It's been a while since I've been in the realm, but when I last played I was told that strength and stats in general is pretty much useless for Blademasters and to just spec in Constitution for health.
More specifically in the case of drawslash and bashing.
I got a few emails recently saying there were lots of changes to the game and now I'm wondering if the situation is any different since I'm seeing blademasters mentioning they're specced into strength.
I used the strangely useful Blademaster technique of committing Sudoku next the flame of Yggdrasil, just so I could reincarnate as a Strength Specced Rajamala.
I immediately noticed a good improvement in my bashing and ratting speeds, and I'm liking the increased gold income of one-shotting rats instead of two-shotting them.
As Caladbolg mentions, the bug that caused stances not to affect drawslash damage was fixed a while back. Arash has the best DPS by a good bit, but is usually to squishy to use for serious hunting. Sanya is the next best, and is what attack is balanced around (i.e., unbanded Sanya drawslash gives you about the same DPS as most other classes' unartied standard hunting attacks).
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