I could never understand how those skydancer toys ever made it to market what with the potential for serious injury. I know my sister and I used them as heavy projectiles at each other when we were annoyed with one another and DAMN, getting hit with one of those things hurt!
Janeway: Tuvok! *clapclap* Release my hounds!
Krenim: Hounds? How cliche.
Janeway: Tuvok! *clapclap* Release my rape gorilla!
DARPA and Boston Dynamics. I've been following these guys since 2008 ever since I saw this video. It's basically a robot that can compensate for terrain and slips. (Not falls unfortunately)
But this one about the size of a horse can!
Recently the programmed it to be able to compensate for the sudden weight changes and positioning required to throw something.
This is their jumping robot.
And I -think- this is the robot that holds the current robotic land speed record.
I've seen videos of that horse tank, and I have to say that that thing is truly horrifying. If an enemy saw an army of those things coming towards them, there would be no need to fire a single shot because they would give up, thinking that some kind of army of demons led by Pazuzu had been unleashed.
Janeway: Tuvok! *clapclap* Release my hounds!
Krenim: Hounds? How cliche.
Janeway: Tuvok! *clapclap* Release my rape gorilla!
Fond childhood memories at the public pools, where people would buy Pollywaffles to throw in the water..
(D.M.A.): Cooper says, "Kyrra is either the most innocent person in the world, or the girl who uses the most innuendo seemingly unintentionally but really on purpose."
Actually I was waiting for a few posts in between to cushion the robot vids. I'm on a phone right now so I can't link videos. Mind throwing up Atlas for me?
Btw Petman is a robot designed to test protective suits by going through a whole range of motions. What you don't see in the video is that it's programmed to take into account the body heat given off by a person inside as well as the amount of sweat they would give off and other bodily factors.
This is Atlas. He's ... he's going to be a terminator when he grows up I just know it. he uses his arms to help him balance as he shifts his weight around.
And these are STRANDBEEST! A 'lifeform' completely made out of pvc piping, zip ties and surgical tubes. The can do amazing thing. The flapping of the 'wings' is actually the creatures storing air in coke bottles to use when the wind drops out. When the wind picks up they can automatically raise the sails on there wings but if it gets to windy they lower the sails. They can nail themselves into the beach if a storm comes, walk away from the water and if they have to walk over a part of overly fluffy sand they can 'boost' themselves across it so they can begin walking again.
Dunno if this goes here or not, but if you check this dude out today, June 2nd. He's doing a 12 hour charity livestream, in memory of his buddy from college that passed away from leukemia, that'd be neat if you could.
So we have 4 girls who seem intent on causing extreme amounts of collateral damage while performing major acrobatic feats? Sounds AWESOME! When does this get released?
Janeway: Tuvok! *clapclap* Release my hounds!
Krenim: Hounds? How cliche.
Janeway: Tuvok! *clapclap* Release my rape gorilla!
Interesting how kangaroos look so much like us, especially when they stand up. They also look so pensive and graceful. I guess that's because they're tamed, though.
League of Legends: IA ROCKS (NA) Guild Wars 2: erasariel.1532 - Devona's Rest (NA) Final Fantasy XIV: Novi Selea - Cactuar (NA) Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/ErasarielOfAchaea/ Achaea: Erasariel (duh!)
Until they disembowel you with a kick to the stomach. :x
(D.M.A.): Cooper says, "Kyrra is either the most innocent person in the world, or the girl who uses the most innuendo seemingly unintentionally but really on purpose."
Interesting how kangaroos look so much like us, especially when they stand up. They also look so pensive and graceful. I guess that's because they're tamed, though.
So we have 4 girls who seem intent on causing extreme amounts of collateral damage while performing major acrobatic feats? Sounds AWESOME! When does this get released?
Yellow shows the date and place for the premiere at the end: RTX 2013 - Austin TX July 5-7, rtxevent.com
Btw Petman is a robot designed to test protective suits by going through a whole range of motions. What you don't see in the video is that it's programmed to take into account the body heat given off by a person inside as well as the amount of sweat they would give off and other bodily factors.
Results of disembowel testing | Knight limb counter | GMCP AB files
League of Legends: IA ROCKS (NA)
Guild Wars 2: erasariel.1532 - Devona's Rest (NA)
Final Fantasy XIV: Novi Selea - Cactuar (NA)
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/ErasarielOfAchaea/
Achaea: Erasariel (duh!)