You know you can only use most of that stuff once, twice a day. I can find a Alchemist and get willpower back, just meditate - or pay ~700 credits to get 10% of WP back, twice a real life day. It's not as crazily gamebreaking as I think you're making it out to be.
Through luck, avoiding death through what is basically a 1k credit artie once a day doesn't seem dumb to me, as in most cases that person is probably gonna go into the "berserk" mode and just die anyway. Sure there may be that "oh damn, they got away cause dumb locket." moment every so often, but everyone complains about Deliverance/refuge/xenophage/Earrings and stuff already, here's an option for those who don't have the factional/class benefit to once in a blue moon not die as well - and you all can use it AND deliver.
edit windows ten is correcting my spelling to Alien references.
Also worth noting, it's a REAL LIFE 24 hours, not an the hour that is an achaean day.
Well, better set the sign back to "0 days without a forum ban".
Here's hoping that's not the case, but we'll see, I suppose.
Very distressing to watch a game you're fond of start to walk down this path. Achaea's payment model is unscrupulous enough as is without more things being thrown in to the mix.
Please reconsider the bonuses - immortality at the very least, is what I am trying to say.
Your constant melodramatic predictions of doom just kind of fall onto deaf ears after awhile.
Did you guys really expect @Daeir to not be a negative drama-queen? It's pretty much one of the guarantees we've come to expect on forums.
What people aren't realizing is exactly what Praxides is saying, but also the side-effect of what she's saying.
These lockets are essentially just super shiny, but shitty toys that people are paying huge amounts for. This promotion helps out the little guy, not the big guys. The value of globes just skyrocketed if you get a shard and sell it. I doubt the little people care much about the locket, but they could siphon some of the credits away from the big guys and never have to care what they are missing out on.
I'd just like to point out that with this promotion being extended, after people already bought globes last month, plus an item like this that people are wanting, will likely make them very scarce/pricey
Unless they're as common as dummies were a few globes back, in which case I'd be -happy- to buy them off everybody for 10 credits per.
I don't think it's that big a deal given the limitations, and I really like all of the cosmetic opportunities it affords and even the non-immortality stuff, but I really don't like the idea of the immortality either. And I definitely felt pretty surprised to see it.
Most of the time, it's not going to do anything important at all. Personally, that seems a little bit exploitative with respect to people who don't realize that, but whatever - I guess I can't really fault IRE for overpricing something when people are willing to buy it.
But when it is useful, the primary thing it's going to do is to give people another way of avoiding the penalties associated with dying - if they just run away and heal up after a damage death. It's another transmog/soulcage - some of the most complained-about abilities in the game - that's available to everyone.
But even that isn't really a big problem. And I think it's an anticipated problem since instakills bypass it. But some classes don't have viable instakills or are balanced around being able to kill using damage pressure. Fighting as one of those classes against one of these people is going to mean you need to hinder them enough to kill them twice without giving them a chance to run away and heal back up. Functionally, it's just giving owners a single instance of a much larger health pool to survive damage spikes.
I don't think it's a huge deal given the limitations, but it's still kind of shitty.
I would have liked to see something like this without the top-tier thing that lets you actually avoid dying if you heal up. Or, better yet, keep that, but make the immortality thing only apply to deaths by denizen attacks for instance. That would be totally fine. But penalizing damage classes like this, even by a small amount, and adding in another way to escape a PvP death that your opponent has already earned, and offering to sell it to people, is pretty disappointing to me.
Yeah, the Golden Rule of Achaea is still "If it Can be Abused, it Will be Abused".
To me, this feels a bit like it breaks the unwritten rule of Achaea's "pay for perks" model that has always walked a very difficult, narrow line between business viability and player satisfaction. The Earrings of Sinope (may they rot in hell for all eternity) are an example of a pay-for benefit that is incredibly annoying to deal with - that puts even more power in the hands of the already powerful. And the powerful should be better than the less-powerful, I totally get (and agree with) that. But the accumulation of paid for advantages (defensive artifacts, plus earrings, plus immortality, etc etc) if you don't have a lot of money to drop into the game - if you're part of a group of under-artifacted, middling combatants who are trying to push a couple of Achaean steamrollers out of their city three hours into a raid - can be really, really galling.
