You can tell Tharos requests for world games if there hasn't been one recently, and usually someone will pick it up and fire one off for you (just don't spam the poor guy if he doesn't respond!)
World games are kind of one of those things that inevitably slips through the cracks when we all get busy working on something else and we don't think of them, but we're more than happy to if given a reminder!
I'd lower credit prices by 90%, because I think people would spend more on the game. I know I'd spend $200 if it got me everything I wanted instead of just one out of seven things I want.
Regional pricing for credits. >_> Cause the exchange rate kills me so bad
You can tell Tharos requests for world games if there hasn't been one recently, and usually someone will pick it up and fire one off for you (just don't spam the poor guy if he doesn't respond!)
World games are kind of one of those things that inevitably slips through the cracks when we all get busy working on something else and we don't think of them, but we're more than happy to if given a reminder!
This is one way. I mean, we can always ask for games, but my thought was that if certain "real world" PK games (the egghunts are the main existing one that comes to mind) happened regularly, I'd know I could log in and probably have an opportunity to do "real" PK outside the arena (group or otherwise depending on games) without any real risk (lost XP ), and, it wouldn't be something you guys would ever have to really think about on a day to day basis (except for actual events and such). And with the ship stuff, sort of the same thing. Even more with ships, since someone normally has to go to the ship arena to start something.
I would like Divine layorders to have their own ranks (eg. CO1-CO5) and perhaps different privileges with shrines or something. Order members who are above a certain rank can be invested with the privilege to promote people in the layorder, so that people who aspire to join an Order have a sense of actual progression to induction instead of player-overseen pre-order clan progression.
I love this idea as well.
My one thing would be that city enemying was contingent upon actual charges for actual crimes with set fines and times to be served instead of perma-enemying and charges based on mortal (and often petty) "reasons." This would have the potential to change the landscape of Achaea considerably. People would first of all no longer be able to be enemied for baseless crimes. Those who once did something wrong (or that was perceived wrong in too many cases) would have the ability to become unenemied and change the opinion of a city's populace about them. Basically, re-work the charge system entirely and then force cities to use it properly.
With Delphinus gone, the Riddlemeister Throne is ripe for usurption!!
That always bugged me about the riddlemeister accolade. Not that you'd have to win so many riddles, but that you'd have to do it without people ranked higher than you being logged in to even compete, in order to make up ground in the rankings. So your options were basically catfishing Delphinus and mailing him diazepam cookies, making peace with your lowly status, or finding some other devious workaround.
With Delphinus gone, the Riddlemeister Throne is ripe for usurption!!
That always bugged me about the riddlemeister accolade. Not that you'd have to win so many riddles, but that you'd have to do it without people ranked higher than you being logged in to even compete, in order to make up ground in the rankings. So your options were basically catfishing Delphinus and mailing him diazepam cookies, making peace with your lowly status, or finding some other devious workaround.
Well, this is essentially the case with all the "Ranked first in something" honours lines, no? No one could get first in Explorers, or first in experience, without Delphinus and Penwize becoming dormant.
Except the Riddle accolade is even more difficult because a) Riddle activity is so low, when Explorer and experience activity is basically nonstop, and b) dormancy doesn't drop you from Riddle rankings.
Deleting subdivisions, replacing it with in-city housing, perhaps kind of like how harbors work where you could do HOUSE LIST to see all the houses on a particular street, with the possibility of adding "major buildings" that have legitimate exits and the possibility of becoming something more (a player-run business, eg. a shop, for example), to blur the line between houses and other sort of buildings a bit.
The "major buildings" would be sort of the high clan equivalent of ordinary player houses' ordinary clans, in that they'd require major approval from the city/patron and major resources to back it up, but I think having the option be there at all would help tie in what I really want from this.
For houses to become part of the world, rather than some barred off thing.
I cannot even describe how much I want this now.
I am going to be so disappointed when the housing changes mentioned in the last few announce posts go in and they aren't this.
