liking the game i just need to be directed into a few guides and stuff as in what i can do actually can i do anything and is there houses we can have ? Also is there pvp and groups to hunt together im just curious atm ty in advance and skills how do i train them or become advanced class im only lvl 7 atm so ive got time hehe
Looks like you are already in a City which is a good first step.
As @Raem said, many of your questions can be answered within the game itself, and don't be afraid to ask them while playing: you can always use the NEWBIE channel, or you can send a TELL to adventurers to ask them one-on-one. This isn't to discourage you from using forums, but you will find your playing experience improves when you interact with people within the game itself.
To cover what you did ask, and give you pointers for where else to look then:
- Guides/What can I do?
- Houses vs housing:
- Pvp combat:
- Group hunting:
- Skills:
Hope that helps answer your questions, keep asking here and in-game if not though!
You support the game by continuing to log in, possibly bringing in friends, purchasing credits for whatever reason, etc.
You don't need artefacts to succeed in the game. If you wish to get into combat, there will come a point where you hit a wall in who can reasonably beat.
Just depends on what you are wanting to do. You could buy credits to buy flowerpots for your house plot you just bought. There are lots of things you can do.
Penwize has cowardly forfeited the challenge to mortal combat issued by Atalkez.
One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important