Exciting day! Wish I was going to Seattle's Pride weekend, because I know it's going to be the most memorable one yet. Plus Seattle has all of these new great rainbow crosswalks that the mayor had put in.
I thought this was decades away. When I sat in dumbfounded awe and glee that Referendum 74 passed here in Washington, I wondered, "Maybe this is the best we're going to get."
Immensely pleased today. I haven't personally had many moments in the last decade and a half where I can genuinely say I'm proud of my country, but today is one of those days.
My first thought to 'America!' was 'Fuck Yeah.' But then I opened the thread, and my opinion didn't change. Obviously this is going to be fought and fought, but I think this is a positive, progressive step for the US.
As a gay man who is very far to the left politically, I have extremely mixed feelings about gay marriage (I don't think government should be in the business of deciding what kinds of social/sexual relationships are legitimate and rewarding/punishing on that basis, I think extending marriage to more people only reinforces that oppressive social control, I think there are much bigger issues that deserve far more attention, and I really don't like the white-washed, big-business, heteronormative parody of gay culture that was promoted to help push this through), but I'll admit it's nice to see people celebrating something the government's done for a change.
I'm also curious what all of my straight friends are going to use to prove to one another how progressive they are now that this whole fight is won.
And I imagine this Pride weekend is going to be insane.
My first thought to 'America!' was 'Fuck Yeah.' But then I opened the thread, and my opinion didn't change. Obviously this is going to be fought and fought, but I think this is a positive, progressive step for the US.
Only way to fight a Supreme Court decision is outright rebellion or changing the Constitution to ban it, which is definitely not going to happen. This fight is over.
Yeah, embarrassingly Australia still needs to progress as do other countries. There are probably also a bunch of smaller fights that are could come up as people get gay married.
Beyond that, this is only one issue for people under the LGBTIQA umbrella. Trans visibility, Homelessness, Mental Health, and just a lot of stuff around our early experiences in life are all things that need to be improved.
My avatar is an image created by this very talented gentleman, of whose work I am extremely jealous. It was not originally a picture of Amunet, but it certainly looks a great deal like how I envision her!
My first thought to 'America!' was 'Fuck Yeah.' But then I opened the thread, and my opinion didn't change. Obviously this is going to be fought and fought, but I think this is a positive, progressive step for the US.
Only way to fight a Supreme Court decision is outright rebellion or changing the Constitution to ban it, which is definitely not going to happen. This fight is over.
Not quite true - a future ruling can overturn this one, but that has to have to be one that both makes it through the appeals process and which SCOTUS considers worthy of its time to review. Since this was just decided very thoroughly, it's unlikely any challenge will appear any time soon, but it can still happen through the judicial system. The longer it lasts, though, the more it will just be normalized and so the fight is really going to die down. I don't see a challenge appearing any time after ten years from now.
The most you'll probably hear is threats to make a constitutional amendment or repeal the fourteenth amendment. Both are pretty laughable, but ludicrous has been the GOPs trademark lately.
ftfy :P
When Canada rules the world,
things will be... nii~ice.
Also 'murica.
When Canada rules the world,
things will be... nii~ice.
@Sarapis where's our :pride: smiley?
Immensely pleased today. I haven't personally had many moments in the last decade and a half where I can genuinely say I'm proud of my country, but today is one of those days.
twitter - @spacemanreno
I'm also curious what all of my straight friends are going to use to prove to one another how progressive they are now that this whole fight is won.
And I imagine this Pride weekend is going to be insane.
p.s. not claiming prohibition caused the great depression
I approve of a forum post.
Beyond that, this is only one issue for people under the LGBTIQA umbrella. Trans visibility, Homelessness, Mental Health, and just a lot of stuff around our early experiences in life are all things that need to be improved.