@Nim already said it, but just wanted to throw my support behind more changes to housing. I think it's so much more immersive when houses are added as part of the landscape as opposed to being a weird little mini-instance on their own. There's no connectivity to it at the moment - when we built the Restoration estate, being able to create something that felt like it was part of the world made so much of a difference.
In conjunction with that, greater functionality and aesthetic improvements for furniture, more reactions for servants (basically make them a pet bound to the house), give clans the ability to own their own housing, etc. Tie crafting in with servants - be able to 'preset' recipes and designs for your local cook/jeweller/tailor to make as part of 'clan' privileges.
Housing upgrades: lots of little things like doorbells, more interesting entrances, bathtubs, mailboxes, wardrobes with stasis for clothing/jewellery items. More stores selling 'housing' items and the player ability or some denizen that specialises in making house decorations - vases, paintings, sculptures, chandeliers, what have you. *dreams*
Other than that, a rework to the journal/manuscript system. Make all these items 'books', and retain the original owner's mark when you copy them via Mydoin. More manuscript or book cover options.
Interested in joining a Discord about Achaean RP? Want to comment on RP topics or have RP questions? Check the Achaean RP Resource out here:
I'd lower credit prices by 90%, because I think people would spend more on the game. I know I'd spend $200 if it got me everything I wanted instead of just one out of seven things I want.
I think regional pricing for credits would be amazing. But then again it's too easy to fool.
I would see a racial history revamp if I could, and bring in the outer worlds that they all came from so you could travel to and from them.
Better subdivision/housing (I'm all for deleting subdivisions). I'd like to be able to enjoy the house I spent a ton of credits on and hours designing without feeling less safe than I am in the actual city itself.
Would like classes that change powers depending on the diety/city you join. We have knights that branch three ways, but I feel like if you could change depending on how you played your character it would be much more dynamic, rather than playing your character a way because you wanted to play a class. Maybe that would make absolutely no difference, but I feel like it would. Also want evil druids.
Deleting subdivisions, replacing it with in-city housing, perhaps kind of like how harbors work where you could do HOUSE LIST to see all the houses on a particular street, with the possibility of adding "major buildings" that have legitimate exits and the possibility of becoming something more (a player-run business, eg. a shop, for example), to blur the line between houses and other sort of buildings a bit.
The "major buildings" would be sort of the high clan equivalent of ordinary player houses' ordinary clans, in that they'd require major approval from the city/patron and major resources to back it up, but I think having the option be there at all would help tie in what I really want from this.
For houses to become part of the world, rather than some barred off thing.
I cannot even describe how much I want this now.
I am going to be so disappointed when the housing changes mentioned in the last few announce posts go in and they aren't this.
Get ready to cry! As the announce post said, the changes are about converting houses to use gold rather than credits.
Deleting subdivisions, replacing it with in-city housing, perhaps kind of like how harbors work where you could do HOUSE LIST to see all the houses on a particular street, with the possibility of adding "major buildings" that have legitimate exits and the possibility of becoming something more (a player-run business, eg. a shop, for example), to blur the line between houses and other sort of buildings a bit.
The "major buildings" would be sort of the high clan equivalent of ordinary player houses' ordinary clans, in that they'd require major approval from the city/patron and major resources to back it up, but I think having the option be there at all would help tie in what I really want from this.
For houses to become part of the world, rather than some barred off thing.
I cannot even describe how much I want this now.
I am going to be so disappointed when the housing changes mentioned in the last few announce posts go in and they aren't this.
Get ready to cry! As the announce post said, the changes are about converting houses to use gold rather than credits.
Would be doing something like this impossibly impractical at this point in time? I mean, I think even doing something like HOUSE LIST for all the houses in a city, perhaps only doable from the point where the subdivision entrance used to be?
And you won't understand the cause of your grief...
You can tell Tharos requests for world games if there hasn't been one recently, and usually someone will pick it up and fire one off for you (just don't spam the poor guy if he doesn't respond!)