It's not ZOMG, THE END OF THE WORLD, but it feels wrong. Feels like the see-saw of balance between everyone's gameplay, and cash-generation tipped a bit out of whack. If it was bashing-related only, sure. That's a great perk, I'd be all for that - I think people would still pay good money for that. Pushing it out to PvP is a bit much, I think.
My understanding of modern Achaean combat isn't quite good enough to know that for sure, but that's my view.
I don't think Immortality will be a huge issue. I'm sure it will be useful in certain situations, by certain players, and those times will drive up everyone's blood pressure, but I don't see it as game-breaking, with all the restrictions and caveats so far announced. Numb/Apathy will probably be the biggest culprits in its use, and Numb/Apathy are already agreed to be a bit over-the-top, especially in raids, so that's not really Immortality's fault.
Still, Immortality does seem to come close to crossing that line. If you had to pile on this many restrictions, caveats, and exceptions to make a high-price, promotional item not game-breaking, that's kinda a sign that maybe the idea is just dangerous ground to begin with. As-is, it kinda feels like Immortality is useful in so few situations that I wouldn't want to pay for it, but still useful enough in those few situations that all of our high-roller elites are going to have it, and we're going to have to deal with it. End of the world? No, but I feel like the locket would be just as good with Immortality replaced
with something more utilitarian and much less controversial. The the other perks of the locket are very neat. "Cool" without being strong, useful without being exploitable, desirable without being necessary. That's good, we want that, not something that runs risk of becoming a headache for everyone (Admin included) to deal with and balance out.
Overall, though, I like the concept of the promotion. This one doesn't feel very interesting/tailored for me, personally, but the possibility of more of these types of things in the future does sound appealing to me. I've heard of some of the other games doing this, and they've always sounded great.
-- Grounded in but one perspective, what we perceive is an exaggeration of the truth.
This just seems like something that if it's going to exist, should have been a standard artefact. I personally hate the idea of strong globe items because it does create a disparity between those that do buy ooc and those that do not.
Did anyone else miss the point where Tecton said "If you take -any- damage during immortality, you die."?
I think people missed that because he didn't say it. At least not in this thread.
When you die, your health gets reset to a "very low level".
You die if you "Receive an attack that brings you to 0 health again."
That is pretty explicitly not the same thing as "If you take -any- damage during immortality, you die.".
And given that there's a good chance you can sip/eat moss/use healing abilities/benefit from passive healing/etc. during the balance recovery of the attack that "killed" you and triggered the "immortality", you could absolutely end up being hit by their next attack and not ending up back at 0 health. More pointedly, you could run during that balance recovery - and if you have a maxed locket, you can avoid the death entirely if you manage to run away.
Like I said, I don't think it's too big a deal given the restrictions on it, and I doubt it will ever have any utility in group combat, and it's not nearly the same impact as transmog/soulcage (only similar in letting you avoid what are normally deaths, just in a much more limited set of scenarios), but unless Tecton has said this quote you're attributing to him elsewhere, it seems like you're mistaken.
@Itkovian: It sounds like they've already considered this:
* Death is only suspended in cases where you normally die to damage.
* Instakills and related "finisher" abilities will not trigger the defence.
Perhaps I'm misinterpreting it, but "related "finisher" abilities" seems like it would include things like BBT and disembowel, that aren't outright instakills but are intended to be the end goal of a class combat strategy.
That said, I'm still not sure I like it. Disembowel isn't always sufficient to outright kill. Instead you'd need the extra damage from a battleaxe doubleslash, or the bleeding damage caused by disembowel, or the damage from them tumbling out late and hitting engage to actually get the kill, and those sound like they'd all be negated by Immortality.
Perhaps a shortish duration after one of these "finisher" abilities in which Immortality can't proc, so that in those situations you're still not being cheated out of a kill. For example, for four seconds after being disembowelled Immortality can't proc, so if you don't die from the disembowel itself but do die from the bleeding, or from the follow up attack, you still don't get to survive.
I certainly hope that this is the case, and if so then there's no real issue.
Generally speaking at the high end nobody tends to murder people through sheer damage, at least not without resorting to exactly the sort of damage finishers I believe should bypass immortality (BBT, disembowel, frozen golem smush, and so on).
