When you hear the expression 'A whole nother,' 'Unexplainable,' 'Same difference,' etc.
ETA: Also when humgii racing. Fuck those guys
So you object to tmesis and/or metanalysis, as in "a whole nother"; idiomatic expressions that don't make literal sense, like "same difference"; and perfectly acceptable English words like "unexplainable"? You must break a lot of books.
No, I don't remember you sparring me from six months ago. Was I good at least? So you mean I have to break out the ice for exterminations? Where do you even get ice? Any attempt of mine to make smart ass @kiet intimidated
No, I don't remember you sparring me from six months ago. Was I good at least? So you mean I have to break out the ice for exterminations? Where do you even get ice? Any attempt of mine to make smart ass @kiet intimidated
Tsundere clefairy would describe Jeslyn pretty well.
ETA: Also when humgii racing. Fuck those guys
Also @Anedhel
(I kid I kid! Don't hurt me
Kicking some denizen butt...
All the time lately...
Looks about right.
it's true!
And you won't understand the cause of your grief...
...But you'll always follow the voices beneath.
After returning from the halls of hell:
So you mean I have to break out the ice for exterminations? Where do you even get ice?
Any attempt of mine to make smart ass @kiet intimidated
Seems pretty apt. Thanks @Jeslyn!