World games are kind of one of those things that inevitably slips through the cracks when we all get busy working on something else and we don't think of them, but we're more than happy to if given a reminder!
Like 5-6 years ago, I posted on the forums about how there should be more world-games, because they were a fun community activity. I suggested that maybe they could be on some sort of running schedule.
Some Divine responded and was like, "We'll try to run more!"
Two days later I replied to the thread with, "PLEASE STOP MAKING WORLD GAMES." There was one running practically all the time. Popping up every hour. They really lose their flavour if you over-intoxicate on them. When people get tired of them, they stop joining, then there's less people in them, and they're less fun. They're definitely better as a one-off thing every now and then.
Its probably nostalgia talking but I'd find a way to re-work and bring back landmarking. It had its moments, the cities battling for control of sites across the world to determine who gained more essence or devotion for the year (thats probably a very short version of how it worked). Of course, back then it was just Ashtan vs Shallam. It'd be fun these days with Eleusis, Targossas, Mhaldor and Ashtan at eachothers throats over landmarks.
You can tell Tharos requests for world games if there hasn't been one recently, and usually someone will pick it up and fire one off for you (just don't spam the poor guy if he doesn't respond!)
World games are kind of one of those things that inevitably slips through the cracks when we all get busy working on something else and we don't think of them, but we're more than happy to if given a reminder!
Like 5-6 years ago, I posted on the forums about how there should be more world-games, because they were a fun community activity. I suggested that maybe they could be on some sort of running schedule.
Some Divine responded and was like, "We'll try to run more!"
Two days later I replied to the thread with, "PLEASE STOP MAKING WORLD GAMES." There was one running practically all the time. Popping up every hour. They really lose their flavour if you over-intoxicate on them. When people get tired of them, they stop joining, then there's less people in them, and they're less fun. They're definitely better as a one-off thing every now and then.
Yeah, this is pretty much what I am asking for, is... a schedule (so that admin doesn't have to think "oh, I need to start another game now") of outside arena PK games (and some ship stuff too please) that happens pretty regularly (every hour is probably too much, as Santar mentioned, but you could start with a certain schedule and tweak it based on feedback).
My original suggestion was to just have it rolling around the GMT clock so that it does them every so often at different times of the day. 3 a week is probably the right number.
3 per RL week? Hrm, you definitely would know what the game will/won't absorb, but I'm surprised it would be quite that low. Anyway, if 3 a week is what people will join in for, that would be a place to start. I'd also want to know about when those things were going to happen, so I could try to be there (especially if it was just 3 per RL week).
My only hesitation in a set schedule is that people will log in only to join those games, and then QQ. Part of the appeal of them is that because you don't know when they are, you don't have people gunning to win the games all the time.
As an example, lets say we have a foozle, egghunt, and bandersnatch once a week, all three within that week. Every time the foozle happens, all of the people who are good at foozles will log in and thus it gives you less of a chance to shine - part of the allure of random times is knowing hey, maybe I have an actual chance to win, depending upon those logged in. Also, knowing the time ahead of time, people can start killing certain denizens (ones they know are often apart of foozles) just 10 minutes before its set to start, thus completely unbalancing the game.
It feels like it would kill some of the intended nature and magic of the games.
And I love too Be still, my indelible friend That love soon might end You are unbreaking And be known in its aching Though quaking Shown in this shaking Though crazy Lately of my wasteland, baby That's just wasteland, baby
Yeah, the people who have the games completely dialed in are a problem. That said, I'm specifically asking for more outside arena PK games, and I do think that's a bit different than the guy who has a program designed to get ALL OF THE EGGS in a non-pk event. But, it would still mean getting stomped by top tier PK-ers, which is both good and bad. But, keep in mind, I'm also asking for more group PK games, and I'd even like to see randomized teams if possible, where you might see Mizik leading a bunch of Cyrenians against... who knows?
There's just a lot of loopholes that would have to be closed, and from what you're requesting, likely new code that would have to go in. I'm uncertain if the time investment is worth it (at this moment anyway) over just holding the games a bit more often, and a bit more randomly.