But if these damage finishers don't bypass immortality, then it does end up being a nerf for the classes who depend on these finishers, and leaves the classes that use instant-kills unaffected. However small, this "nerf" is wholly unnecessary.
But hopefully this is already accounted for, or easily rectified.
DSB is not an insta-kill, so it will likely trigger immortality.
However, like I said, if someone is using this in 1v1, they're likely using other also lame things like the stein. This is the least offensive limited time thing someone can have. In a group situation, there is basically zero chance of this impacting anything.
Also worth noting that the other powers, regardless how much some people think the sky is falling because of them, offer literally nothing in a combat scenario. Hunger/sleep boosts do nothing when you're actually prepared for hunger attacks. WP/End regen are nothing more than convenience for more bashing time, really.
A pretty cool promo, will likely try to pick up a pair of shards at some point down the line for a locket/non-decay.
Cascades of quicksilver light streak across the firmament as the celestial voice of Ourania intones, "Oh Jarrod..."
I like the idea of the locket in this promotion, it is pretty unique, it will drive good globe sales and create some fun on the IC market.
The powers look fun too. I don't also see immortality being abused really. It looks really niche and very limited in the way it is setup and I can't see a serious raider using it over star-burst (because what raider cares about xp?) or other escape methods.
Pretty sure if someone clever comes up with a super way to abuse it, then it will be nerfed anyway.
As if your normal arties aren't enough to give people combat benefits... this' getting a little obnoxious. Your degree of pay to win is already beyond anyones wildest dreams and eventually your regular cash cows will get fed up and find greener grass.
@Itkovian: It sounds like they've already considered this:
* Death is only suspended in cases where you normally die to damage.
* Instakills and related "finisher" abilities will not trigger the defence.
Perhaps I'm misinterpreting it, but "related "finisher" abilities" seems like it would include things like BBT and disembowel, that aren't outright instakills but are intended to be the end goal of a class combat strategy.
That said, I'm still not sure I like it. Disembowel isn't always sufficient to outright kill. Instead you'd need the extra damage from a battleaxe doubleslash, or the bleeding damage caused by disembowel, or the damage from them tumbling out late and hitting engage to actually get the kill, and those sound like they'd all be negated by Immortality.
Perhaps a shortish duration after one of these "finisher" abilities in which Immortality can't proc, so that in those situations you're still not being cheated out of a kill. For example, for four seconds after being disembowelled Immortality can't proc, so if you don't die from the disembowel itself but do die from the bleeding, or from the follow up attack, you still don't get to survive.
I certainly hope that this is the case, and if so then there's no real issue.
Generally speaking at the high end nobody tends to murder people through sheer damage, at least not without resorting to exactly the sort of damage finishers I believe should bypass immortality (BBT, disembowel, frozen golem smush, and so on).
But if these damage finishers don't bypass immortality, then it does end up being a nerf for the classes who depend on these finishers, and leaves the classes that use instant-kills unaffected. However small, this "nerf" is wholly unnecessary.
But hopefully this is already accounted for, or easily rectified.
Eh, I'm not sure I agree. Even if your finisher doesn't bypass the immortality proc, you still have someone who is mangled/afflicted, prone, etc. Immortality would only give them back a small portion of health. You still have a very strong chance to finish them off.
Also bear in mind that outside of locket level 20, even if they do manage to survive your disembowel (presuming it doesn't bypass immortality), cure themselves, and flee, they will still die after x seconds (and you will still be credited with the kill). The only way they don't die is if they have a level 20 locket, cure themselves, flee, and completely heal. I just don't see level 20 lockets being prevalent enough to warrant the worry.
I agree with suggestions that this should not be limited to a promo and should have been introduced as a new type of artefact at 30-50 credits per shard.
While I definitely don't agree that this immortality thing is a good thing, complaining about Achaea wanting it's customers (that's right - customers) to spend money/releasing an item that affects PvP that you have to pay for is kind of laughable.
It being in a promo doesn't preclude us from putting it on sale later, though if we did it'd likely be at a higher price than you'd on average have paid during this promo.
I will be amazed if more than 1 or 2 lockers make it to tier 20 so I don't think the issue of a person healing themselves out of immortality death is going to be an issue.
