I have finally finished my book I've been writing about Evil! It is nearly five thousand words long, barely makes any sense, and I've totally forgotten what on earth I was trying to do with it in the first place!
Now what...
But, in all seriousness, seeing all of the literature produced by Achaean players was really exciting for me, and immediately inspired me to make a ham-handed attempt of it myself.
What are people's thoughts on the role of player written books, plays, manuals, histories, poetry and things? What should they be about generally? How long do you prefer them? What makes one stand out as particularly good? How can they best be made to enhance the RP landscape of Achaea?
Books are great and I have written several.
Honestly, they can really be about anything. Ditto for length. Some things will need to be longer than others, and that's fine.
- With sharp, crackling tones, Kyrra tells you, "The ladies must love you immensely."
- (Eleusian Ranger Techs): Savira says, "Most of the hard stuff seem to have this built in code like: If adventurer_hitting_me = "Sarathai" then send("terminate and selfdestruct")."
- Makarios says, "Serve well and perish."
- Xaden says, "Xaden confirmed scrub 2017."
Philosophy wise, I always found it best if you formulated points you wanted to get across, then try to be as succinct (you do not need to use flowery language, but Ruth likes to use flowery, impressive language as a character quirk) as possible in your explanation. Give an example to illustrate your point.
History wise, capture the essential details of the subject, and you may want to point out any themes that you want individuals to pick up on as they read the history again.
Paragraphs = small bites. Unformatted textwalls = choking your audience to death.
If you're struggling for direction, think about what you would like to read.
What is making your content interesting? Good answers: interesting subject matter, interesting ideas, the captivating cadence of your unique writing voice. Bad answers: nothing.
Short is totally fine. I consider 5-6 pages with 1-2 paragraphs per page quite acceptable. If it's much shorter than that, maybe put it on a single-page scroll. Long is fine, as long as you aren't padding it out. This isn't some high school essay you need to stretch out to a certain length. If you can make your point in 1-2 paragraphs per page, why go longer?
I love player-written stuff. People fleshing out little facets of the setting. Every org should have a library stuffed with their own books. Many are sadly sparse. If someone says, "Where can I learn more about Pazuzu," it's great to be able to say 'the library!' rather than 'um nowhere'. I have written a couple of in-game books and understand how hard it can be to see one through to the end, get it all done, and avoid the doubt-fuelled temptations to abandon it along the way. Good luck & I believe in you!
Oh also definitely consider doing a write-up of any org events that occur. Writing them up in news posts is good too, but it's a great excuse for a book. Even if you just write down the facts, and maybe include any adapted logs you can get (adapted into more descriptive writing so it's not verbatim output from someone's client), it will be interesting for people to read later on. Recording these things is a great way to preserve game history, because anything that goes undocumented will inevitably be rapidly forgotten.
One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important
One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important
That book is a HUGE part of Athelas's history. It's almost impossible to know him without hearing about it.