So, I got this client and it looks like I can import xml and it supports javascripts via import. I can also setup aliases and triggers. I need a mapper if possible and a basic targetting system. Has anyone used it or recommend a different client for android with this capability. I'd like to be able to hunt on my phone easier. Thanks in advance for any helpful responses.
"Kit always gets blood everywhere."
Medi says, "If kit says to show up somewhere, bring an apron."
Medi says, "Rule of thumb."
Maybe page @Klendathu to see how he got mudlet onto his, I've not bothered to try that, so I don't know.
From there you can install a few different mud clients.
I mostly play from my Nexus 6 7 (I keep eyeballing the 6, but I really love the 7) when on wifi at home.
Medi says, "If kit says to show up somewhere, bring an apron."
Medi says, "Rule of thumb."