Monks could really use some strategical love. That is, something that doesn't affect their mechanical number output (and thus doesn't scale obscenely with attefacts) but gives more flexibility to the base 1v1 ability of the class.
But a proper instakill for monks that isn't radiance might not be that bad. (Like one that involves skill )
Reminds me of Lusternia's telepathic version of absolve:
MindBurst Kill with the power of a single, deadly thought.
Transcendent 0%
Syntax: PSI <channel> MINDBURST <target>
Power: 5 (Any)
Channels: Superstratus
Those with a weak ego can be killed with a single thought. If your opponent is at or below 50% of their maximum ego you will slay them instantly.
(Syn's note: Lusternia has three vital statistic bars - health, mana and ego. Ego is used for 'ego battles' and other special functions)
They also have another 'Tele-' skill called Telekinesis, where you use your mind to manipulate the physical world, as opposed to Telepathy where you manipulate your target's mental state. This skill also has its own instakill:
HeartBurst Cause a weakened heart to explode.
Transcendent 0%
Syntax: PSI <channel> HEARTBURST <target>
Channels: Superstratus, Id
Power: 5 (Any)
Those with over twelve burst blood vessels have weak hearts. You can take advantage of this and slay them instantly.
(Syn's note: There's also an ability in Telekinesis called Burst, where you create a burst blood vessel in a victim which induces internal bleeding while it is not cured, and is stackable to create multiple burst vessels to build up for Heartburst)
Monks could really use some strategical love. That is, something that doesn't affect their mechanical number output (and thus doesn't scale obscenely with attefacts) but gives more flexibility to the base 1v1 ability of the class.
Class really needs to be reworked imo, The class seemingly has a bunch of useless stances, (Does anyone trans anyways use anything besides scorpion and drs?) Axekick has went from massive damage combo to another prone finisher to .. nothing
Bbt has basically been the same skill forever, At some point along the way torso damage got added (I think don't remember it always being there) and instant kill after 4 in a row.. which is likely to have the same effect as axekick currently.
Tekura in general (imo at least) Could basically be knocked down to Roundhouse,Sweepkick,Jump kick,a punch you target limbs with, drs and scorpion, and maybe a kick that targets body parts. and no one would likely even notice a difference from what we have today.
Kaido has a bunch of good seemingly overpowered skills, I say overpowered because those skills are generally amazing. so amazing they generate no kai to use them anymore.
Telepathy has some neat stuff (tons of afflictions) which can be useful for group combat I guess since I don't really see a monk locking anyone. but the telepathy lock in general seems like an old out dated mechanic of if they have more mana than you (or is it willpower) takes forever. likely wasn't a huge deal when achaea had like.. 7 people at dragon level but these days.. eh..
Imo Monk needs alot of love and maybe an entire rework.
I mean im pretty sure we've all fought monks until we know how they want to kill you, how they plan on killing you. How they plan on sneaking in that torso break. How to avoid it and such.
Tekura : Very boring but effective skillset. Very, very little variety in offense.
Kaido : Various very powerful utility/group skills
Telepathy : Effective but tedious skillset, mitigated somewhat by it's inexplicably area-wide ability
I'd like to see Telepathy brought way down, with the range being ~5 rooms out from the Monk that Telepathy reaches. Allow it to cross area borders, vastly increase lock speed/effectiveness (I'd suggest instant vs anyone without telesense up), lower WP costs. This would remove it from its 'harass one person in the area' it serves in groups and turn it into a strong skill that can be used on multiple targets in a longer fight, and keeps its effectiveness in 1v1 (delay enemy offense, supplementary affs).
I'd also like to see Kaido skills brought way down in terms of individual power (why is Numb still a thing as it is?), in trade for bringing Tekura variety and usefulness up a bit.
Cascades of quicksilver light streak across the firmament as the celestial voice of Ourania intones, "Oh Jarrod..."
biggest problem with monk is trying to hit people with avoidance, and limb damage being set too low.
I'd advocate remaking all the kicks into something new along the lines of RHK for paralysis, SDK new aff, WWK new aff and so on. Could then redo/add new throws for prone effects. AXK for finisher, BBT for damage route and leave punches as they are. Then speed up combos by a shitload.
I envision a brutally battered body, entrails scattered across a five metre radius and a glorious art-display of blood spatterings. ... no idea how it would work, though XD Someone make this for me and classlead it, plzkthx
When Canada rules the world, things will be... nii~ice.
New ability idea for Tekura after reading some of the stuff above, including the recent ability for a monk's opponent to count torso hits and automatically heal it.
Solution A.) An ability called Exertion. Through the self-discipline gained as a monk, you may control how much force you exert in your attacks.
So you could EXERT <less/equal/more> FORCE. This would change the amount of limb damage your attacks do. Whether or not this would be for the entire combo or whether you could specify just for the kick, or just for the punches, I am unsure. The catch is that if you decided to exert more force, the balance recovery time would increase, etc.
This is beneficial because the idea is there would be no way for your opponent opponent to tell what level of exertion you are using, thus no way for them to predict how soon you will be breaking their limbs.
