I was going through a few old notebooks and found some funny Achaea notes that I scribbled when I had no access to a computer and/or was bored. I'm about to throw them away as I don't have any reason to keep them, but figured it might be fun to share.

This is when I was brainstorming food and drink ideas for the Mhaldor restaurant. It was a completely different concept in the end, but maybe these may still make it into player-made stuff someday.

The very early stages of planning out Silberkral Keep, the Nithilar home in the subdivisions. First page is figuring out the layout, second page is the drawing of a particular statue in the house, and third page is a drawing of the garden. This is why I work in text and not in art.

More Nithilar-related layout and deciding on a motto - none of these were chosen in the end. Another drawing of a fountain in the courtyard that looks like something from Jurassic Park, notes on rooms and stuff and bonus emoticons.
I don't know if anyone still writes anything down these days, but if you do and want to share, feel free to throw some up!
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And then I read what your post actually said.
I used to carry a small memo pad around with me on the off-chance I'd get an idea and need to jot it down. I still do this occasionally, but it's intermixed with phone numbers that I'm too afraid to lose if my phone dies, financial things, and other random tidbits.
@Skye they all know I'm weird anyway so they just chalk it down to 'that weird hobby she has' and nobody cares really haha.
Stories by Jurixe and Stories by Jurixe 2
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The "No Subject"s in this one has trade route planning in it and Asterian Restoration logs.
Raid notes, pet names, old artie wish list, and the beginnings of a runewarden manual...
History notes, my progress hunting to dragon, back page of some combat strategy I was trying to come up with. I am sure it meant something at the time...
I also have several cheat sheets taped to my desk because I can never remember everything @Austere tells me. Not too long ago, I got killed in UW because I couldn't remember how he told me to get out, and I couldn't find where I wrote it down.
Found it! Yay! No idea why I have step#2 written before step#1 though...
Monday - Wake up, change class
Tuesday - Go to sleep from Monday, change class
Wednesday - Change class
Thursday - Buy credits, buy artefacts specific for class
Thursday - Change class
Thursday - Change back to same class you just bought arties for
Friday - Get drunk - hurl abuse at everyone I know
Saturday - Wake up another class with new arties
Sunday - Cry in the foetal position