Us crazy kids and our fangledangle lua. Why back in your day, you had to manually type every single command and press enter, uphill, both ways, in the snow.
Edit: surely I am not the only one to look at my bracket and think, "Man, by the time I jump another bracket, I will have carpal tunnel." This is what we are doing with our lives, people.
I'm just here to make you all feel young again (even if I mainly play "IRE" rather than Achaea per se). Also, thanks for letting me pick 35-40 and not 40-50 . You're a peach, Zuko.
I always thought @Jules was young, like in her 20's. I vaguely remember this from the days of bikini pics floating around the forums.
Would have been around 33-34 then. I am definitely having to work harder to wear tight white pants this summer (but it'll happen). Bottom line, if you're not 40 yet, guess what? You will be And it looks like most of us aren't quite uncomfortably close to 50 yet, but guess what, we'll all get there unless we die horribly first.
The only picture I remember of @Jules was when someone photoshopped her and Kiet's face onto a pair of horses.
I've seen pics of you too And I know the occasional comments you make definitely aren't good-natured ribbing. But yay, Achaea forums. Anyway, I'd work really hard on my outstanding personality if I were you.
I always thought @Jules was young, like in her 20's. I vaguely remember this from the days of bikini pics floating around the forums.
Would have been around 33-34 then. I am definitely having to work harder to wear tight white pants this summer (but it'll happen). Bottom line, if you're not 40 yet, guess what? You will be And it looks like most of us aren't quite uncomfortably close to 50 yet, but guess what, we'll all get there unless we die horribly first.
The only picture I remember of @Jules was when someone photoshopped her and Kiet's face onto a pair of horses.
I've seen pics of you too And I know the occasional comments you make definitely aren't good-natured ribbing. But yay, Achaea forums. Anyway, I'd work really hard on my outstanding personality if I were you.
The picture was, as far as I can recall, a good-natured ribbing in and of itself, and your constant soapbox preaching of the forum and its evils aside most of my comments tend to be as well. Have fun continuing to misconstrue comments and being a general bitch, though!
You have never been remotely "nice" to me, so why would I interpret your comments as anything but a nasty insult? Tell you what, if you want to be a stand up guy, know that "joking" around with people you have never been anything but nasty and mean-spirited towards WILL be taken as... probably nasty and mean-spirited. Joking is for people you are at least on friendly terms with, and better yet, if it's the kind of joking that has a bit of a bite to it, save it for close friends you have a rapport with.
You have never been remotely "nice" to me, so why would I interpret your comments as anything but a nasty insult? Tell you what, if you want to be a stand up guy, know that "joking" around with people you have never been anything but nasty and mean-spirited towards WILL be taken as... probably nasty and mean-spirited. Joking is for people you are at least on friendly terms with, and better yet, if it's the kind of joking that has a bit of a bite to it, save it for close friends you have a rapport with.
Uh, remembering a picture is a statement of fact. He didn't link the picture or even make it to start with. Take a step back. That's a losing argument you got going, there.
Joking is for people you are at least on friendly terms with, and better yet, if it's the kind of joking that has a bit of a bite to it, save it for close friends you have a rapport with.
Know what? Fuck it. If people are actually going to defend such blatant assholery and say I'm being unreasonable for calling it what it is and saying "stop being an asshole", just... fuck it. And Trey makes these little digs ANY chance he gets. His "innocent" little comments certainly do not happen in a vacuum. I actually don't remember the pic, and I'm not even sure if it was a public forum post, or some inside joke. Either way, grr.
I mean, let's spell this out. The insinuation (which assholes are laughing about but will vehemently deny) is that Jules is a "horse-faced old broad" (Trey loves the term "old broad" too, by the way). And you know what? The worst possible scenario is that that would actually be true - that I look like a horse-faced old hag IRL. So umm, if that were the case, haha, funny joke because someone had the misfortune to not be pretty (and God forbid, to age)?
I mean, let's spell this out. The insinuation (which assholes are laughing about but will vehemently deny) is that Jules is a "horse-faced old broad"
The picture Trey was referencing might have made that insinuation (I don't remember it at all, so I can't really say; without more information, it could be entirely innocent or it could be even worse than you claim), but it's a huge stretch to interpret "I remember an insulting picture someone else posted" as an insult itself.
Results of disembowel testing | Knight limb counter | GMCP AB files
Honourable, knight eternal,
Darkly evil, cruel infernal.
Necromanctic to the core,Dance with death forever more.
Edit: surely I am not the only one to look at my bracket and think, "Man, by the time I jump another bracket, I will have carpal tunnel." This is what we are doing with our lives, people.
Technically, I could be in that bracket too.
Post 2: Hey! Don't leave me out of the other one! :awesome:
One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important
Would have been around 33-34 then. I am definitely having to work harder to wear tight white pants this summer (but it'll happen). Bottom line, if you're not 40 yet, guess what? You will be
I've seen pics of you too
Edit: thanks, though!
Know what? Fuck it. If people are actually going to defend such blatant assholery and say I'm being unreasonable for calling it what it is and saying "stop being an asshole", just... fuck it. And Trey makes these little digs ANY chance he gets. His "innocent" little comments certainly do not happen in a vacuum. I actually don't remember the pic, and I'm not even sure if it was a public forum post, or some inside joke. Either way, grr.
I mean, let's spell this out. The insinuation (which assholes are laughing about but will vehemently deny) is that Jules is a "horse-faced old broad" (Trey loves the term "old broad" too, by the way). And you know what? The worst possible scenario is that that would actually be true - that I look like a horse-faced old hag IRL. So umm, if that were the case, haha, funny joke because someone had the misfortune to not be pretty (and God forbid, to age)?