Anyone else have an issue lately with Mudlet Mapper taking them into Mhaldor when they're trying to go somewhere completely different? This happened to me when I was trying to go to some rooms in the Dun village or Dun fortress area like the comm shops via the rf function or using goto <room #>. I'm just lucky I didn't get into trouble for it, and double fortunate that I'm not an enemy... but can see this as a bigger issue for someone who is an enemy, or can be an unintended issue if Mhaldor doesn't want you in there. I know I could simply use the arealock function, but that's not a real fix if it's a coding issue.
What doesn't kill you gives you exp.
- With sharp, crackling tones, Kyrra tells you, "The ladies must love you immensely."
- (Eleusian Ranger Techs): Savira says, "Most of the hard stuff seem to have this built in code like: If adventurer_hitting_me = "Sarathai" then send("terminate and selfdestruct")."
- Makarios says, "Serve well and perish."
- Xaden says, "Xaden confirmed scrub 2017."