So perhaps EXERT LESS FORCE is 75% of current limb damage, EXERT EQUAL FORCE is current limb damage, and EXERT MORE FORCE is 125% of current limb damage.
Solution B.) An ability called Deviation. Through the self-discipline gained as a monk, you may focus your strength in either your upper or lower body.
With this ability, you could DEVIATE <upper/equal/lower>, to determine whether you would like to channel your strength into your UPPER body (punches), at the cost of less limb damage from your lower body (kicks), or visa versa.
So for example if I decided to DEVIATE UPPER, my punches would do 25% more limb damage than normal, but the kick in the combo would do 50% less damage than normal. So essentially, it equals out but the benefit is it throws off your opponent.
Problem is, these two abilities would make it very difficult for the monk themselves to limbcount. So my suggestion is to give the monk class an in-game limbcounter that does not cost any balance, and can be tacked onto the end of a combo similar to DISCERN (blademaster ability).
For the player, would look something like: COMBO MOVE 1 (SDK) COMBO MOVE 2 (UCP) COMBO MOVE 3 (UCP) Upon close examination you determine that Zuko's torso is currently 35% of the way to mangled. Then, theoretically, you could set up for the examination line to be gagged and tracked your own way using the data it gives.
The problem with Monk is not that people can predict limb damage, it's that the class is exceptionally one dimensional and very boring, albeit effective at high tiers of artefacts/skill.
Cascades of quicksilver light streak across the firmament as the celestial voice of Ourania intones, "Oh Jarrod..."
The problem with Monk is not that people can predict limb damage, it's that the class is exceptionally one dimensional and very boring, albeit effective at high tiers of artefacts/skill.
That's it. It's predictable and has limited options. Effective yes. But not many choices as to how to attack someone. It's why I think some reworking of stances to make them more useful would provide at least some dimension.
The problem with Monk is not that people can predict limb damage, it's that the class is exceptionally one dimensional and very boring, albeit effective at high tiers of artefacts/skill.
That's it. It's predictable and has limited options. Effective yes. But not many choices as to how to attack someone. It's why I think some reworking of stances to make them more useful would provide at least some dimension.
I agree. Very one dimensional. Perhaps we could blend our ideas, and have stances throw off limb damage as well.
Stop thinking about throwing off limb damage. That's a bad concept.
New Tekura could be like: Stances can be changed after any combo. Every stance has kick/punch/punch as a combo, each stance modifies what those kicks/punches do.
You could then fluidly swap between stances as you're comboing to generate effects from the various punches/kicks. On second thought, stance should be pre-combo, to not give easy parry info.
Cascades of quicksilver light streak across the firmament as the celestial voice of Ourania intones, "Oh Jarrod..."
Stop thinking about throwing off limb damage. That's a bad concept.
New Tekura could be like: Stances can be changed after any combo. Every stance has kick/punch/punch as a combo, each stance modifies what those kicks/punches do.
You could then fluidly swap between stances as you're comboing to generate effects from the various punches/kicks. On second thought, stance should be pre-combo, to not give easy parry info.
Posting here for some feedback before I submit a classlead. I'd just like some more immediate feedback, as Disrupt is an ability I think we may need to tread carefully around.
Ether disrupt is an interesting little ability that I doubt gets much use. Its mostly because it does so little for the buildup it needs and the downtime. It isolates all communications in and out the area for five minutes. It takes at least half an hour to be able to use it again (unless this has changed recently). Granted, another alchemist could simply disrupt, but how many alchemists does any city actually have about? I think Hashan actually has the most, and we'd get maybe ten-fifteen minutes at any given time.
Disrupt either needs to last longer or have a shorter downtime. If we're going to keep those the same, it possibly needs to have more effects to justify the extreme downtime. Either way, the ability should be indiscriminate.
Problem is, Disrupt is an ability that can be stupidly powerful if buffed without much thought.
4 second curseward without eq time r u 4 realz?
But a proper instakill for monks that isn't radiance might not be that bad. (Like one that involves skill
(Syn's note: Lusternia has three vital statistic bars - health, mana and ego. Ego is used for 'ego battles' and other special functions)
They also have another 'Tele-' skill called Telekinesis, where you use your mind to manipulate the physical world, as opposed to Telepathy where you manipulate your target's mental state. This skill also has its own instakill:
(Syn's note: There's also an ability in Telekinesis called Burst, where you create a burst blood vessel in a victim which induces internal bleeding while it is not cured, and is stackable to create multiple burst vessels to build up for Heartburst)
Bbt has basically been the same skill forever, At some point along the way torso damage got added (I think don't remember it always being there) and instant kill after 4 in a row.. which is likely to have the same effect as axekick currently.
Tekura in general (imo at least) Could basically be knocked down to Roundhouse,Sweepkick,Jump kick,a punch you target limbs with, drs and scorpion, and maybe a kick that targets body parts. and no one would likely even notice a difference from what we have today.
Kaido has a bunch of good seemingly overpowered skills, I say overpowered because those skills are generally amazing. so amazing they generate no kai to use them anymore.
