hopefully that helps you a bit. I'm far from an expert though.
- Limb Counter - Fracture Relapsing -
"Honestly, I just love that it counts limbs." - Mizik Corten
GMCP documentation: https://github.com/keneanung/GMCPAdditions
svof github site: https://github.com/svof/svof and documentation at https://svof.github.io/svof
Pattern: ^c (.w) (.w)$
if matches[2] == "ll" and matches[3] == "hi" then
send("combination "..t.." slice left leg smash hi ")
There's a table to translate the shorthand bodyparts into their full versions for the command.