Lets have a discussion on amnesia pets. They've been considered "useless" for a long time, given the ease modern systems handle amnesia. To my knowledge, you can have a maximum of 3 amnesia pets (or two?) but even then, its still not a relevant affliction in today's combat world. The amnesia upgrade for pets currently costs 400cr, which is "cheap", but their utility makes them of very little value.
Personally, I've used my amnesia pet when I was Jester, and people were able to escape soft slowlocks (aeon+concussion+kalmia) with the amnesia pet afflicting them as if it weren't even there. It added nothing to the difficulty of escaping locks.
If I'm wrong, and someone out there with amnesia pets has found them to be even marginally useful in PvP, please post some evidence.
If I'm right, lets have a discussion on what needs to be done with amnesia pets.
They could, of course, also be useful in slowing down say, a monk's offense, such as if the amnesia proc went off at exactly the same time a monk tried to combo you, and it ate their kick or one of their punches, but again, very small window, and just as easily timed defensively as it is offensively.
I could see it having some uses for Magi and Occie, especially if you had 3 amnesia pets in retardation and they were awesomely synchronizing, or with Occie's high affliction output. But if that's the case, people should be aware that amnesia pet has that sort of very limited usefulness.
Its not like you can go and buy 3 amnesia pets and suddenly you're locking people left and right. Which shouldn't be the case, of course, but I still feel they're a tad underpowered for the price. The amnesia add-on is only 400cr, but you're still buying a 750cr pet to go with it. Which makes it an 1100cr+ artifact which, as you said, is easily owned by batch commands.
I mean I'm not a coder but I'd imagine top PvPers have something like
#send next attack x2
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Literally the only time I can think of amnesia pets being useful is to prevent force from stopping you from cancelling a channeled ability, by having the amnesia pet attack you.
People are handling it today about as well as they were handling it in 2006.
There doesn't need to be a strong double afflicting pet duo enhancing every fully artied person's class.
If the amnesia were doing a worthwhile effect on a regular basis, it'd be pretty overpowered.
There's a couple of fringe situations that amnesia is still really good in, though.
I can agree with @Santar that if you had multiple pets doing worthwhile effect on a constant basis, it'd be OP.
On the other hand, are they worth the 1200cr? (750 pet + 400 amnesia upgrade). For that steep of a price, I feel they should be worth more than 1 or 2 extreme fringe situations. Especially since they're non-refundable (can't trade pets / pet upgrades in for bound cr).
I'm still not sure if it's worth 400 credits, but at that price you should at least expect it to be a lot less useful than if you think it costs 1200 credits.
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