Telepathy has some neat stuff (tons of afflictions) which can be useful for group combat I guess since I don't really see a monk locking anyone. but the telepathy lock in general seems like an old out dated mechanic of if they have more mana than you (or is it willpower) takes forever. likely wasn't a huge deal when achaea had like.. 7 people at dragon level but these days.. eh..
Imo Monk needs alot of love and maybe an entire rework.
I mean im pretty sure we've all fought monks until we know how they want to kill you, how they plan on killing you. How they plan on sneaking in that torso break. How to avoid it and such.
Tekura : Very boring but effective skillset. Very, very little variety in offense.
Kaido : Various very powerful utility/group skills
Telepathy : Effective but tedious skillset, mitigated somewhat by it's inexplicably area-wide ability
I'd like to see Telepathy brought way down, with the range being ~5 rooms out from the Monk that Telepathy reaches. Allow it to cross area borders, vastly increase lock speed/effectiveness (I'd suggest instant vs anyone without telesense up), lower WP costs. This would remove it from its 'harass one person in the area' it serves in groups and turn it into a strong skill that can be used on multiple targets in a longer fight, and keeps its effectiveness in 1v1 (delay enemy offense, supplementary affs).
I'd also like to see Kaido skills brought way down in terms of individual power (why is Numb still a thing as it is?), in trade for bringing Tekura variety and usefulness up a bit.
Cascades of quicksilver light streak across the firmament as the celestial voice of Ourania intones, "Oh Jarrod..."
I'd advocate remaking all the kicks into something new along the lines of RHK for paralysis, SDK new aff, WWK new aff and so on. Could then redo/add new throws for prone effects. AXK for finisher, BBT for damage route and leave punches as they are. Then speed up combos by a shitload.
[ SnB PvP Guide | Link ]
I envision a brutally battered body, entrails scattered across a five metre radius and a glorious art-display of blood spatterings. ... no idea how it would work, though XD Someone make this for me and classlead it, plzkthx
When Canada rules the world,
things will be... nii~ice.
Kai Burst would be interesting. Functioning similar to absolve (Instakill when your opponent is below 50% mana), but requires 40 kai.
Solution A.) An ability called Exertion. Through the self-discipline gained as a monk, you may control how much force you exert in your attacks.
So you could EXERT <less/equal/more> FORCE. This would change the amount of limb damage your attacks do. Whether or not this would be for the entire combo or whether you could specify just for the kick, or just for the punches, I am unsure. The catch is that if you decided to exert more force, the balance recovery time would increase, etc.
This is beneficial because the idea is there would be no way for your opponent opponent to tell what level of exertion you are using, thus no way for them to predict how soon you will be breaking their limbs.
So perhaps EXERT LESS FORCE is 75% of current limb damage, EXERT EQUAL FORCE is current limb damage, and EXERT MORE FORCE is 125% of current limb damage.
Solution B.) An ability called Deviation. Through the self-discipline gained as a monk, you may focus your strength in either your upper or lower body.
With this ability, you could DEVIATE <upper/equal/lower>, to determine whether you would like to channel your strength into your UPPER body (punches), at the cost of less limb damage from your lower body (kicks), or visa versa.
So for example if I decided to DEVIATE UPPER, my punches would do 25% more limb damage than normal, but the kick in the combo would do 50% less damage than normal. So essentially, it equals out but the benefit is it throws off your opponent.
Problem is, these two abilities would make it very difficult for the monk themselves to limbcount. So my suggestion is to give the monk class an in-game limbcounter that does not cost any balance, and can be tacked onto the end of a combo similar to DISCERN (blademaster ability).
Solution C.) Name: Examination.
Execution: COMBO <target> SDK UCP UCP EXAMINE <head/torso/left arm/right arm/left leg/right leg/all>
OR just EXAMINE <limb>
For the player, would look something like:
Upon close examination you determine that Zuko's torso is currently 35% of the way to mangled.
Then, theoretically, you could set up for the examination line to be gagged and tracked your own way using the data it gives.
Cascades of quicksilver light streak across the firmament as the celestial voice of Ourania intones, "Oh Jarrod..."
New Tekura could be like: Stances can be changed after any combo. Every stance has kick/punch/punch as a combo, each stance modifies what those kicks/punches do.
You could then fluidly swap between stances as you're comboing to generate effects from the various punches/kicks. On second thought, stance should be pre-combo, to not give easy parry info.
Cascades of quicksilver light streak across the firmament as the celestial voice of Ourania intones, "Oh Jarrod..."
Ether disrupt is an interesting little ability that I doubt gets much use. Its mostly because it does so little for the buildup it needs and the downtime. It isolates all communications in and out the area for five minutes. It takes at least half an hour to be able to use it again (unless this has changed recently). Granted, another alchemist could simply disrupt, but how many alchemists does any city actually have about? I think Hashan actually has the most, and we'd get maybe ten-fifteen minutes at any given time.
Disrupt either needs to last longer or have a shorter downtime. If we're going to keep those the same, it possibly needs to have more effects to justify the extreme downtime. Either way, the ability should be indiscriminate.
Problem is, Disrupt is an ability that can be stupidly powerful if buffed without much thought.