There ought to be a simple, one-step way to switch to dragonform and back again, but I don't know what it is. I don't know how anyone else changes forms. Perhaps everyone has to do a number of manual steps?
I'm not a coder, so I imagined doing something very simple.
I separated the triggers and aliases I use into those for Runewarden and those for Dragonform, putting them into separate folders. I thought that I could set up triggers to tell Mudlet to enable or ignore the relevant folders when I change forms, but that doesn't work.
To change to lesserform, I set up a trigger, using "Your race is now that of Human." as a beginning of line substring and then, in the box below:
I also put a highlight on the trigger line, and Mudlet does do that, so I know it's at least reading the trigger.
Any ideas?
if dragonForm == 1 then
send("gut "
send("doublewhirl "
and things like that. Same thing for my battlerage stuff.
send("gut ",false)
send("doublewhirl ",false)
Same thing, without needing extra variables.
I do recommend just using the "kill" function that is serverside for hunting, so you only need one of those aliases. I debug three or four classes, so without these checks, I would have to run a separate system for every class.
Edit: adding "if dragonform then" checks into every single alias will increase the time it takes to send an alias by a little bit. Honestly, I doubt many people would notice it, though.
I can add all of that code, I suppose, but it seems to make everything far more complicated than locking off some options, which is what I'd initially thought I should do. Now, that said, I haven't found a way to be able to lock a folder, so my idea may not be doable as code. But I can, and do, do this manually.
Results of disembowel testing | Knight limb counter | GMCP AB files
Okay, it's good to know that the idea of switching folders on and off is workable even if I can't use it. I'll stay with doing it manually.
Thanks for your help, everyone.
Some of my stuff tests my race, in places where it's convenient. Examples being a lot of my aliases/macros just run a function in a huge script.
Latest update: 9/26/2015 better character name handling in GoldTracker, separation of script and settings, addition of gold report and gold distribute aliases.
doesn't work?