I do find curious how the tiered artefact works in Achaea. In Aetolia (can't speak of lusternia) the tiers are based on the amounts of credits you buy in the promo. 100cr nets you the artefact item, 200cr gets you tier 2 powers ... 2000cr and you have all 20 tiers activated. It's a given you spend so much money you get the artefact.
Here it seems a little off you pay money to get globes that -may- have a shard in it, making it a huge gamble and having the potential for those addict collectors to serious go mental on their spending trying to scrounge up globes/credits.
Through luck, avoiding death through what is basically a 1k credit artie once a day doesn't seem dumb to me, as in most cases that person is probably gonna go into the "berserk" mode and just die anyway. Sure there may be that "oh damn, they got away cause dumb locket." moment every so often, but everyone complains about Deliverance/refuge/xenophage/Earrings and stuff already, here's an option for those who don't have the factional/class benefit to once in a blue moon not die as well - and you all can use it AND deliver.
edit windows ten is correcting my spelling to Alien references.
Also worth noting, it's a REAL LIFE 24 hours, not an the hour that is an achaean day.
What people aren't realizing is exactly what Praxides is saying, but also the side-effect of what she's saying.
These lockets are essentially just super shiny, but shitty toys that people are paying huge amounts for. This promotion helps out the little guy, not the big guys. The value of globes just skyrocketed if you get a shard and sell it. I doubt the little people care much about the locket, but they could siphon some of the credits away from the big guys and never have to care what they are missing out on.
Unless they're as common as dummies were a few globes back, in which case I'd be -happy- to buy them off everybody for 10 credits per.
Most of the time, it's not going to do anything important at all. Personally, that seems a little bit exploitative with respect to people who don't realize that, but whatever - I guess I can't really fault IRE for overpricing something when people are willing to buy it.
But when it is useful, the primary thing it's going to do is to give people another way of avoiding the penalties associated with dying - if they just run away and heal up after a damage death. It's another transmog/soulcage - some of the most complained-about abilities in the game - that's available to everyone.
But even that isn't really a big problem. And I think it's an anticipated problem since instakills bypass it. But some classes don't have viable instakills or are balanced around being able to kill using damage pressure. Fighting as one of those classes against one of these people is going to mean you need to hinder them enough to kill them twice without giving them a chance to run away and heal back up. Functionally, it's just giving owners a single instance of a much larger health pool to survive damage spikes.
I don't think it's a huge deal given the limitations, but it's still kind of shitty.
I would have liked to see something like this without the top-tier thing that lets you actually avoid dying if you heal up. Or, better yet, keep that, but make the immortality thing only apply to deaths by denizen attacks for instance. That would be totally fine. But penalizing damage classes like this, even by a small amount, and adding in another way to escape a PvP death that your opponent has already earned, and offering to sell it to people, is pretty disappointing to me.
To me, this feels a bit like it breaks the unwritten rule of Achaea's "pay for perks" model that has always walked a very difficult, narrow line between business viability and player satisfaction. The Earrings of Sinope (may they rot in hell for all eternity) are an example of a pay-for benefit that is incredibly annoying to deal with - that puts even more power in the hands of the already powerful. And the powerful should be better than the less-powerful, I totally get (and agree with) that. But the accumulation of paid for advantages (defensive artifacts, plus earrings, plus immortality, etc etc) if you don't have a lot of money to drop into the game - if you're part of a group of under-artifacted, middling combatants who are trying to push a couple of Achaean steamrollers out of their city three hours into a raid - can be really, really galling.
It's not ZOMG, THE END OF THE WORLD, but it feels wrong. Feels like the see-saw of balance between everyone's gameplay, and cash-generation tipped a bit out of whack. If it was bashing-related only, sure. That's a great perk, I'd be all for that - I think people would still pay good money for that. Pushing it out to PvP is a bit much, I think.
My understanding of modern Achaean combat isn't quite good enough to know that for sure, but that's my view.