I did see an egghunt happen... what, last night I think? Was a non-pk one, but Tharos was animated and doing world emotes and everything. Was good to see, even if egghunts aren't quite my jam.
And I love too Be still, my indelible friend That love soon might end You are unbreaking And be known in its aching Though quaking Shown in this shaking Though crazy Lately of my wasteland, baby That's just wasteland, baby
Yep, possibly (I mean, especially if they do the fancier stuff I was asking for like adding in randomized teams for some events). I also keep forgetting, I brought this up in passing before, but CTFs (you don't even have to call them that, just use the mechanic) happening more often would be great. One variation I'd love to see on the CTF is to split things up more so you don't end up with 30-40 people in a room at times. In fact, making it so that the melee fights generally had 10 or less people in a room would be amazing (now I'm definitely asking for code, and I realize that may not be possible any time soon).
EDIT: touching on the recent conversations about automation, having less crazy numbers in fights would definitely be more friendly to people who aren't so automated.
Deleting subdivisions, replacing it with in-city housing, perhaps kind of like how harbors work where you could do HOUSE LIST to see all the houses on a particular street, with the possibility of adding "major buildings" that have legitimate exits and the possibility of becoming something more (a player-run business, eg. a shop, for example), to blur the line between houses and other sort of buildings a bit.
The "major buildings" would be sort of the high clan equivalent of ordinary player houses' ordinary clans, in that they'd require major approval from the city/patron and major resources to back it up, but I think having the option be there at all would help tie in what I really want from this.
For houses to become part of the world, rather than some barred off thing.
I cannot even describe how much I want this now.
I am going to be so disappointed when the housing changes mentioned in the last few announce posts go in and they aren't this.
Get ready to cry! As the announce post said, the changes are about converting houses to use gold rather than credits.
Ok so can we reclaim the credits we have already spent on these houses? I would love some details on this before it goes live just so I know if there's anything I need to do or not.
(Blades of Valour): He just has that Synbios Swagger enough said. (Blades of Valour): Draekar says: "Synbios if sunbeams sparkle off that I'll kill you where you stand."
(Party) Halos says, "Disbar?" (Party) Draekar says, "You know here we have disbar." (Party) Draekar says, "And over there we have datbar."
Yeah, this is pretty much what I am asking for, is... a schedule (so that admin doesn't have to think "oh, I need to start another game now") of outside arena PK games (and some ship stuff too please) that happens pretty regularly (every hour is probably too much, as Santar mentioned, but you could start with a certain schedule and tweak it based on feedback).
This is what the Delosian Games were. An annual worldwide game that ran every year between 455 AF - 475 AF, with a special custom prize for the winner. Whatever happened to that? It just stopped all of a sudden.
My only hesitation in a set schedule is that people will log in only to join those games, and then QQ. Part of the appeal of them is that because you don't know when they are, you don't have people gunning to win the games all the time.
As an example, lets say we have a foozle, egghunt, and bandersnatch once a week, all three within that week. Every time the foozle happens, all of the people who are good at foozles will log in and thus it gives you less of a chance to shine - part of the allure of random times is knowing hey, maybe I have an actual chance to win, depending upon those logged in. Also, knowing the time ahead of time, people can start killing certain denizens (ones they know are often apart of foozles) just 10 minutes before its set to start, thus completely unbalancing the game.
It feels like it would kill some of the intended nature and magic of the games.
There's a pretty easy solution to this. It's not hard to automate them without using a set schedule.
Rather than having a set schedule, you could do something like a system where every hour there's a chance for a random game to happen. The chance starts small, but increases every time a game isn't chosen. That way you end up with the same long-run frequency of games, you can still set that to whatever you want, but their timing is unpredictable. And if you don't even want the time during the hour to be predictable, have it randomly select a time whenever it determines that a game will take place during that hour. You could even base the specific game selection on a similarly non-uniform distribution that takes into account how recently a given game has been selected.
