I realise that asking a question like this has a non-trivial chance at provoking an argument, but I really am just looking for a little information and guidance.
I'm hoping for a shortlist of classes which require low investment to get to a good place with. I mean this both financially - so classes that don't need to be tri-trans, for example, and aren't particularly reliant on artefacts - and in terms of knowledge. I know Achaea is very systemically complex, especially in PvP, but I figure the starting complexity for some classes must not be quite as bad as others.
So, basically I'm looking for experienced players to give me perspectives on the classes based on:
-Lessons required to be good at hunting.
-Lessons required to be good at combat.
-Reliance on artefacts for hunting.
-Reliance on artefacts for combat.
-Initial complexity/difficulty in hunting (nothing that's too squishy and requires constant running, probably).
-Initial complexity/difficulty in combat (if I need a whole offensive scripting system to compete, or have to memorise hundreds of affliction states, might be a no-go).
I know some of these criteria are bound to be subjective, but I appreciate any help you can offer.
Common factors:
- All three classes max their main skill for both bashing and combat.
- None of them outright require their third skill for a low-tier person to engage in combat. And they can all function at a low level with 1 trans skill and a little bit in a second skill.
Dragon would also be an obvious contender too, but that uh ... takes a bit of work to get.
Are you referring to Propagation or Weatherweaving? They both seem to have bashing and PK abilities, and I don't know which one would be considered simpler because they honestly both seem slightly odd.
Edit: By which I mean neither of them is just "afflict with blah". As someone who isn't up on the intricacies of combat, I'm not sure what the high level strategy is for Sylvan PK.