Still, Immortality does seem to come close to crossing that line. If you had to pile on this many restrictions, caveats, and exceptions to make a high-price, promotional item not game-breaking, that's kinda a sign that maybe the idea is just dangerous ground to begin with. As-is, it kinda feels like Immortality is useful in so few situations that I wouldn't want to pay for it, but still useful enough in those few situations that all of our high-roller elites are going to have it, and we're going to have to deal with it. End of the world? No, but I feel like the locket would be just as good with Immortality replaced with something more utilitarian and much less controversial. The the other perks of the locket are very neat. "Cool" without being strong, useful without being exploitable, desirable without being necessary. That's good, we want that, not something that runs risk of becoming a headache for everyone (Admin included) to deal with and balance out.
Overall, though, I like the concept of the promotion. This one doesn't feel very interesting/tailored for me, personally, but the possibility of more of these types of things in the future does sound appealing to me. I've heard of some of the other games doing this, and they've always sounded great.
Nothing like soulcage/mog/etc, and in any group pvp it'll likely be irrelevant.
Latest update: 9/26/2015 better character name handling in GoldTracker, separation of script and settings, addition of gold report and gold distribute aliases.
When you die, your health gets reset to a "very low level".
You die if you "Receive an attack that brings you to 0 health again."
That is pretty explicitly not the same thing as "If you take -any- damage during immortality, you die.".
And given that there's a good chance you can sip/eat moss/use healing abilities/benefit from passive healing/etc. during the balance recovery of the attack that "killed" you and triggered the "immortality", you could absolutely end up being hit by their next attack and not ending up back at 0 health. More pointedly, you could run during that balance recovery - and if you have a maxed locket, you can avoid the death entirely if you manage to run away.
Like I said, I don't think it's too big a deal given the restrictions on it, and I doubt it will ever have any utility in group combat, and it's not nearly the same impact as transmog/soulcage (only similar in letting you avoid what are normally deaths, just in a much more limited set of scenarios), but unless Tecton has said this quote you're attributing to him elsewhere, it seems like you're mistaken.
Generally speaking at the high end nobody tends to murder people through sheer damage, at least not without resorting to exactly the sort of damage finishers I believe should bypass immortality (BBT, disembowel, frozen golem smush, and so on).
But if these damage finishers don't bypass immortality, then it does end up being a nerf for the classes who depend on these finishers, and leaves the classes that use instant-kills unaffected. However small, this "nerf" is wholly unnecessary.
But hopefully this is already accounted for, or easily rectified.
However, like I said, if someone is using this in 1v1, they're likely using other also lame things like the stein. This is the least offensive limited time thing someone can have. In a group situation, there is basically zero chance of this impacting anything.
Also worth noting that the other powers, regardless how much some people think the sky is falling because of them, offer literally nothing in a combat scenario. Hunger/sleep boosts do nothing when you're actually prepared for hunger attacks. WP/End regen are nothing more than convenience for more bashing time, really.
A pretty cool promo, will likely try to pick up a pair of shards at some point down the line for a locket/non-decay.
Cascades of quicksilver light streak across the firmament as the celestial voice of Ourania intones, "Oh Jarrod..."
The powers look fun too. I don't also see immortality being abused really. It looks really niche and very limited in the way it is setup and I can't see a serious raider using it over star-burst (because what raider cares about xp?) or other escape methods.
Pretty sure if someone clever comes up with a super way to abuse it, then it will be nerfed anyway.
Also bear in mind that outside of locket level 20, even if they do manage to survive your disembowel (presuming it doesn't bypass immortality), cure themselves, and flee, they will still die after x seconds (and you will still be credited with the kill). The only way they don't die is if they have a level 20 locket, cure themselves, flee, and completely heal. I just don't see level 20 lockets being prevalent enough to warrant the worry.
Cascades of quicksilver light streak across the firmament as the celestial voice of Ourania intones, "Oh Jarrod..."
I don't get it.
Might want to read up on HELP ARTEFACTS.
I do find curious how the tiered artefact works in Achaea. In Aetolia (can't speak of lusternia) the tiers are based on the amounts of credits you buy in the promo. 100cr nets you the artefact item, 200cr gets you tier 2 powers ... 2000cr and you have all 20 tiers activated. It's a given you spend so much money you get the artefact.
Here it seems a little off you pay money to get globes that -may- have a shard in it, making it a huge gamble and having the potential for those addict collectors to serious go mental on their spending trying to scrounge up globes/credits.