You could also just decide to have three a week and randomly select three times at the beginning of each week, but that vastly increases the likelihood that the games won't be very evenly spaced throughout the week.
Yeah, this is pretty much what I am asking for, is... a schedule (so that admin doesn't have to think "oh, I need to start another game now") of outside arena PK games (and some ship stuff too please) that happens pretty regularly (every hour is probably too much, as Santar mentioned, but you could start with a certain schedule and tweak it based on feedback).
This is what the Delosian Games were. An annual worldwide game that ran every year between 455 AF - 475 AF, with a special custom prize for the winner. Whatever happened to that? It just stopped all of a sudden.
I issued once to ask that very question. They said they were just preoccupied with the every-half-century (I guess y500 in this case) games and the delosian games would be back asap. LIARS
I'd love it if they did what Tael suggests for the non-PK games, which, I do think Melodie makes a very valid point about those being dominated by some very determined people, and a hard schedule would accentuate that (I'm not a big fan of foozle except as a non-PK event anyway and I just hate bandersnatch period) and had a harder schedule for some PK games that... really are mostly about a chance to PK outside the arena with no XP loss more than anything else. Egghunt works.
EDIT: basically I don't care about the non-PK games at all (although the non-PK foozle and egghunt are certainly fun and I do like the surprise element when it happens), but it sounds like a good idea.
World games are kind of one of those things that inevitably slips through the cracks when we all get busy working on something else and we don't think of them, but we're more than happy to if given a reminder!
This is one way. I mean, we can always ask for games, but my thought was that if certain "real world" PK games (the egghunts are the main existing one that comes to mind) happened regularly, I'd know I could log in and probably have an opportunity to do "real" PK outside the arena (group or otherwise depending on games) without any real risk (lost XP
I love this idea as well.
My one thing would be that city enemying was contingent upon actual charges for actual crimes with set fines and times to be served instead of perma-enemying and charges based on mortal (and often petty) "reasons." This would have the potential to change the landscape of Achaea considerably. People would first of all no longer be able to be enemied for baseless crimes. Those who once did something wrong (or that was perceived wrong in too many cases) would have the ability to become unenemied and change the opinion of a city's populace about them. Basically, re-work the charge system entirely and then force cities to use it properly.
Album of Bluef during her time in Achaea
Except the Riddle accolade is even more difficult because a) Riddle activity is so low, when Explorer and experience activity is basically nonstop, and b) dormancy doesn't drop you from Riddle rankings.
Huh, maybe b) should be changed.
I am going to be so disappointed when the housing changes mentioned in the last few announce posts go in and they aren't this.
Medi says, "If kit says to show up somewhere, bring an apron."
Medi says, "Rule of thumb."
In conjunction with that, greater functionality and aesthetic improvements for furniture, more reactions for servants (basically make them a pet bound to the house), give clans the ability to own their own housing, etc. Tie crafting in with servants - be able to 'preset' recipes and designs for your local cook/jeweller/tailor to make as part of 'clan' privileges.
Housing upgrades: lots of little things like doorbells, more interesting entrances, bathtubs, mailboxes, wardrobes with stasis for clothing/jewellery items. More stores selling 'housing' items and the player ability or some denizen that specialises in making house decorations - vases, paintings, sculptures, chandeliers, what have you. *dreams*
Other than that, a rework to the journal/manuscript system. Make all these items 'books', and retain the original owner's mark when you copy them via Mydoin. More manuscript or book cover options.
Stories by Jurixe and Stories by Jurixe 2
Interested in joining a Discord about Achaean RP? Want to comment on RP topics or have RP questions? Check the Achaean RP Resource out here:
I would see a racial history revamp if I could, and bring in the outer worlds that they all came from so you could travel to and from them.
Better subdivision/housing (I'm all for deleting subdivisions). I'd like to be able to enjoy the house I spent a ton of credits on and hours designing without feeling less safe than I am in the actual city itself.
Would like classes that change powers depending on the diety/city you join. We have knights that branch three ways, but I feel like if you could change depending on how you played your character it would be much more dynamic, rather than playing your character a way because you wanted to play a class. Maybe that would make absolutely no difference, but I feel like it would.
Also want evil druids.
And you won't understand the cause of your grief...
...But you'll always follow the voices beneath.
Some Divine responded and was like, "We'll try to run more!"
Two days later I replied to the thread with, "PLEASE STOP MAKING WORLD GAMES." There was one running practically all the time. Popping up every hour. They really lose their flavour if you over-intoxicate on them. When people get tired of them, they stop joining, then there's less people in them, and they're less fun. They're definitely better as a one-off thing every now and then.
Yeah, this is pretty much what I am asking for, is... a schedule (so that admin doesn't have to think "oh, I need to start another game now") of outside arena PK games (and some ship stuff too please) that happens pretty regularly (every hour is probably too much, as Santar mentioned, but you could start with a certain schedule and tweak it based on feedback).
As an example, lets say we have a foozle, egghunt, and bandersnatch once a week, all three within that week. Every time the foozle happens, all of the people who are good at foozles will log in and thus it gives you less of a chance to shine - part of the allure of random times is knowing hey, maybe I have an actual chance to win, depending upon those logged in. Also, knowing the time ahead of time, people can start killing certain denizens (ones they know are often apart of foozles) just 10 minutes before its set to start, thus completely unbalancing the game.
It feels like it would kill some of the intended nature and magic of the games.
That love soon might end You are unbreaking
And be known in its aching Though quaking
Shown in this shaking Though crazy
Lately of my wasteland, baby That's just wasteland, baby
I did see an egghunt happen... what, last night I think? Was a non-pk one, but Tharos was animated and doing world emotes and everything. Was good to see, even if egghunts aren't quite my jam.
That love soon might end You are unbreaking
And be known in its aching Though quaking
Shown in this shaking Though crazy
Lately of my wasteland, baby That's just wasteland, baby
Yep, possibly (I mean, especially if they do the fancier stuff I was asking for like adding in randomized teams for some events). I also keep forgetting, I brought this up in passing before, but CTFs (you don't even have to call them that, just use the mechanic) happening more often would be great. One variation I'd love to see on the CTF is to split things up more so you don't end up with 30-40 people in a room at times. In fact, making it so that the melee fights generally had 10 or less people in a room would be amazing (now I'm definitely asking for code, and I realize that may not be possible any time soon).
EDIT: touching on the recent conversations about automation, having less crazy numbers in fights would definitely be more friendly to people who aren't so automated.
(Blades of Valour): Draekar says: "Synbios if sunbeams sparkle off that I'll kill you where you stand."
(Party) Halos says, "Disbar?"
(Party) Draekar says, "You know here we have disbar."
(Party) Draekar says, "And over there we have datbar."
Rather than having a set schedule, you could do something like a system where every hour there's a chance for a random game to happen. The chance starts small, but increases every time a game isn't chosen. That way you end up with the same long-run frequency of games, you can still set that to whatever you want, but their timing is unpredictable. And if you don't even want the time during the hour to be predictable, have it randomly select a time whenever it determines that a game will take place during that hour. You could even base the specific game selection on a similarly non-uniform distribution that takes into account how recently a given game has been selected.
You could also just decide to have three a week and randomly select three times at the beginning of each week, but that vastly increases the likelihood that the games won't be very evenly spaced throughout the week.
I'd love it if they did what Tael suggests for the non-PK games, which, I do think Melodie makes a very valid point about those being dominated by some very determined people, and a hard schedule would accentuate that (I'm not a big fan of foozle except as a non-PK event anyway and I just hate bandersnatch period) and had a harder schedule for some PK games that... really are mostly about a chance to PK outside the arena with no XP loss more than anything else. Egghunt works.
EDIT: basically I don't care about the non-PK games at all (although the non-PK foozle and egghunt are certainly fun and I do like the surprise element when it happens), but it sounds like a good idea.